Talking Money With Nick Lawlor

The importance of financial Planning? Find out first-hand from financial planning specialist Nick Lawlor of Dublin and Cork-based financial specialists, New Beginning.

Nick explains how the right approach to income and money can help people to stay well-prepared for a range of eventualities at every stage of life.

During a ProfileTree Business Leaders interview, Nick explored a range of topics including his own financial services ethos.

The Importance of Financial Planning

The Importance of Financial Planning? Understanding Retirement, Pensions & Income With Nick Lawlor

He began by recalling his career decision to move own focus away from selling financial products and towards helping customers to make the right decisions for their own circumstances.

“I’ve been working in the financial services industry for around 20 years now. When you enter any industry it’s important to believe in the stuff that you’re doing, so quite quickly I figured that everybody needs a pension and everyone needs financial stuff.

Financial Planning with Nick Lawlor

“I think where the disconnect was that the industry works on a very sales-driven basis when the reality is that people in majority of industries, whether it be a solicitor or an accountant or an architect, work for you for your fees.

“While I learnt my trade in a sales-focused company, my belief throughout that time and when I became self-employed was in genuine impartial financial planning advice.

“Not all roads need to lead to a product for a client to be better off.”

Nick’s approach with New Beginning is to “move the dial away away from products and onto financial planning being a service in its own right”.

“Let’s separate what is a product, because ultimately products are fine and people still need products, and look at what your own life goals are. What problems do people encounter over the course of their careers they aren’t prepared for?”.

This led to Nick developing a “no surprises” method of helping clients to plan their finances.

“Our philosophy is that you should absolutely plan for tomorrow but live for today. You should never arrive at a future financial event and be surprised by the cost of it.

“That holds true if you at arrive at your kids’ education or if you arrive at retirement. Also, God forbid, if there’s illness or injury how will you manage?”

How, then, should people approach retirement planning in a better way?

“I’m a big believer that ‘age’ and ‘old’ are two very different things.

“We need to change our mindset a little bit as for years people approached retirement with the view that getting to 65 was some kind of utopian solution.

“We all know someone who thinks 85 years of age is still young, conversely we all now someone who gets to 60 years of age and thinks they are old.

“Often when someone downs tools they get old quickly, so when it comes to financial planning around retirement choice is the key word because some people will want to work.

“Financial planning is allowing people to be able to make those choices.”

At the other end of their careers, people starting out in work also face unique financial challenges.

“Some of our seminars speak specifically to that early career cohort.

“The reality for those people is quite simple: their salaries are probably at the lower end, in terms of where they are likely to go, and they are also faced with having great earning potential but not a huge ability to save or build up any sort of wealth in the early part of their career.

“Now they’re faced with a situation where rents, specifically in Dublin, are really high. Secondly, if somebody wants to buy a property in Dublin for €350,000 they’re likely to need €35,000.

“So when you’re earning an entry-level salary, how do you pay rent but also save €35,000? That’s a really, really difficult challenge.”

This situation, Nick explained, is leading to people arriving at retirement age with mortgage debt due to waiting until later in life to buy a home.

To explore a range of financial wellness insights from Nick, see our full interview.

New Beginning also holds seminar events to share expertise on a range of subjects.

New Beginning –

Employee Financial Wellness –

The Wellness Crew –

financial planning
Financial planning can unlock important memories, experiences and opportunities for people and businesses. Image credit: US News Money

What is Financial Planning? A Comprehensive Look

Financial planning is more than just tracking your budget or saving for retirement – it’s the proactive process of taking control of your finances and setting a clear path towards your financial goals. It’s like building a roadmap for your money, ensuring you make informed decisions to secure your present and future financial well-being.

Here’s a breakdown of the key components of financial planning:

1. Analyzing Current Finances:

  • Taking stock of your assets: This includes everything you own, like cash, investments, property, and retirement accounts.
  • Assessing your liabilities: This encompasses all your debts, including mortgages, loans, credit cards, and student loans.
  • Calculating your net worth: Subtracting your liabilities from your assets gives you a snapshot of your current financial position.

2. Setting Short and Long-Term Money Goals:

  • Defining your short-term goals: These could be things like saving for a vacation, building an emergency fund, or paying off a small debt.
  • Formulating your long-term goals: These might involve buying a house, starting a business, funding your children’s education, or achieving comfortable retirement.
  • Prioritizing your goals: Determining which goals are most important to you and ensuring your financial plan reflects that priority.

3. Budgeting and Managing Income/Expenses:

  • Tracking your income and expenses: Knowing where your money is coming from and going to helps you identify areas for improvement and prioritize spending.
  • Creating a budget: Allocate your income towards your goals and essential expenses, leaving no room for wasteful spending.
  • Living within your means: Avoid lifestyle inflation and resist the temptation to spend beyond your income.

4. Handling Taxes, Insurance, and Investments:

  • Understanding your tax obligations: Research and comply with relevant tax regulations to avoid penalties and maximize your deductions.
  • Securing the right insurance: Ensure you have adequate coverage for your health, property, and other assets against unforeseen events.
  • Exploring investment options: Learn about different investment vehicles and risk levels to build wealth and grow your finances over time.

5. Retirement Planning:

  • Determining your desired retirement lifestyle: Visualize your ideal retirement and estimate the income you’ll need to sustain it.
  • Choosing the right retirement accounts: Understand the various retirement accounts available and contribute regularly to maximize your future savings.
  • Reviewing your plan regularly: As your life and circumstances change, adjust your retirement plan to ensure it stays on track.

Financial planning is an ongoing journey, not a one-time event. By continually analyzing your finances, setting realistic goals, and making informed decisions, you can navigate the complex world of money with confidence and secure a brighter financial future for yourself and your loved ones.

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Unlock the Power of Financial Planning: Beyond Budgeting

Financial planning isn’t just about balancing spreadsheets and clipping coupons. It’s about empowering you to achieve financial freedom and live your life on your terms. Here’s a closer look at the tangible benefits you reap by embracing financial planning:

1. Conquering Money Milestones:

  • Own your dream home: Stop renting and build equity towards your own haven. Financial planning helps you save for a down payment, navigate mortgages, and secure financial stability to invest in your future residence.
  • Send your kids to college: Planning ensures your children have access to quality education without leaving you burdened with debt. By starting early and strategically investing, you can make their dream school a reality.
  • Travel the world: Explore exotic destinations, immerse yourself in different cultures, and create unforgettable memories – without financial anxiety. By planning travel costs and setting aside dedicated funds, you can embark on those bucket-list adventures with peace of mind.
  • Start your own business: Turn your passion into a thriving venture. Financial planning provides the framework to assess risks, secure funding, and manage finances effectively, turning your entrepreneurial dream into a sustainable reality.

2. Building Wealth and Security:

  • Grow your net worth year after year: Financial planning isn’t just about saving – it’s about putting your money to work. Explore investments that align with your risk tolerance and watch your net worth blossom over time. Compounding interest becomes your silent ally, paving the way for a financially secure future.
  • Retire in comfort: Don’t rely solely on social security – take control of your retirement. Planning ahead allows you to invest for the long term, generate passive income, and ensure a comfortable lifestyle even after you stop working.
  • Leave a legacy: Secure your loved ones’ future. By planning your estate and managing inheritances wisely, you can ensure your values and assets are passed on to the next generation in a way that aligns with your wishes.

3. Safeguarding Income and Preventing Overspending:

  • Avoid debt traps: Get out of the debt cycle and stay in control of your finances. Financial planning equips you with strategies to manage credit effectively, pay off existing debts, and resist impulsive spending, setting you free from financial burdens.
  • Live within your means: Budget strategically and spend mindfully. Planning creates a roadmap for your income and expenses, ensuring you prioritize needs over wants and avoid the pitfalls of overspending.
  • Weather financial storms: Unexpected events can disrupt your finances. Planning for emergencies, like job loss or medical bills, creates a financial buffer that protects you from economic uncertainty and safeguards your well-being.

4. Maximize Tax Savings:

  • Keep more of your hard-earned money: Taxes don’t have to be a drain. Financial planning helps you understand tax deductions, utilize them strategically, and minimize your tax burden, leaving you with more money in your pocket.
  • Take advantage of government benefits: Numerous programs and incentives exist to support your financial goals. Planning allows you to identify and leverage these benefits, optimizing your financial journey and saving money in the long run.

5. Embrace Peace of Mind:

  • Reduce stress and anxiety: Knowing you have a plan for your finances fosters a sense of control and security. Planning minimizes financial worries, allowing you to focus on important aspects of your life.
  • Make confident decisions: When you understand your finances, you make informed choices about spending, investing, and taking risks. This empowers you to navigate financial situations with confidence and clarity.
  • Live life on your terms: Financial planning provides the freedom to pursue your passions and dreams without financial constraints. By proactively managing your money, you can design a life that truly aligns with your aspirations.

Financial planning is not just about numbers – it’s about unlocking your potential to achieve financial goals, build a secure future, and live a life you love. By embracing its benefits, you take control of your finances and pave the way for a brighter, more fulfilling tomorrow.

Financial Planning in Action: Real-World Examples

Financial planning isn’t an abstract concept – it’s a personalized roadmap for achieving your specific goals. Let’s see how it translates into concrete actions for different scenarios:

1. The Home-Buying Family:

  • Goal: Purchase a dream home within 3-5 years.
  • Financial planning in action:
    • Income and expenses analysis: Track expenses to identify areas for saving and boost down payment funds.
    • Debt evaluation: Repay high-interest debts early to improve credit score and secure favorable mortgage rates.
    • Budgeting: Allocate a portion of their income towards a dedicated “homeownership savings” account.
    • Investment exploration: Research low-risk investments to potentially accelerate down payment growth.
    • Pre-approval for a mortgage: Get pre-approved before house hunting to understand their borrowing capacity and avoid surprises.

2. The Retirement-Focused Individual:

  • Goal: Achieve comfortable retirement by age 65.
  • Financial planning in action:
    • Retirement calculator: Use online tools to estimate the income needed for their desired retirement lifestyle.
    • Maximizing retirement contributions: Increase contributions to employer-sponsored retirement plans or open IRAs to benefit from tax advantages and long-term compounding.
    • Diversifying investments: Invest in a balanced portfolio across stocks, bonds, and other assets to manage risk and ensure long-term growth.
    • Debt management: Prioritize paying off debts, especially high-interest ones, to avoid dragging down retirement savings.
    • Reviewing plan regularly: Update retirement plans every few years to account for life changes and adjust investment strategies as needed.

3. The Cost-Conscious Business:

  • Goal: Manage operating expenses effectively to optimize profitability.
  • Financial planning in action:
    • Detailed budget creation: Breakdown all expenses, including rent, utilities, supplies, and payroll, to identify areas for potential reduction.
    • Negotiating vendor contracts: Renegotiate existing contracts with vendors to secure better rates and terms.
    • Implementing cost-saving measures: Explore energy-efficient practices, reducing paper waste, or utilizing bartering networks with other businesses.
    • Monitoring budget performance: Track actual expenses against the budget regularly and adjust spending habits as needed.
    • Investing in efficiency tools: Consider software or automation solutions that streamline operations and reduce overall costs.

Overcoming Common Financial Planning Challenges: A Detailed Guide

1. Procrastination and Lack of Motivation:

  • Start small and celebrate milestones: Begin with manageable tasks like tracking expenses for a week or setting up a savings account. Celebrate each accomplishment, no matter how small, to build momentum and confidence.
  • Break down goals into actionable steps: Don’t get overwhelmed by large goals. Divide them into smaller, achievable steps and schedule time to tackle each one. Feeling progress fuels motivation to keep going.
  • Find an accountability partner: Share your financial goals with a trusted friend or family member and regularly update them on your progress. Their support and encouragement can help you stay on track.
  • Visualize your success: Create a vision board or picture of your desired financial future and keep it in a prominent place. Reminding yourself of your goals can reignite motivation when doubts creep in.
  • Reward yourself for progress: Celebrate achieving major milestones with a non-financial reward, like a relaxing day or a special experience. This positive reinforcement keeps financial planning enjoyable.

2. Financial Literacy and Knowledge Gaps:

  • Invest in resources: Start with reputable websites, books, or online courses specifically designed for financial planning beginners. Look for resources tailored to your age, income, and goals.
  • Seek professional guidance: Consult a financial advisor or planner for personalized advice and strategies. They can help you navigate complex financial decisions and overcome knowledge gaps.
  • Join online communities: Connect with others on financial planning forums or social media groups. Sharing experiences and learning from others can be inspiring and informative.
  • Subscribe to financial blogs and newsletters: Stay updated on current trends and gain insights from financial experts through reliable sources.
  • Ask questions! Don’t hesitate to ask friends, family, or professionals for clarification on terms you don’t understand. Curiosity is key to expanding your financial knowledge.

3. Emotional Decision-Making:

  • Identify your emotional triggers: Recognize situations that lead to impulsive financial decisions, like stress, anger, or excitement. Once identified, develop strategies to avoid them or delay purchases to allow for rational thinking.
  • Create a cooling-off period: Implement a rule to wait at least 24 hours before making any major financial decision. This allows time for emotions to settle and for rational analysis to take over.
  • Seek a second opinion: Discuss significant financial decisions with a trusted friend or family member who can offer a different perspective and prevent emotional-driven choices.
  • Stick to your budget: Having a clearly defined budget acts as a guidepost for financial decisions. Knowing what you can afford can help you resist impulse purchases and stick to your long-term plan.
  • Focus on the bigger picture: Remind yourself of your long-term financial goals whenever emotional decision-making arises. Align your choices with your future aspirations to avoid short-term gratification that hinders long-term progress.

4. Debt Management and Financial Stress:

  • Develop a debt repayment plan: Prioritize high-interest debt and create a realistic repayment plan with specific timelines and amounts. Seeing progress can reduce stress and boost motivation.
  • Explore debt consolidation options: Consolidate multiple debts into one loan with a lower interest rate to simplify payments and potentially reduce overall debt.
  • Address the root of financial stress: Analyze the sources of your financial stress and look for solutions to address them. This could involve reducing expenses, finding additional income sources, or seeking professional help for emotional stress.
  • Focus on self-care: Financial stress can take a toll on mental and physical health. Prioritize healthy coping mechanisms like exercise, meditation, and spending time with loved ones to manage stress and maintain well-being.
  • Seek professional help: Don’t hesitate to seek help from financial counselors or mental health professionals if dealing with overwhelming debt or financial stress. Their guidance and support can be invaluable in navigating challenging situations.

Remember, overcoming these common financial planning challenges is a process. Be patient with yourself, celebrate small wins, and adapt your strategies as needed. By addressing these obstacles and building your financial knowledge, you can embark on a successful journey towards a brighter financial future.

Frequently Asked Questions about Financial Planning:

Q: I’m new to financial planning. Where do I start?

A: Start by taking stock of your current financial situation. Track your income and expenses, assess your debts and assets, and set realistic goals for the short and long term. Then, explore resources like online tools, books, or financial advisors to learn about budgeting, investing, and other essential strategies. Remember, progress is key – start small and celebrate your achievements as you build your financial knowledge and confidence.

Q: I don’t have a lot of money to save. Can I still benefit from financial planning?

A: Absolutely! Every penny counts. Even small, consistent savings can make a significant difference over time, thanks to the power of compound interest. Start with simple habits like setting aside a percentage of your income each month, and gradually increase your savings as your financial health improves.

Q: What are some common financial planning mistakes to avoid?

A: Procrastination and lack of motivation are frequent obstacles. Don’t be afraid to start small and celebrate your progress. Additionally, avoid impulsively taking on debt or making emotional financial decisions. Always prioritize needs over wants, and research investment options before committing your money.

Q: Where can I find reliable financial information and resources?

There are many reputable online resources like government websites, financial blogs, and educational platforms. Consider seeking professional guidance from a certified financial planner, especially for complex situations or long-term goals.

Q: I feel overwhelmed by financial planning. What should I do?

Remember, financial planning is a journey, not a destination. Don’t try to do everything at once. Start with small steps, seek help when needed, and celebrate your progress. Building a secure financial future requires commitment and action, but the rewards are worth it.

Conclusion: Investing in Your Future

Financial planning may seem daunting at first, but it’s one of the most empowering steps you can take towards a brighter future. By understanding your finances, setting realistic goals, and implementing practical strategies, you can take control of your money and navigate life’s challenges with confidence.

Remember, the power to achieve financial security and fulfill your dreams lies within your reach. Embrace the journey of financial planning, and watch your efforts blossom into a prosperous and fulfilling tomorrow.

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