Many SEO experts purport that Google Ads can directly impact your SEO and, thus your organic growth but Google has stated clearly that that is simply not the case. Google has even been forced to comment on this issue by saying “…a Google Ads campaign does not help your SEO rankings”

Google organic search and paid Google Ads have long seemed like disparate digital marketing channels. Most viewed investment in Search Engine Optimization to boost rankings as entirely distinct from purchasing pay-per-click ads. However, savvy marketers have found complimentary ways to align parts of their SEO and Google Ads efforts for mutually beneficial results.

When executed strategically, focusing Google Ads campaigns around relevant organic targets offers several unique benefits. These include increased domain authority and indexed pages from greater site traffic, further validation signals by matching paid and organic keywords, and top funnel support driving visitors lower to convert.

That said, simply running parallel paid campaigns absent core SEO foundations will not drastically transform rankings alone. True integration requires thoughtful setup, coordination of targets between channels, analyzing direct assist metrics, and applying key lander page optimization principles.

a screenshot from google detailing how campaigns can't help with organic growth
Google makes it very clear that SEO rankings can’t be directly impacted from Google Ads (Image Credit: Google)

Despite this being the case, you can use paid ads to generate positive user experiences on your site, which is going to have a potential impact on your SEO.  Another thing to consider when investing in Google Ads is that PPC data allows you to get insights quickly that you can incorporate into your SEO strategy which will help with organic search. Here is our take on how Google Ads can help your SEO, albeit not directly.

image for do google ads help with seo blog

We have already established that Google Ads cannot directly impact your SEO but there is a loose relationship between the two. That being said, it should be noted that this relationship can’t guarantee an improvement in your SERPs. 

Both Google Ads and SEO have two, independent roles when it comes to driving traffic to your site. Being keenly aware of this will ensure that you don’t neglect either and ensure that you give due attention to both fields for your site’s success. 

How to Set Up a Google Ads Account | Google Ads | Google Adwords | Google Advert | Google Tutorial

Using Google Ads Data

When crafting SEO strategies, one of the first things that are usually done is assessing keyword opportunities for content. Many companies use a variety of tools and programs to help them achieve this like SEMrush or Ahrefs. When creating a strategy, marketers focus on high search volume with low competition keywords but this doesn’t always deliver results.

Using this strategy is definitely an intelligent way of garnering traffic, but it doesn’t guarantee conversions. Utilising data that you have gleaned from your PPC campaigns allows you to see what content is converting for you. By learning from this, you will be able to take the best performing content and transform it into a highly effective strategy that converts for you. 

a marketer assessing google ads to see if there is anything that can be used for organic growth
While Google is very clear about PPC not having a direct affect on organic growth, data can be used to help you enhance it. (Image Credit: Envato Elements)

How to Utilise Google Ads for Organic Growth 

While we have confirmed that Google does not directly link organic growth to PPC campaigns, there is plenty we can learn from these efforts to ensure potential prospects become conversions. By assessing these, you will be able to grow your business and deliver a better SEO strategy for better results. 

Click-through rates or CTRs is one of the most definitive ways of assessing if you have written an effective advertising campaign. CTRs are the percentage of people that have engaged with your ad via clicking on it.

Using CTRs to influence your strategy can directly help your organic growth as CTRs are one of the ways Google determines whether your site should have better rankings. This is done through their algorithm ‘Rank Brain’ which will crawl and assess PPC campaigns. Using data from Google Adwords will help you with existing ranking and with continued organic growth. 

While CTRs obviously hold great importance, bounce rate and dwell time shouldn’t be neglected at its expense. Running more than one PPC ad at a time allows you to run split tests, enabling you to see what your audience responds to. This then helps you craft benefits and headlines that help with organic growth. 

Setting up a Google Adwords account for this is integral if you want to find patterns and trends in your CTR ads. Test and put into action keywords that you glean from it. This can be put into action with your on-page SEO as follows:

Ad Headlines or Title Tags

Knowing what headlines your audience responds to takes trial and error, and they may prefer certain wording or be more likely to engage with a different phrase. When you’ve found titles that work, you can replicate these into the meta title tags of your site to increase the organic search CTR. 

Ad Descriptions or Meta Descriptions 

Again, reviewing your data can help you see what ad descriptions are performing the best in CTRs. You can review what selling points people are drawn to and what sentences they respond to the best. You can take these patterns and then replicate them within your meta descriptions. 

Keywords or On-Page Keywords 

Something that is integral to good SEO is having strong ranking keywords. Using impressions, conversion rates, and CTRs, you can identify what keywords are used most often by your target audience.

You’re not always going to have the budget to test conversion rates but looking at the CPC of each keyword can help distinguish what high and low intent keywords are present in your content. You are then able to implement this in different user journeys to great effect, knowing what will deliver with content creation and even in optimisation. 

These can be utilised organically by using conversion optimised landing pages with high intent keywords for an audience that is ready to purchase. Low intent keywords can be used in long-form blog posts to educate potential customers to the brand or business that you are promoting. 

reviewing data to help with seo
Analysing your data helps you create better campaigns and deliver good organic growth (Image Credit: Stephen Dawson)


Remarketing is where targeted ads are shown to users who have previously visited your site or have engaged with your brand on email or through social media. This is an incredible tool to utilise as it brings people who may be interested back to your site, converting prospects who are already familiar with what you can offer. 

Your SEO can be improved through remarketing as you can learn more about potential customers. This is through learning more about their long-term interests and what they are actually looking for (in-market audience category).

Understanding this allows you to condense the types of content and keywords you should be using and deliver them effectively to the right audience. To utilise this, you can go to your Adwords account and click on the shared library before hitting ‘Audience Manager’. From here, you will be able to get ‘Audience Insights’ to help with your remarketing. 

Getting people to interact with your site isn’t always instantaneous and takes hard work and dedication to ensure conversions. It is important you know how to recapture your audience that hasn’t converted. 

According to Entrepreneur, it takes around five brand impressions before someone makes a purchase. Remarketing allows for businesses or brands to aid prospects back to their site in a cost-effective and simple manner. 

This helps with organic visitors as you create a brand presence. This helps with brand recall and creates authority and trust meaning that your audience is more likely to return organically to your site at a later date. They will also be more likely to trust your content which can be shared on their socials leading, eventually to more backlinks.

a breakdown of audience insights showing graphs
Following audience insights helps you choose the right target phrases and keywords. (Image Credit: Single Grain)

Geographic Performance

Another factor to consider when using Google Ads to help with SEO performance is local SEO. This is where you target an audience that is geographically close to you and your business. 

In the digital age, people are reliant on their technology to direct them to services and information, and having good local SEO can ensure that you are attracting people who are close to you. This is particularly useful if you have a physical location that you want people to enter or attend. 

Even if you don’t have a physical presence, local SEO can be used to enhance your regional profile and aid your nationwide campaigns. You should look at your conversions in relation to the area and see what is converting in each specific space. You can also analyse clicks and impressions and see what geographical area is responding best to your ads. 

With this information, you will be able to see what phrasing people resonate with most and how people are engaging or talking about your product or service. You will be able to take this information and utilise it for your on-page SEO and update your keyword strategy with new target keywords. 

Search Terms Report 

People utilise Google Adwords to target keywords, but running a search terms report lets you analyse what people are actually typing into search engines. Analysing these phrases will help you see what exact phrases are being searched for and that are involving your ads. From here, you can employ these same key phrases to deliver content that is rich for your SEO. 

If there are certain phrases or words that are receiving lots of attention or impressions, you will be able to incorporate them into your on-page SEO. This will achieve organic growth as you are able to see what is bringing people to your website and supporting any conversions that may occur. 

Delivering an effective SEO strategy employs user intent, not just the volume of keywords, so using Google Ads to really focus on what is effective will produce results. Using more specific keywords rather than high volume singular words will see searches actually clicking through to your site and converting leads into purchases.

planning out user journeys and buyer personas using keywords
Creating keywords and phrases around buyer journey helps make conscious and deliberate decisions around what content to create for organic SEO growth. (Image Credit: Kaleidico)

Refining Your SEO Strategy with Google Ads

SEO is something that is a long-term game – you learn while you do it and it constantly has to be reviewed and measured. That being said, analysing and taking notes from your PPC campaigns allows you to implement organic SEO strategies when you are aware of trends and data. 

PPC and SEO are incredibly important for your business and website but they are also highly specialised and technical. Knowing where to begin and how to implement strategies that benefit your business can be tricky. Get in touch with ProfileTree today to see how we can aid you with your SEO and PPC

How to Set Up a Smart Campaign in Google Ads | Google Ads | Google Adwords | Google Advert | Google

2023 Stats: Google Organic vs. Paid CTRs & SEO Lift from Paid Ads

Understanding the interplay between organic and paid search is crucial for optimizing your online presence. Here’s a dive into the latest 2023 data on Google click-through rates (CTRs) and evidence of SEO lift from paid campaigns:

Organic Click-Through Rates (CTRs):

  • Median CTR across all industries: 1.51% (Databox, 2023)
  • Top performing industries: Automotive (3.98%), Travel & Leisure (2.58%), Food (2.12%) (Backlinko, 2023)
  • Factors influencing organic CTR: Search intent, keyword ranking, page title & meta description, website authority, SERP features (e.g., snippets)

Paid Search Click-Through Rates (CTRs):

  • Median CTR across all industries: 3.89% (Databox, 2023)
  • Top performing industries: Travel & Leisure (8.24%), Healthcare (6.98%), Health & Wellness (6.25%) (Databox, 2023)
  • Factors influencing paid CTR: Ad relevance, ad copy quality, keyword targeting, landing page optimization, bidding strategies

SEO Lift from Paid Ads:

  • Studies show a positive correlation between paid and organic search performance.
  • Potential SEO benefits of paid campaigns:
    • Keyword research and discovery: Identify valuable keywords for organic targeting.
    • Competitor analysis: Learn from competitor paid strategies and ad copy.
    • Landing page optimization: Improve landing page conversion rates for both paid and organic traffic.
    • Brand awareness and website authority: Increase brand visibility and build trust, potentially impacting organic ranking.
  • Examples of SEO lift:
    • A study by Wordstream found that brands running Google Ads saw a 20-30% increase in organic traffic within 90 days. (Wordstream, 2023)
    • A report by Moz showed that landing pages optimized for both organic and paid search experienced a 40% higher conversion rate compared to those optimized for only one channel. (Moz, 2023)


  • The relationship between paid and organic is complex and depends on various factors.
  • There’s no guaranteed SEO lift from paid campaigns; success depends on proper strategy and execution.
  • Focus on long-term organic SEO efforts while utilizing paid ads strategically for targeted boosts.


Aligning Paid and Organic Strategies: Actionable Tactics for Cohesive Campaigns

Integrating paid and organic search is like playing a game of double dutch – both sides need to swing in sync for optimal results. Here are actionable tactics to build cohesive campaigns, optimize landing pages, and conquer bid strategies:

Building Cohesive Campaigns:

  1. Keyword Harmony: Identify high-performing keywords through paid search data and target them organically. Use long-tail keywords discovered through paid search to inform organic content creation.
  2. Target Audience Overlap: Analyze demographics and interests from both channels to identify shared audiences. Tailor ad copy and organic content to resonate with this overlapping group.
  3. Consistent Messaging: Maintain brand voice and messaging across paid ads and organic content. Use similar headlines and calls to action to ensure a unified brand experience.
  4. Complementary Goals: Align paid and organic goals. Use paid ads for immediate conversions like lead generation, while organic content educates and nurtures leads for long-term growth.

Landing Page Considerations:

  1. Seamless Transition: Ensure landing pages for paid ads match the ad copy and offer a relevant experience. Avoid keyword bait-and-switch that disappoints users.
  2. Optimized for Conversion: Optimize landing pages for both paid and organic traffic. Utilize clear CTAs, compelling visuals, and address user intent based on the specific keyword.
  3. A/B Testing: Continuously test different landing page elements to identify what converts best for both paid and organic traffic. Apply winning elements across both channels.
  4. Mobile Responsiveness: Ensure all landing pages are mobile-friendly for seamless user experience across devices. Consider optimizing paid ad bids for mobile traffic.

Bid Optimization Tactics:

  1. Keyword Bidding: Utilize keyword-level bidding strategies in paid campaigns to adjust bids based on organic ranking for the same keyword. Prioritize bids for keywords with high organic potential.
  2. Dynamic Search Ads (DSA): Leverage DSA for paid campaigns to automatically generate ads based on your website content. This can capture relevant organic traffic you might miss with manual keyword targeting.
  3. Retargeting: Retarget users who interacted with your organic content with relevant paid ads. This nurtures leads and keeps your brand top-of-mind.
  4. Conversion Tracking: Track conversions across both paid and organic channels to understand the true impact of your integrated strategy. Use this data to inform future campaign optimization.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the average cost increase to also run Google Ads for SEO lift?

While variable by industry and campaign scale, most brands allocate an additional 20-30% of their core SEO budget to complementary Google Ads when used expressly to amplify organic rankings. Lower-funnel PPC campaigns tied to landing pages for core SEO targets deliver the best dual channel impact.

How long does it take to typically see SEO results directly assisted by Google Ads efforts?

It takes an average of 3-6 months for well-optimized Google Ads campaigns to start directly influencing target SEO metrics like organic clicks, rankings for associated keywords, lower average positions, etc. Leveraging historic analytics can validate direct lift over time.

What tools can help with integration and tracking SEO influence?

Platforms like Searchmetrics, SEMRush, and Funnel offer advanced paid to organic channel analysis. They can quantify SEO assist metrics like increases in rank tracking positions, clicks and visibility gain for pages running aligned Google Ads campaigns. This validates the impact on organic KPIs for better optimization.

What are the risks or limitations to understand?

Poorly optimized, irrelevant Google Ads campaigns lacking resonance with core SEO content and topics can have neutral to negative effects. It’s vital to continuously assess efficiency in driving valuable users further down the conversion funnel to pages that matter most for intended SEO targets.

In Closing

The long-held perception by many advertisers that Google search ecosystem channels operate independently has evolved significantly in the age of cross-channel analytics. Savvy digital marketers now recognize strategic Google Ads setup directly supporting SEO initiatives can amplify important organic KPIs from rankings to click-through rates.

However, these complimentary benefits only manifest through thoughtful implementation targeted expressly around core SEO page and keyword groups. Absent proper alignment to organic goals, irrelevant Google Ads may lift overall domain traffic yet barely influence target SEO visibility. And with the level of coordination required, it only makes sense if you have already achieved reasonable organic traction.

As covered across our integrated channel strategies, best practices, assist metrics and results timeline, Google Ads can serve as an accelerator to SEO progress. But alone it remains an incomplete replacement for the foundational on-page and off-page optimization necessary to command strong rankings.

The modern marketer capable of strategically bridging paid and organic channels ultimately wins more than just visibility. They earn greater trust signals,

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