When using social media for business, it can be hard to stand out and make an impression on users. Social media video content is an easy way to do this. When creating video content for social media, some tips and guidelines work across all social media platforms.

These are great places to start from when creating any video content. Then, after you have all of the general ideas and information down, you can start fine-tuning your content for the specific platform you want to post it on.

1. Brainstorm Content Ideas

The first step for creating any content is to brainstorm some ideas, but if you’re trying to create a list out of thin air you may run into a bit of writer’s block. In order to avoid writer’s block, you can try to get inspiration from many different sources.

One source that you might find inspiration from is your past blog posts. Was there a post that did exceptionally well?

Make a video about that topic! Some people find video content easier to digest than written content, so creating a video based on popular past content is a great way to ensure your audience’s interest.

A black iPhone with a folder containing social media applications on screen

Another great way to find interesting content for your video is by checking out your competitors. Do similar brands do video content? What are their most popular videos?

Piggy-backing off of a competitor’s popular content will allow you to put your brand’s unique personality and spin onto content that you know people want to learn more about.

Your video content should be focused on topics that your audience is interested in. In order to find these topics, you can check your most shared content for some inspiration.

If any of your followers shared a certain infographic, blog post, or photo, make a video going further in depth about the topic! This is a great way to keep your audience on your page and get your content shared.

Finally, a great content idea for videos on all social media platforms is to provide quick, quality content to your followers. Some of the most popular brand videos are how-to videos or speedy tutorials. If you can give your followers a fast step-by-step guide, it will make for a great video.

An infographic with statistics on video content success for businesses. Social Media Video Content

2. Pick the Right Orientation

When recording a video, you have two orientations to choose from portrait and landscape. Portrait orientation is vertical and is used mostly on mobile applications and websites. Landscape, on the other hand, is horizontal and does a better job of filling up the whole screen on a laptop or desktop computer.

In order to choose the correct orientation for your video, you must know your audience. Do most people visit your social media on their phones or on a computer?

Will the video be hard to watch if it’s filmed in portrait orientation but watched on a computer, or vice versa? These questions should be taken into consideration when you decide how to film your video.

3. Keep Your Message Simple

Since many social media platforms don’t allow for long videos, it is important to keep your video’s message short and sweet. You don’t want to overload your viewers with too much information in a 30-second long video, or else it may put them off your brand.

Instead, give brief overviews of your topics and leave natural pauses in any voiceovers. This will create a better flow to your videos and keep viewers engaged and not overwhelmed.

If you find that you cannot fully cover a topic with a short video, perhaps YouTube or a Facebook or Instagram Live would better suit the subject. Or, you can always create a multiple part video series!

A woman hand-writing notes from her laptop - Social Media Video Content

4. Write a Short Script To Follow

While some videos, such as a Facebook or Instagram Live, work best unscripted, if you want to provide informational content to your audience, it is best to write a short script.

This doesn’t mean you need to type up a whole page or two of a speech and memorise it. Instead, write down a few of the key words or phrases that you want to include in your talking points.

Then, as you record your video, or even during a voice over while editing, occasionally refer back to your notes.

This will help your video content stay on track while helping you to sound more natural. This is better than directly reading from a script because it comes across more honest and personable while also sounding less robotic.

5. Use Background Music

Adding in background music can help ease the weight of any natural pauses in your video or voice over. Many applications have a variety of song options built into the video upload process for you to choose from.

Or, if you have editing software such as iMovie, you can find copyright-free music options there as well.

Be careful to choose the right type of music for your video. It will still need to work well with your brand and what you are trying to sell to your audience. Most audio should be light and inviting, but some brands may want to use trending songs as well.

Just make sure your audience won’t react negatively to your music choice.

Another helpful tip is to make sure the music is low enough in volume so you can still hear any speaking or voice over throughout the video. Your words are more important than the background music – so make sure your voice is heard!

Social Media Video Content

6. Use Your Brand’s Aesthetic

Your brand’s identity should be easily visible and recognisable throughout your video content. Not only will this help to maintain your colour scheme and theme on your social media pages, but it will also allow viewers to recognise your content if someone shares or uploads it elsewhere.

You can brand your video content by using the same colour scheme as your logo and other media, by including your brand’s jingle or tagline, or by putting your logo at the beginning or end of the video.

Also, make sure to reference the brand throughout the video, especially if you are discussing products or services you can offer to your audience.

How to Make Great Social Media Video Content

Video content is a great way to interact with and push information to your audience. By using video content on your social media channels, you have the opportunity to promote your business, connect with your target audience, and even reach new audiences.

While each social media platform has its unique guidelines for video content, these tips will help you produce a higher quality video no matter what platform you choose to upload to.

To find out more about how video can enhance your social efforts, contact ProfileTree today.

Setting Clear Goals: The Roadmap to Effective Social Media Video Content

Before diving headfirst into creating social media videos, taking a step back to define your goals is crucial. What do you want to achieve with your video content? Is it to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, generate leads, or boost sales? Each goal requires a different approach and content strategy. Let’s delve into the most common objectives and how to tailor your video content accordingly:

1. Brand Awareness:

  • Goal: Make your brand known and establish a positive image in your target audience’s minds.
  • Video Strategies:
    • Short, engaging brand stories: Highlight your brand values, personality, and mission.
    • Behind-the-scenes glimpses: Offer viewers a peek into your company culture and team.
    • Collaborations with influencers: Leverage their reach to expand your audience and build trust.
    • Educational content: Share valuable information related to your industry, showcasing your expertise.

2. Website Traffic:

  • Goal: Drive viewers to your website to explore your products, services, or content.
  • Video Strategies:
    • Product demos and explainer videos: Showcase your offerings in an engaging and informative way.
    • Teaser trailers for blog posts or articles: Generate curiosity and entice viewers to learn more on your website.
    • Live Q&A sessions: Interact with your audience and address their questions directly.
    • Contests and giveaways: Encourage participation and website visits with exciting incentives.

3. Lead Generation:

  • Goal: Capture potential customer information for further nurturing and conversion.
  • Video Strategies:
    • Free downloadable guides or ebooks: Offer valuable content in exchange for email addresses.
    • Webinars and online workshops: Provide in-depth knowledge and capture registrations.
    • Testimonials and case studies: Showcase your success stories to build trust and encourage sign-ups.
    • Interactive polls and quizzes: Engage viewers and collect valuable data about their needs and preferences.

4. Sales:

  • Goal: Convert viewers into paying customers directly through your videos.
  • Video Strategies:
    • Shoppable videos: Integrate product links within the video for seamless purchasing.
    • Limited-time offers and promotions: Create urgency and incentivize immediate action.
    • Customer testimonials and product reviews: Build trust and social proof to influence buying decisions.
    • Live product demonstrations: Offer an interactive experience and answer purchase-related questions in real-time.

Remember: Setting clear goals doesn’t mean sticking to just one. Often, your videos can serve multiple purposes simultaneously. However, having a primary objective helps you tailor your content, choose the right platforms and formats, and measure your success accurately.

inding Your Perfect Fit: Choosing the Right Video Format

The exciting world of social media video offers a diverse range of formats, each with its unique strengths and ideal for specific goals and platforms. Let’s explore some popular options to help you make informed choices:

1. Explainers:

  • Ideal for: Breaking down complex concepts, showcasing features, or educating viewers about your brand or product.
  • Platforms: YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook.
  • Examples: Animated explainers demonstrating how a software works, product tutorials, quick “how-to” videos.

2. Product Demos:

  • Ideal for: Showcasing product functionalities, highlighting benefits, and driving purchase decisions.
  • Platforms: Instagram, YouTube, TikTok (shorter versions).
  • Examples: Live demos of physical products, showcasing features through close-up shots, user testimonials using the product.

3. Behind-the-Scenes:

  • Ideal for: Building brand transparency, fostering connection with your audience, and humanizing your company.
  • Platforms: Instagram Stories, Snapchat, TikTok.
  • Examples: Office tours, employee spotlights, Einblicke into the creative process, bloopers and outtakes.

4. Live Streams:

  • Ideal for: Engaging directly with your audience, hosting Q&A sessions, launching new products, and creating a sense of real-time connection.
  • Platforms: Instagram Live, Facebook Live, YouTube Live.
  • Examples: Product launch events, expert interviews, live tutorials, behind-the-scenes look at events.

5. Testimonials and Case Studies:

  • Ideal for: Building trust and social proof, showcasing the value you offer, and convincing viewers to choose you.
  • Platforms: YouTube, LinkedIn, Website landing pages.
  • Examples: Customer testimonials in video format, success stories showcasing client achievements, expert reviews of your product or service.

6. Educational Content:

  • Ideal for: Establishing yourself as an industry expert, attracting a qualified audience, and driving organic reach.
  • Platforms: YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter (shorter snippets).
  • Examples: Educational workshops, industry insights and trends, thought leadership presentations, “ask me anything” sessions.

7. User-Generated Content (UGC):

  • Ideal for: Boosting engagement, building authenticity, and leveraging the power of your audience.
  • Platforms: All platforms, with proper user permission and attribution.
  • Examples: Customer product reviews, challenges and contests, user-created content showcases.

Remember: Consider your target platform’s specific video format preferences and limitations. For example, Instagram Stories are short and ephemeral, while YouTube allows for longer, in-depth content.

The Power of Storytelling: Captivating Your Audience in a Click

In the crowded world of social media, attention spans are fleeting, and competition for eyeballs is fierce. That’s where the art of storytelling comes in. By crafting engaging narratives, weaving in emotions, and connecting with viewers on a personal level, your social media video content can transcend the noise and truly resonate. Let’s explore some techniques to unlock the storytelling magic:

1. Start with a Captivating Hook:

  • Grab viewers within the first few seconds with a surprising fact, a relatable question, or a visually stunning scene. Don’t let them scroll past without a reason to stay tuned.

2. Craft a Clear Narrative Arc:

  • Every story needs a beginning, middle, and end. Introduce your characters (even if it’s your brand or product), set the scene, present a challenge or conflict, and offer a satisfying resolution.

3. Show, Don’t Tell:

  • Engage viewers emotionally by visually demonstrating concepts, experiences, and challenges. Let the visuals do the talking whenever possible.

4. Appeal to Emotions:

  • Tap into universal human emotions like joy, sadness, surprise, or curiosity to create an emotional connection with your audience. Humor, relatable situations, and heartwarming moments can be powerful tools.

5. Focus on Your Characters:

  • Whether it’s your CEO, a satisfied customer, or even an animated mascot, having someone viewers can connect with adds personality and relatability to your story.

6. Keep it Authentic:

  • Authenticity is key! Avoid feeling overly promotional or scripted. Share genuine stories that reflect your brand values and personality.

7. Use Music and Sound Strategically:

  • The right music and sound effects can set the mood, enhance emotions, and guide viewers through your narrative journey.

8. End with a Call to Action:

  • Don’t leave viewers hanging! Tell them what you want them to do next, whether it’s visiting your website, subscribing for more content, or engaging with your brand.

Remember: Storytelling isn’t just about entertainment; it’s about creating a connection. By using these techniques, you can craft social media video content that resonates with your audience, builds trust, and ultimately achieves your marketing goals.

Measuring Success Beyond Likes: Analyzing Results for Effective Video Content

Creating great social media video content is only half the battle. The true mark of success lies in analysing your results and adapting your strategy to maximize impact. That’s where diving into the world of video analytics comes in. Let’s explore how tracking key metrics and turning insights into action can elevate your social media video game:

1. Understanding What Gets Measured:

Each platform offers its own set of video analytics, but some key metrics you’ll want to track across the board include:

  • Reach: How many unique viewers saw your video.
  • Impressions: How many times your video was displayed, regardless of whether it was watched.
  • Views: The number of times your video was played through, at least for a certain duration.
  • Playtime: The total amount of time viewers spent watching your video.
  • Engagement: Likes, comments, shares, saves, and clicks on links within your video.
  • Click-through rate (CTR): The percentage of viewers who clicked on a link included in your video.
  • Website traffic: How many viewers visited your website from your video.
  • Lead generation: How many leads you captured through your video (e.g., email signups).
  • Sales conversions: How many purchases were made directly through your video or as a result of it.

2. Making Sense of the Data:

Going beyond just individual metrics, analyze how they interact and paint a bigger picture. For example, a high reach with low engagement suggests your video might not be resonating with the right audience. Conversely, a high click-through rate indicates viewers find your content valuable and are taking action.

3. Adapting Your Strategy:

Use your insights to continuously refine your video content and approach:

  • Content formats: See what formats (explainers, demos, stories) resonate most with your audience and platform preferences.
  • Video length: Analyze ideal video lengths for different platforms and adjust accordingly.
  • Posting times: Identify the times your audience is most active and engaged with your videos.
  • Target audience: Refine your targeting based on demographics, interests, and engagement patterns.
  • Calls to action: Experiment with different CTAs to see what drives the most conversions.

4. Going Beyond Platform Analytics:

Don’t just rely on individual platform data. Look for broader trends and insights:

  • Compare performance across platforms: See which platforms are most effective for your video content.
  • Benchmark against competitors: Analyze how your video performance compares to industry benchmarks.
  • Track brand sentiment: Gauge audience perception and brand association through social listening tools.

5. Making Data-Driven Decisions:

Use your analytical insights to inform future video content creation and marketing strategies:

  • Create content your audience craves: Base future videos on topics and formats that perform well.
  • Optimize future campaigns: Enhance targeting, posting times, and CTAs based on what works.
  • Allocate resources effectively: Invest in platforms and formats that deliver the best results.

Remember: Analyzing results is an ongoing process. Regularly track your video performance, draw insights, and adapt your strategy to continuously improve the impact of your social media video content.

FAQ: Elevating Your Social Media Video Content

1. How often should I post social media videos?

Consistency is key, but the ideal frequency depends on your content strategy and audience preferences. Experiment and analyze results to find your sweet spot.

2. What tools can I use to create social media videos?

Many editing tools cater to different skill levels and budgets. Explore free options like InVideo or Canva, or consider paid options like Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro.

3. How can I create high-quality video content with limited resources?

Focus on good storytelling, clear audio, and engaging visuals. Leverage user-generated content, utilize free editing tools, and prioritize quality over fancy equipment.

4. What if I’m not comfortable being on camera?

You don’t have to be! Explore animation, screen recordings, voice-overs, or behind-the-scenes footage to create impactful videos without being in front of the camera.

5. How can I measure the success of my social media videos beyond likes and views?

Track website traffic, leads generated, sales conversions, and brand mentions to understand the true impact of your video content.

Conclusion: Take Your Social Media Videos to the Next Level

Creating great social media video content requires planning, creativity, and data-driven optimization. By understanding your audience, setting clear goals, choosing the right format, and crafting engaging narratives, you can capture attention, build connections, and achieve your marketing objectives.

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