Pinterest. A space to foster creativity, brand identity and aesthetics. With over 400 million active users this platform offers many opportunities to develop your branding.
Somewhat similarly to Instagram, this space stands out as a visual search engine from which users can gather information.
How does Pinterest work? What are its features and what can it offer you, a business owner? What is the specific potential for growth?
In this blog we will consider how you might best leverage this platform, including some tips and tricks to help you master your brand aesthetics.
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How does Pinterest work? Understanding The Platform And Navigating the algorithm
Pinterest’s functionality uses visuals for storytelling, brand communications, products and much more. The use of ‘Pinterest boards and Pins’ allow users to visually bookmark content they want to save and share.
The dynamic of the platform is highly visual in its nature and almost acts like a search engine. User’s create their very own digital mood boards for inspiration, tips and ideas.
Mastering aesthetics, trending styles and viral visuals is top priority when considering how does Pinterest work. This attention to detail is key on this platform to sustainability and growth.
To craft an understanding of how to best utilise a platform, it is essential to consider its algorithm. Pinterest is no exception to this rule.
How does Pinterest Work? Tips To Work With The Algorithm
Is your content fresh and new?
The algorithm aims to present users with the most fresh, relevant and up to date content, prioritising the quality on the pin, the users interactions and the popularit of the piece of content.
Engagement metrics such as repins, clicks, and comments are also of significance. The more users interact with your content, the more the algorithm favours it.
Tip: Regularly update your boards on your profile to enhance visibility of your pins.
Is the Pin of a high quality?
Taking time to ensure a high standard of pin is essential when considering how to use Pinterest and master the aesthetics of your brand.
The image resolution must be correct with optimised text and effective pin descriptions.
Tip: Take time when crafting your pins, ensuring there is an overall strategy and brand aesthetic in mind. Random, ad hoc, inconsistent images won’t perform as well as visually optimised content.
Have you conducted SEO and Keyword research?
When understanding how to use Pinterest its of huge significance to understand that keywords are the backbone of Pinterest SEO.
Just like a search engine, the Pinterest algorithm uses keywords to organise and categorise content.
Tip: Take the time to optimise your content, including the relevant keywords in your pin titles, descriptions, and even in your profile. This can really help to enhance your visibility within the platform. Use tools such as Ubersuggest to conduct keyword research and target words that are relevant to your audience.
Is your posting strategy consistent?
As with all posting strategies, being consistency in pinning doesn’t just mean quantity. It’s important to consider the regularity at which you post and engage on Pinterest.
Tip: Create and establish a consistent posting schedule. This will signal to the algorithm that your account is active and engages with its online audience. Pinterest analytics can help you determine when is the most relevant time for you to post content.
Are you integrating ‘Rich Pins’ into your Pinterest posting strategy?
Rich pins are enhanced pins that automatically display additional information from your website. This arguably makes these pins much more engaging and informative for Pinterest users.
These types of pins fall under three main categories::
Recipe Pins: These Pins display the recipe title, ingredients, cooking time, serving size, and ratings directly on the pin.
Product Pins: These pins show the product name, price, availability, and a call-to-action button, allowing users to seamlessly purchase the product from Pinterest.
Article Pins: These pins showcase the article title, author, summary, and a preview image, providing users with a quick overview of the content before clicking through.
Tip: Consider how you might leverage these additional functions to increase engagement.
Crafting A Compelling Brand Aesthetic On Pinterest
Now that we’ve considered how does Pinterest work in relation to its algorithm, we shall consider how to best utilise the platform to develop and navigate a strong brand presence.
Brand aesthetic is inclusive of all of the visual elements that define your business style and personality. This is inclusive of colour, font, image style and your overall design theme.
These elements should align with your overall vision and send clear, direct messaging to your audience.
- Focus on your brand identity, keeping content in line with your overall vision.
- When crafting your profile and posting strategy on Pinterest, consider how each indivual pin contributes to your overall visual identity. Is your content on brand? Ensure when creating pins be consistent with your include your colour palette, logo style, font choices, and the tone of your imagery.
- Use Pinterest to communicate your brands values, ethics and beliefs beyond simply showcasing products.
- Use pins to engage with your audience. Interacting within the platform is beneficial for engagement.
- Create your own boards that align with your brand identity.
- When exploring how does Pinterest work set aside time to create templates for your pins that are inclusive of your brands fonts and logos. This will streamline efficiency and create consistency.
- Use the platform as a space for storytelling through visuals, relating back to your ethics, values and brand identity.
- Showcase user generated content that aligns with your vision.
How Does Pinterest Work? Tip To Implement These Tips and Tricks!
With these suggestions in mind it’s time to start crafting your Pinterest strategy, growing your brand identity and aesthetic vision.
Harnessing the unique capabilities of this platform will support you in growing and enhancing your brands digital presence. Remember to focus on consistency, creativity and engagement that aligns with your marketing strategy and overarching brand values.
Let us know your thoughts and user experience of Pinterest in the comments below. Happy Pinning!