In a world saturated with noise, online videos have the power to break through the clutter and skyrocket your brand awareness like never before.

87% of consumers watch video content online, and 90% say they’d rather watch a video than read text about a product. 72% of businesses report increased website traffic thanks to video, while 54% say it’s boosted brand awareness.

Many businesses still hesitate to embrace video. They think it’s expensive, time-consuming, or just plain out of their reach. We’re here to shatter those myths and show you that online video production is a powerful tool within anyone’s grasp.

So, get ready to unleash the power of video and watch your brand story soar. By the end of this guide, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and confidence to produce online videos that not only capture attention but also convert viewers into loyal brand advocates. 

Types of Online Video Production

A Comprehensive Guide to Online Video Production How to Make Videos That Sell 1
A Comprehensive Guide to Online Video Production How to Make Videos That Sell 1

With diverse video types at your fingertips, each serving a unique purpose, where do you start? Let’s highlight the special strengths and applications of each video type so you can craft the perfect visual story for your brand.

1. Explainer Videos: Simplifying the Complex

Explainer videos leverage the power of animation and narration to break down complex concepts into digestible bites. Think whiteboard sketches illustrating a financial product or adorable characters guiding viewers through a software interface. These videos are engaging, informative, and perfect for simplifying technical jargon or showcasing innovative ideas.


  • Boost brand recall: By injecting your brand voice and personality into the narrative, they leave a lasting impression on viewers, turning them into loyal brand ambassadors.
  • Drive conversions: By seamlessly weaving in a call to action, you can guide viewers effortlessly down the sales funnel from intrigued to invested.
  • Improve SEO: Google loves video content, and explainer videos can elevate your search engine ranking, making your brand more discoverable.


  • Dropbox’s “How Dropbox Works” video uses charming animation and a humorous tone to demystify cloud storage.
  • Grammarly’s “How Grammarly Works” video employs whiteboard animation to explain its grammar correction features in a clear and engaging way.

2. Product Demos: Show, Don’t Tell

There’s nothing quite like seeing a product in action. Product demos are like virtual show-and-tell sessions, where you get to showcase your creation’s features and benefits in all their glory. These videos allow viewers to experience your product firsthand, sparking excitement and driving desire.


  • Reduce buyer hesitation: By addressing potential concerns and demonstrating ease of use, these videos can bridge the gap between curiosity and purchase, boosting sales conversions.
  • Educate and empower: By providing in-depth tutorials and walkthroughs, product demos equip customers with the knowledge they need to get the most out of your offering, leading to higher satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Build brand trust: By showcasing your product’s quality and functionality in a transparent and engaging way, product demos foster trust and credibility, setting you apart from the competition.


  • Apple’s iPhone launch videos are masterclasses in product demos, showcasing the latest features in a visually stunning and engaging manner.
  • GoPro’s “Hero8 Black” demo video takes viewers on a thrilling adventure, showcasing the camera’s ruggedness and versatility in action.

3. Testimonials & Case Studies: Building Trust with Real-Life Stories

Sometimes, the most powerful voice comes not from your brand but from your satisfied customers. Testimonials and case studies leverage the magic of real-life stories to build trust and credibility with your audience. 

Imagine heartwarming snippets of clients raving about your product’s impact on their lives or in-depth case studies showcasing how your services transformed a business. These videos tap into the human desire for social proof, making viewers more likely to identify with your brand and trust your claims.

Testimonials are short, impactful video snippets featuring happy customers sharing their positive experiences. 

Case Studies are in-depth narratives showcasing how your product or service solved a specific problem for a client. 


  • Increase brand authenticity: Real-life testimonials humanise your brand and add authenticity that resonates with viewers.
  • Boost social proof: Seeing satisfied customers can alleviate potential buyers’ concerns and encourage them to take the leap.
  • Highlight specific benefits: Testimonials and case studies provide concrete examples of how your product or service has benefited other businesses.


  • Dove’s “Real Beauty” campaign features powerful testimonials from diverse women, challenging traditional beauty standards and resonating with viewers on a deeper level.
  • Salesforce’s “Customer Success Stories” collection features in-depth case studies showcasing how their CRM platform empowered different companies to achieve their goals.

4. Social Media Videos: Engaging the Scrolling Generation

In the lightning-fast world of social media, attention spans are measured in milliseconds. So, how do you grab eyeballs and stay relevant? Social media video is the perfect snack-sized treat to captivate the on-the-go audience.

These short, engaging snippets are perfectly tailored for the quick-scrolling, thumbs-up world of platforms like Instagram and TikTok. Think vibrant product close-ups, funny behind-the-scenes glimpses, or educational tips delivered in a snappy, visually captivating way. Social media videos are all about grabbing attention, sparking curiosity, and leaving viewers wanting more.


  • Increase reach and engagement: Social media algorithms love video content, and short, catchy clips are more likely to be shared and viewed than longer formats.
  • Drive engagement and interaction: Short, interactive videos encourage likes, comments, and shares, boosting your social media presence and building a community.
  • Humanise your brand: Showcasing your team’s personality and creative side through social media videos helps you connect with viewers on a more personal level.


  • Nike’s “Just Do It” campaign features inspiring short videos of athletes and everyday people, motivating viewers to pursue their goals.
  • BuzzFeed’s “Tasty” series uses quick and visually appealing recipes to capture the attention of foodies on social media.

5. Live Streaming: Real-Time Engagement

Live streaming is the ultimate in audience engagement. It’s like throwing open the doors of your brand and inviting everyone in for a real-time conversation. 

Think live Q&A sessions with your CEO, launching a new product with a virtual event, or offering behind-the-scenes access to your creative process. Live streaming fosters a sense of community and allows you to connect with your audience on a more personal level.


  • Boost engagement and interaction: Live streaming allows for two-way communication, creating a more interactive experience for your audience.
  • Generate excitement and buzz: The live element creates a sense of urgency and exclusivity, boosting engagement and encouraging viewers to participate.
  • Build brand authenticity: Showing your human side and interacting directly with your audience fosters trust and transparency.


  • Sephora’s “Beauty Talk” series features live Q&A sessions with makeup artists and influencers, offering real-time beauty advice to viewers.
  • Peloton’s live cycling classes allow users to join real-time sessions with instructors, creating a sense of community and shared motivation.
Why Your Business Needs Videos Marketing

Online Video Production Process: From Script to Screen 

So, you’ve chosen your video type, and the spark of an idea is flickering in your mind. How do you transform that spark into a captivating video that ignites your audience? Here’s a comprehensive guide to the three key stages of online video production, ensuring your journey is smooth and your final video a stunning success.

1. The Pre-Production Stage

Before you hit “record,” a solid foundation is crucial. Pre-production is the stage where you define your vision, plan your shots, and gather your resources. It’s like writing a detailed movie script before the cameras roll. Here’s what you’ll need to focus on:

  • Concept Development: Define your video’s purpose, target audience, and key message. What do you want viewers to know, feel, or do after watching?
  • Scriptwriting: Craft a compelling narrative that guides viewers through your story. Consider using scripts, storyboards (visual blueprints), or even detailed outlines to structure your video.
  • Logistics & Scheduling: Determine your filming location, equipment needs, and talent requirements. Create a detailed production schedule to ensure everyone is on the same page.
  • Budgeting: Be realistic about your resources and set a clear budget for each stage of production. This includes equipment rental, talent fees, editing software, and any other necessary expenses.

Remember, thorough pre-production saves time, money, and headaches in the long run. It’s like having a blueprint for your video, ensuring each shot contributes to the overall narrative and impact.

2. The Production Stage

Online Video Production
The Production Stage

Lights, camera, action! Production is where your vision comes to life. This stage involves filming your scenes, capturing audio, and gathering any necessary footage. Here are some key elements to consider:

  • Filming Techniques: Utilise various camera angles, lighting setups, and shot compositions to create visual interest and enhance your storytelling.
  • Sound Recording: Capture high-quality audio to complement your visuals and ensure clear communication. Consider using microphones, external recorders, and soundproofing techniques.
  • Performance & Direction: If your video features actors or presenters, ensure they deliver their lines naturally and convincingly. Provide clear direction and feedback to achieve the desired performance.
  • Adaptability & Problem-Solving: Be prepared for unexpected challenges or changes on set. Embrace flexibility and adapt your plan to ensure a successful production.

Remember, production is a collaborative effort. Respect your team’s expertise, communicate effectively, and embrace the creative energy that flourishes when talented individuals come together.

3. The Post-Production Stage

Once the cameras stop rolling, the stage of post-production begins. This stage involves editing your footage, adding music and sound effects, and creating any necessary visual elements. Here’s what you’ll need to focus on:

  • Storytelling through cuts: Arrange your footage, adding transitions and music to create a cohesive narrative flow that keeps viewers engaged.
  • Visual storytelling: Utilise graphics, text overlays, and animations to visually enhance your message and clarify complex concepts.
  • The power of sound: Add sound effects, background music, and voiceover narration to create the perfect audio atmosphere that sets the tone and reinforces your message.
  • Intro and outro: Create a memorable intro that grabs attention and a polished outro that leaves viewers with a lasting impression.
  • Call to action: Encourage viewers to take the next step, whether it’s visiting your website, subscribing to your channel, or making a purchase.
  • Optimise for online platforms: Export your video in the right format and resolution for your chosen platform, ensuring it’s accessible and visually appealing to your audience.

Remember, post-production is your chance to refine your video. Take the time to experiment, seek feedback, and revise until your video shines with its full potential.

Platforms & Tools for Online Video Production

So, you’ve crafted your story, captured the footage, and polished your masterpiece. Now it’s time to unleash your video creation upon the world. With so many platforms and tools out there, where do you even begin? Here’s a comprehensive guide to the diverse platforms and tools for online video production. 

1. Choosing Your Video Hosting Platform

Online Video Production
Platforms Tools for Online Video Production

Your video hosting platform is your digital fortress, where your precious creations reside and reach the world. Each platform has its own features and advantages, so choosing the right one is crucial.

  • YouTube: The undisputed king of online video, offering massive reach, built-in analytics, and monetisation options. It is ideal for building a community and sharing your content with a broad audience.
  • Vimeo: A haven for high-quality videos boasting professional-grade features, advanced customisation tools, and a focus on creative expression. Perfect for showcasing your work to a discerning audience.
  • Wistia: A marketing-focused platform with built-in lead generation tools, analytics, and password protection options. It is ideal for businesses looking to leverage video for sales and lead capture.


  • Features: Compare features like storage space, bandwidth, video player customisation, and analytics to find a platform that suits your needs and budget.
  • Audience: Where does your target demographic spend their time? For example, if you’re targeting Gen Z, TikTok might be a better fit than Vimeo.
  • Monetisation: If you plan to monetise your videos, consider platforms like YouTube or Vimeo On Demand that offer revenue-sharing options.

2. Editing Software

Choosing the right software is crucial for shaping your video vision into reality. Here are some popular options that cater to different skill levels and budgets.

Beginner-Friendly Tools

  • Canva Video Editor: A simple drag-and-drop interface with built-in templates, stock footage, and music makes video editing accessible even for newbies. Perfect for creating short social media videos or basic explainer clips.
  • Filmora: Offers a user-friendly interface with powerful editing features like a green screen, colour correction, and motion graphics. Great for beginners who want to explore more advanced editing techniques.

Pro-Level Software

  • Adobe Premiere Pro: The industry standard for expert video editing, offering unparalleled precision, customisation, and integration with other Adobe creative tools. It is ideal for experienced editors working on complex projects.
  • DaVinci Resolve: A powerful editing and colour-grading tool used by Hollywood professionals. It offers advanced features like multi-cam editing, fusion visual effects, and professional audio editing tools.
Best Video Editing Software Tools

3. Stock Video & Music Resources

Sometimes, your video needs a little extra spark, a dash of visual or audio magic. Enter the world of stock video and music resources, where you can find royalty-free content to elevate your production value and add emotional impact.

  • Shutterstock: A vast library of high-quality stock videos, images, and music offering a diverse range of styles and themes. Ideal for finding specific footage or inspiration for your videos.
  • Pexels & Unsplash: Free stock video and photo libraries with a curated selection of stunning visuals. Perfect for budget-conscious creators seeking high-quality content without breaking the bank.
  • Artlist & Epidemic Sound: Royalty-free music libraries with diverse tracks and moods, perfect for adding professional sound to your videos. Choose from upbeat tunes to emotional scores to find the perfect soundtrack for your narrative.


  • License: Pay attention to licensing terms and ensure your chosen content allows for commercial use and distribution on your video platform.
  • Quality: Look for high-resolution footage and professionally composed music to avoid grainy visuals or jarring audio.
  • Budget: Free and paid stock resources exist, so choose based on your budget and the level of customisation you need.

The Cost of Online Video Production

The question of “how much?” often looms large in the minds of aspiring video creators. Let’s dispel the financial mist, revealing the factors that influence online video production costs and offering strategies to craft stunning videos without breaking the bank.

1. Factors Affecting Cost

The cost of online video production depends on diverse factors that influence the final price tag. Understanding these elements is crucial for setting realistic expectations and planning your video budget wisely.

  • Video type: Explainer animations and product demos tend to be more expensive than simple testimonials or social media snippets due to their complexity and animation needs.
  • Production length: Longer videos naturally incur higher costs due to increased filming time, editing, and potential crew involvement.
  • Location and equipment: Shooting at a remote location might require additional travel and equipment rentals, impacting the budget.
  • Talent and crew: Hiring professional actors, voiceover artists, or a dedicated film crew can significantly increase costs compared to DIY productions.
  • Post-production complexity: Advanced editing techniques, animation, and sound design add to the post-production workload and cost.

2. Budget-Conscious Strategies

Don’t let the cost spectrum deter you! There are many budget-friendly strategies to create captivating videos without sacrificing quality or impact.

DIY Power

  • Embrace your inner filmmaker: Learn basic filming and editing techniques or leverage online tutorials and templates to create videos yourself.
  • Utilise free resources: Stock video and music libraries offer high-quality content without the price tag.
  • Collaborate with friends: Ask talented friends for help with acting, voiceover, or simple filming tasks.

Smart Outsourcing

  • Focus on your strengths: Outsource tasks like animation or complex editing to professionals while handling scriptwriting and filming yourself.
  • Consider micro-hiring: Platforms like Fiverr offer short-term gigs at affordable rates for specific tasks like voiceover or animation.
  • Look for local talent: Hiring local actors or filmmakers can be more budget-friendly than national agencies.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, the power of online video lies not in expensive equipment or Hollywood-level budgets but in the magic of storytelling and the ability to connect with your audience on an emotional level. 

Craft narratives that resonate and capture emotions. The tools and resources are at your fingertips. Choose the platform that fits your brand, explore the vast libraries of royalty-free content, and learn the magic of editing. Remember, even a smartphone can be your weapon of mass creation in the right hands.

Online video production is constantly evolving, and the only way to stay ahead of the curve is to embrace the journey of continuous discovery. Immerse yourself in online tutorials, watch inspiring videos, and experiment with different techniques.

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