Content planning for social media can be used to promote and sell services and products, engage desired target audiences and generate customer feedback. Without content, there would be nothing to share, like, comment or analyse online.

Content can vary from knowledgeable blog posts and articles, product video and images and well-informed captions.

For any content planning on social media, a well thought out strategy and effective planning is key. Check out these 5 steps of content planning for social media.

A simple guide to the 5 steps of content planning for social media

1.     Research

2.     Content creation day

5 Steps of Content Planning for Social Media

3.     Create a content calendar

4.     Schedule your content

5.     Analysis of the results

What is social media content?

Social media content can be anything from funny reels to informative carousels, how to articles and behind the scenes Instagram stories. A good way to categorise social content can be the following 6 categories


Video trends, Reactive content, Memes and Competitions


Quotes, Facts and Personal Stories


How-to posts, Articles and blog posts, Industry research, Facts and figures, Case studios and Training videos


Questions and Polls


Meet the team, Office life and Personal posts


Products/services posts, Reviews, Influencer content and Offers and discounts

How to create content for social media

Creating content for social media can involve creating written content, photography, graphics, and videos for the relevant social media platforms. It’s important to remember when content planning for social media, that everything must comply with the limits for character counts, image sizes, and video lengths for each platform.

Here are the initial elements involved in content planning for social media, we will get into the 5 steps and how these all work together to form your social strategy in the next section.

Research: Keeping up to date with current trends and utilising social media insights to get an understanding on what type of social content is doing well with your desired target audience.

Writing: This can vary from SEO optimised blogs and articles, short catchy captions and video scripts.

Photography/Videography: This can either be professionally captured or done with your phone. Taking photos and video content like product shots or behind-the-scenes walk throughs and office tours.

Editing: Developing video clips into a finished product, like a reel, TikTok or YouTube video. Apps like InShot and Splice are easy to use and can really help with editing short video content for social media.

Graphic design: Using a combination of branding, words and images to create templates to use as infographics, story content, video covers or any other visuals across social media. The Canva app is perfect for this. Once a template is created they can easily be edited to create new posts while staying within the business branding.

5 simple steps of content planning for social media are as follows.

1.     Research

Any content creation for social media requires research. Social media is more than posting anything you like at any chance you have and calling it a day.

Before you can begin creating your content, it’s important to know what type of content your target audience will be interested in or what they engage well with. This is also where the initial 5 elements above can help.

If there is already a built up following on your social media accounts, then a good place to start is with your social media analytics. These can be accessed through each account and they can help give an idea of what content is already working well for the business and who the current audience is on the accounts.

what is google index - a girl researching something on google

It’s important to remember social media platforms are forever changing, so it is important to continue your research outside of your own social media analytics. Social listening is the processes of carrying out a competitor analysis within your industry and getting an idea of the conversations currently going on.

It’s important to also keep up with social trends by spending time on each platform and checking out content from others. This involves looking at trending music and audio, relevant hashtags and current conversations and deciding what is relevant to your business.

2.     Content creation day

Social media posts don’t always need to be an image taken that same day or be a job that was worked on that same week. Throughout the month you will thank yourself for dedicating a day previously to create a content folder.

A content creation day involves creating and shooting a bank of images, videos and any graphic design templates to be used over the next few weeks or months.

Canva is a great app to use to create branded templates that can always be edited for future posts too. As your content folder grows, scheduling content throughout the month should be made easier as a result of this.

3.     Create a content calendar

Creating a monthly social media content calendar and getting ahead with your content planning will help to ensure a consistent stream of content is going out across the accounts over the month.

Ensure this is a manageable number of posts depending on the nature of the business and use the previously taken images, videos and graphics to give help give variety of content across the platforms for the month.

4.     Schedule your content

Once you have created your social media content calendar you can schedule these to automatically post throughout the month. This takes the pressure off having to post manually each week.

Scheduling content also allows you to view your content plan for the month fully, edit any errors and ensure a variety of content in being filtered throughout the month. This should also be more time efficient to publish content in one sitting rather than interrupting any workflow throughout the week.

5.     Analysis the results

Once your monthly content has been posted, it’s important to analyse your results through social media insights. This helps to give an understanding of what content worked well and what didn’t, what times and days were most effective for content and any changes within the audience on the social platforms.

Once you have this information it’s important to use this to start your research and content planning for the upcoming month and repeat the 5 steps of content planning for social media.

SMART Goals for Social Media Content:

How a winning digital marketing plan can fuel your business growth

Goal 1: Increase Brand Awareness

  • Specific: Increase brand awareness by 20% within the next 6 months.
  • Measurable: Track follower growth, website traffic from social media referrals, and brand mentions across social media platforms and online publications.
  • Attainable: Aim for a realistic growth rate based on current follower base and engagement levels.
  • Relevant: Increased brand awareness leads to greater visibility and improved brand recognition, fostering trust and loyalty.
  • Time-bound: Achieve the 20% increase within a defined timeframe (6 months) to track progress and evaluate effectiveness.

Goal 2: Boost Engagement Rate

  • Specific: Increase average engagement rate (likes, comments, shares) by 5% across all social media platforms within 3 months.
  • Measurable: Track engagement metrics for each platform and calculate the average engagement rate.
  • Attainable: Set a realistic target based on existing engagement levels and potential for improvement through content optimization.
  • Relevant: Higher engagement indicates a more active and interested audience, leading to better brand perception and stronger relationships.
  • Time-bound: Achieve the 5% increase within a defined timeframe (3 months) to assess progress and implement adjustments if needed.

Goal 3: Generate Leads

  • Specific: Generate 100 qualified leads through social media channels within the next quarter.
  • Measurable: Track leads generated through social media landing pages, lead capture forms, and direct messages.
  • Attainable: Set a realistic target based on historical data and projected marketing efforts.
  • Relevant: Generating leads leads to potential customers and ultimately drives business growth.
  • Time-bound: Achieve the 100 lead target within a defined timeframe (quarter) to measure lead generation effectiveness and adjust strategy if needed.

Goal 4: Drive Website Traffic

  • Specific: Increase website traffic by 15% from social media referrals within the next 6 months.
  • Measurable: Track website traffic data and analyze the source of traffic to identify social media contribution.
  • Attainable: Set a realistic target based on current website traffic and potential for social media driven traffic increase.
  • Relevant: Increased website traffic translates to more website visitors, potentially leading to higher conversion rates and sales.
  • Time-bound: Achieve the 15% increase within a defined timeframe (6 months) to assess social media’s impact on website traffic and refine strategies accordingly.

Goal 5: Improve Customer Service

  • Specific: Resolve 90% of customer inquiries submitted through social media channels within 24 hours.
  • Measurable: Track response rates and resolution times for customer inquiries submitted via social media platforms.
  • Attainable: Set a realistic target based on current response times and available resources.
  • Relevant: Timely and efficient customer service through social media enhances customer satisfaction and builds brand loyalty.
  • Time-bound: Achieve the 90% resolution rate within a defined timeframe (24 hours) to ensure prompt customer service and improve brand perception.

These SMART goals are just examples, and you can customize them based on your specific business objectives and social media strategy. Remember to regularly review and update your goals as needed to ensure they remain relevant and contribute to your overall business growth and success.

Identifying Your Brand Voice and Personality:

Developing a distinct and consistent voice is crucial for building a strong brand identity on social media. Here’s how to identify your brand voice and personality:

  • Define your brand values and mission: What are your core principles and what do you stand for as a brand?
  • Consider your target audience: Who are you trying to reach and connect with? What language and tone resonate with them?
  • Analyze your competitors: How do your competitors communicate on social media? What are their strengths and weaknesses?
  • Experiment and iterate: Don’t be afraid to experiment with different voices and personalities until you find one that feels authentic and resonates with your audience.

Your brand voice should be reflected in every aspect of your social media presence, including your posts, captions, visuals, and interactions with your audience.

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Choosing the Right Content Formats for Each Platform:

Each social media platform caters to different preferences and consumption habits. To maximize engagement, tailor your content format to each platform:

  • Twitter: Short, punchy text updates with relevant hashtags and engaging visuals.
  • Instagram: High-quality photos and videos showcasing your products, services, or behind-the-scenes glimpses.
  • Facebook: A mix of text, images, videos, and live streams to cater to diverse audiences.
  • LinkedIn: Professional articles, infographics, and industry insights to connect with other professionals.
  • YouTube: Educational and entertaining video content showcasing your expertise and brand story.
  • TikTok: Short, catchy videos with trending sounds and challenges to reach a younger audience.

Understanding the unique features and audience preferences of each platform will help you choose the right content formats for maximum impact.

Utilizing Social Media Analytics Tools:

Track and analyze your social media performance with the help of powerful tools:

  • Platform-specific analytics: Facebook Insights, Instagram Insights, Twitter Analytics, etc., offer valuable data on reach, engagement, and audience demographics.
  • Social media management tools: Buffer, Sprout Social, Hootsuite provide comprehensive analytics dashboards to track various metrics and compare performance across platforms.
  • Third-party analytics tools: Brand24, Mention, Buzzsumo offer deeper insights into brand mentions, sentiment analysis, and industry trends.

By regularly analyzing your data, you can identify what’s working, what needs improvement, and adjust your strategy accordingly.

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The social media landscape is constantly evolving. To stay ahead of the curve, be prepared to adapt your content strategy:

  • Stay updated on social media trends: Follow industry publications, attend conferences, and network with other professionals to stay informed about the latest trends and best practices.
  • Monitor algorithm changes: Each platform periodically updates its algorithms, impacting content visibility. Keep track of these changes and adjust your content accordingly.
  • Be flexible and experiment: Don’t be afraid to try new things and experiment with different content formats, hashtags, and posting times.
  • Analyze your data: Use data to inform your decisions. Regularly review your analytics and make adjustments based on what’s working and what’s not.

Real-World Examples and Case Studies for Social Media Content Planning:

1. Audience Research:

  • Example: Patagonia conducted extensive research to understand their target audience’s interests, values, and online behavior. This data informed their content strategy, focusing on environmental activism and outdoor adventures, resonating deeply with their audience and building a strong brand community.
  • Tip: Utilize social listening tools, surveys, and website analytics to gather data about your target audience.

2. Developing a Content Calendar:

  • Case Study: Trello uses a color-coded content calendar to schedule posts across various platforms, ensuring a diverse and consistent content mix. This helps them maintain audience engagement and keep their brand fresh.
  • Tip: Utilize content creation and scheduling tools like Buffer, Hootsuite, or Asana to organize your content calendar and streamline your workflow.

3. Content Formats:

  • Example: Nike’s “Just Do It” campaign utilized inspiring videos featuring athletes and everyday people, showcasing the power of perseverance and achieving goals. This emotionally charged content resonated with their audience and established Nike as a brand associated with motivation and empowerment.
  • Tip: Experiment with various content formats like images, videos, infographics, live streams, and stories to cater to different audience preferences and platform specificities.

4. Content Repurposing:

  • Case Study: Buzzfeed repurposes successful blog posts into snackable social media content, maximizing their reach and engagement. This allows them to reach new audiences and squeeze more value out of their existing content.
  • Tip: Repurpose your long-form content into smaller pieces like snippets, quotes, or infographics for social media platforms.

5. Influencer Marketing:

  • Example: Glossier partnered with micro-influencers in the beauty industry to promote their products. These targeted partnerships allowed them to reach a highly engaged audience and build brand trust through authentic recommendations.
  • Tip: Partner with relevant influencers who align with your brand values and target audience. Focus on building long-term relationships for mutually beneficial collaborations.

6. Social Media Advertising:

  • Case Study: Dollar Shave Club utilized targeted ads on Facebook and Instagram to reach specific demographics and interests. This cost-effective approach helped them acquire new customers and drive sales growth.
  • Tip: Utilize the powerful targeting options offered by social media platforms to reach your ideal audience with laser precision.

7. Measuring Success:

  • Example: Starbucks monitors key metrics like follower growth, engagement rate, website traffic, and brand mentions to assess the effectiveness of their social media campaigns. This data-driven approach allows them to continually optimize their strategy for better results.
  • Tip: Track relevant metrics and use analytics tools to measure progress and identify areas for improvement. Regularly analyze your data to refine your social media strategy.

Detailed Strategies and Tactics for Social Media Content Planning:

1. Conducting Audience Research:

  • Social Listening: Utilize tools like Sprout Social, Brandwatch, and Mention to monitor online conversations and understand how your target audience talks about your brand, industry, and related topics.
  • Surveys and Polls: Conduct surveys and polls on social media platforms or through email lists to gather direct feedback from your audience on their preferences, interests, and pain points.
  • Website Analytics: Analyze website traffic data to understand which content resonates best with your audience and identify their preferred channels and content formats.
  • Competitor Analysis: Research your competitors’ social media presence to understand their content strategies, audience demographics, and engagement levels.

2. Developing Content Calendars:

  • Set SMART Goals: Define specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals for your social media content. This helps guide your content creation and ensure alignment with your overall goals.
  • Identify Content Pillars: Determine key themes and topics that align with your brand identity, audience interests, and business objectives. These pillars will serve as the foundation for your content plan.
  • Brainstorm Content Ideas: Utilize brainstorming sessions, keyword research tools, and industry trends to generate a diverse range of content ideas within your defined content pillars.
  • Schedule Content: Create a content calendar that maps out your planned posts across different platforms, including dates, times, formats, and hashtags.
  • Utilize Content Creation Tools: Utilize tools like Canva, Adobe Spark, and Lumen5 to create visually appealing and engaging content for your social media platforms.

3. Measuring Success:

  • Track Key Metrics: Monitor crucial metrics like follower growth, engagement rate (likes, comments, shares), website traffic, brand mentions, and conversion rates.
  • Utilize Analytics Tools: Leverage platform-specific analytics tools and social media management tools to track your progress and gain deeper insights into your audience and content performance.
  • Set Benchmarks: Establish baseline metrics to compare your progress over time and identify areas for improvement.
  • Conduct A/B Testing: Experiment with different content formats, posting times, and hashtags to see what resonates best with your audience and optimize your strategy accordingly.
  • Analyze Your Data: Regularly review your analytics data to identify trends, understand what’s working well, and what needs adjustments.

Additional Tactics:

  • Maintain a consistent brand voice and personality across all social media platforms.
  • Respond to comments and messages promptly and authentically to build relationships and foster engagement.
  • Run contests and giveaways to attract new followers and boost engagement.
  • Collaborate with other brands or influencers to reach a wider audience and tap into new communities.
  • Utilize social media automation tools to streamline tasks like scheduling posts and responding to comments.
  • Stay up-to-date with the latest social media trends and adapt your strategy accordingly.

By implementing these detailed strategies and tactics, you can develop a comprehensive and data-driven content planning process that ensures your social media efforts are effective, targeted, and aligned with your overall business objectives.

Advanced Social Media Content Planning:

Beyond the foundational principles, let’s delve into advanced topics to elevate your social media content planning:

1. Content Repurposing:

  • Identify Reusable Content: Analyze your existing content library for blog posts, articles, videos, infographics, and more that can be repurposed for social media.
  • Adapt to Platform Specificities: Tailor the repurposed content to each platform’s format and audience preferences. For example, break down long-form content into bite-sized snippets for Twitter or create eye-catching visuals for Instagram.
  • Maintain Brand Consistency: Ensure the repurposed content maintains your brand voice, tone, and visual identity across all platforms.
  • Utilize Automation Tools: Consider tools like Repost or Buffer to automate the process of repurposing and scheduling content across multiple platforms.
  • Track Performance and Adapt: Monitor the performance of your repurposed content and adjust your strategy based on what resonates best with your audience.

2. Influencer Marketing:

  • Identify Relevant Influencers: Research and identify influencers who align with your brand values, target audience, and content niche. Avoid solely focusing on follower count and prioritize engagement and authenticity.
  • Develop Strategic Partnerships: Build genuine relationships with the chosen influencers, establishing clear expectations and goals for the collaboration.
  • Create Authentic Content: Encourage the influencer to create content that feels natural and resonates with their audience, incorporating your brand messaging subtly.
  • Track Campaign Results: Monitor the reach, engagement, and brand mentions generated by the influencer campaign, measuring its effectiveness against your objectives.
  • Embrace Long-Term Partnerships: Consider building long-term partnerships with influencers who demonstrably connect with your target audience.

3. Social Media Advertising:

  • Define Your Advertising Goals: Determine your specific objectives for advertising, whether it’s driving website traffic, increasing brand awareness, or generating leads and sales.
  • Target Your Audience Precisely: Utilize platform-specific ad targeting features to reach your ideal audience based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and online activity.
  • Create Compelling Ad Formats: Utilize various ad formats like video ads, image ads, carousel ads, and lead generation forms to capture attention and achieve your desired outcomes.
  • Monitor and Analyze Performance: Closely monitor your ad campaigns, analyzing key metrics like impressions, clicks, conversion rates, and cost-per-acquisition (CPA).
  • Optimize and Refine: Based on your data analysis, refine your targeting parameters, ad creatives, and budget allocation to maximize your return on investment (ROI).


  • Utilize social media listening tools to identify trending topics and conversations relevant to your brand.
  • Participate in relevant online communities and discussions to build brand awareness and engage with potential customers.
  • Host live Q&A sessions, webinars, and interactive events to connect with your audience in real-time.
  • Invest in social media training and resources to stay ahead of the latest trends and best practices.

Content Planning FAQ:

Q: How much time should I spend creating social media content?

A: The amount of time varies depending on your business goals, audience size, and chosen platforms. However, consistency is key. Aim for at least 30 minutes per day for content creation, scheduling, and engagement.

Q: What are some free or affordable social media management tools?

A: Several free or affordable tools can help you manage your social media effectively. Some popular options include Buffer, Hootsuite, Sprout Social, and Later. Many offer free plans or trials to get you started.

Q: How often should I post on each platform?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer. However, here’s a general guideline:

  • Twitter: 3-5 times per day
  • Instagram: 1-2 times per day
  • Facebook: 1-3 times per week
  • LinkedIn: 1-2 times per week
  • YouTube: 1-2 times per month

Q: Can I use the same content across all platforms?

While you can repurpose content, it’s best to tailor it to each platform’s specific format and audience preferences.

Q: How do I handle negative comments or reviews?

Respond promptly and professionally, acknowledging concerns and offering solutions. Avoid getting defensive or engaging in arguments.

Q: What are some common mistakes to avoid in social media content planning?

  • Not having a clear strategy and goals.
  • Creating unengaging or irrelevant content.
  • Ignoring your audience and failing to respond to comments.
  • Not using analytics to track your progress.
  • Being afraid to experiment and adapt your strategy.

Content Planning Conclusion:

Social media content planning is a vital aspect of building a successful online presence. By implementing the strategies and tips detailed in this article, you can create engaging content, connect with your audience, and achieve your business goals.

Remember, the key to success is to be consistent, data-driven, and adaptable to the ever-changing social media landscape. By focusing on creating valuable content and building genuine relationships, you can leverage the power of social media to propel your brand forward and achieve lasting success.

For more help on how to manage your content planning for social media check out our other blogs or our YouTube channel.

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