In the latest episode of ProfileTree’s Business Leaders series, we sit down with Azhar Murtuza from Born Maverick to talk about vegan values, environmental sustainability and running a successful food business. 

Based in Belfast, Born Maverick has already secured a number of achievements such as being a Student Invent Finalist; a QUB Dragon’s Den Finalist and a Belfast Business Idea Awards 2019 Top 5 finalist. Check out the full interview below, or read on for the highlights.

Building a vegan business with azhar murtaza

Starting a Sustainable Vegan Business

At the beginning of the interview, we chatted with Azhar about the path which led him to establishing a vegan food business. For this young entrepreneur, the path to business began at Queen’s University Belfast where he initially presented his business concept to Enterprise SU. 

“I think they saw that instinct of entrepreneurial ability within me, as well as the authenticity of my belief in my business. The mentorship and guidance was fantastic, and I was eventually awarded Innovation Vouchers by Invest NI.” 

This recognition compelled Azhar to take the new steps towards growing his business. He brought the product to a food technologist, who applauded the idea behind the business, yet questioned how sustainable the model would be in Northern Ireland

Building a Vegan Business with Azhar Murtaza

This criticism stirred Azhar, who was committed to the idea of heading up an eco-friendly and sustainable enterprise. “The concept of veganism isn’t just about food and ingredients, and I didn’t want to sell a vegan drink in a plastic bottle,” he recalls. A decision was then made to move forward in a way that was sustainable, ethical and of benefit to society.

“We packaged it in our sachets, which were compostable and not just biodegradable. In every aspect, we did things in an ethical way,” says Azhar, whose innovative packaging is the first of its kind in the global market. “This is more than just a drink – it’s about getting things right in every respect.”

With a background in biotechnology, Azhar left behind a lucrative career in an Indian mining firm. “This was harmful to nature, and I never was comfortable with what I was doing. That’s when I decided I had to do something else – something that didn’t exploit nature. That’s when I chose Queen’s University.

But why Queen’s University out of all the choices in the world? According to Azhar, it’s quite a funny story. “I just wanted to get away, and I was selected for QUB and Trinity College Dublin. I wanted to be in the UK, and I was in a bubble of my own and hadn’t even seen a map of Ireland. I lined up in Heathrow airport before someone kindly told me I was in the wrong country! According to the young businessman, he was so wrapped up in what he was doing that these essential details became an afterthought.

Azhar Murtuza from Born Maverick
Azhar Murtuza, of Born Maverick, believes vegan food should be sustainable in order to be wholly accepted as vegan. Image credit: Business First

Insights into the Vegan Lifestyle

For Azhar, veganism is a philosophy rather than a mere lifestyle choice. “I see that lots of people think they are vegan just by cutting down on meat. Others progress and they go into a level of being an extremist! You need to be the change you want to see in people, and we need to be aware of what suits our body. I didn’t become a vegan overnight – I discovered what best suited my body. Our food industry has a long way to go in creating strong alternatives to meat,” he argues.

The duplication of meat isn’t only failing because of a lack of resemblance, says Azhar. Vegans don’t want a perfect rendition of bacon in plastic packaging – they are concerned about processing and the health of the planet. It’s beyond the ingredients, and Azhar believes that much work has to be done in transforming perceptions. 

“If you know how the meat is done and made, it’s more than just meat. It’s the process – the exploitation of nature. This is what is wrong, and this is how flexitarians come into play. If people cut down on meat, the demand, supply and exploitation will inevitably come down”. For the Born Maverick founder, it is just as important that people buy into the philosophy as it is buying the products themselves. 

For Born Maverick, converting consumers towards that philosophy forms the ethical backbone of the brand. “It’s all about creating a sustainable and ethical environment which caters to the morals of veganism. I want to target everyone who believes we have to take a step towards saving nature”.

Those interested in trying out Born Maverick’s products can check out the official website, as well as following the brand on Twitter and Instagram.

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From growing your business to looking after your staff, new industry insights and innovative ideas – we cover everything to inspire professionals across all sectors. If you want to become a part of it, simply drop us a message. 

Conquering the Green Frontier: Challenges & Solutions for Thriving Vegan Businesses

Building a vegan business isn’t just about delicious plant-based offerings; it’s about navigating a unique landscape with its own set of challenges and opportunities. Fear not, intrepid entrepreneurs! Here, we tackle three common hurdles and unveil solutions to propel your vegan venture to success:

Challenge #1: Ethical Sourcing in a Non-Vegan World

Finding ingredients aligned with your values can be tricky. How do you ensure ethical sourcing, combat animal exploitation, and support sustainable practices?


  • Build strong relationships with reliable suppliers: Research farms committed to ethical animal treatment, organic produce, and fair labor practices. Look for certifications like USDA Organic or Fair Trade to verify ethical sourcing.
  • Embrace local and seasonal ingredients: Reduce your carbon footprint and support local farmers by incorporating fresh, seasonal produce into your offerings. This also allows for greater menu creativity and transparency.
  • Get creative with alternatives: Don’t limit yourself to existing vegan products. Explore innovative ingredients like jackfruit, mycoprotein, and lab-grown meat substitutes to offer unique and sustainable options.

Success Story: “Greens of the City,” a vegan restaurant chain, sources ingredients directly from local family farms, fostering positive relationships and showcasing ethical practices on their menu.

Challenge #2: Navigating the Regulatory Maze

Food safety regulations, labeling requirements, and intellectual property protection can be daunting for any food business, but they can be especially intricate for plant-based offerings.


  • Seek expert guidance: Consult with food safety consultants and lawyers who specialize in the vegan industry. They can help you navigate regulations, obtain necessary permits, and ensure compliance.
  • Stay informed about evolving regulations: The vegan landscape is rapidly changing, so stay updated on new regulations and industry best practices. Attend relevant conferences and workshops to stay ahead of the curve.
  • Clearly label your products: Ensure transparency with accurate and detailed ingredient lists, allergen warnings, and clear labeling that identifies your products as vegan.

Success Story: “VeganEssentials,” a vegan food producer, invests heavily in legal and scientific expertise to ensure their products adhere to the strictest safety standards and transparent labeling practices. This builds trust and fosters brand loyalty with their customers.

Challenge #3: Dispelling Vegan Myths and Misconceptions

Veganism is often shrouded in misconceptions and biases. How do you combat these doubts and educate your customers about the benefits of a plant-based lifestyle?


  • Focus on education and awareness: Offer cooking classes, workshops, and informational seminars to educate your customers about vegan food, nutrition, and ethical sourcing.
  • Highlight the benefits: Showcase the deliciousness, health advantages, and environmental benefits of a plant-based diet through your menu, branding, and customer interactions.
  • Leverage social media: Build a strong online presence and share engaging content like recipe demos, customer testimonials, and stories of ethical producers to spread awareness and build community.

Success Story: “Plant Powered Living,” a vegan cafe, hosts regular talks by nutritionists and environmental activists, creating a space for education and conversation around veganism, attracting a loyal community of customers.

By acknowledging these challenges and implementing smart solutions, you can transform them into opportunities for growth and differentiation. Remember, the vegan market is booming, and consumers are increasingly seeking ethical and sustainable businesses. Embrace the challenges, stay informed, and most importantly, be passionate about your vegan mission. With dedication and the right strategies, your vegan business can not only thrive, but truly inspire a greener future.

Launching a vegan business is more than just whipping up delicious plant-based creations. It’s venturing into a world with its own set of legal and regulatory hurdles, specifically around food safety, labeling, and intellectual property. But fear not, intrepid entrepreneurs! Here’s your guide to conquering the legal jungle and ensuring your vegan venture blossoms:

Food Safety Regulations:

  • FDA Oversight: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) oversees food safety for all businesses, including vegan ones. This means adhering to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) for food production, labeling regulations, and allergen requirements. Familiarize yourself with the FDA’s “Current Good Manufacturing Practice for Dietary Supplements” and “CFR Title 21” for specific guidelines.
  • Allergens: Be mindful of potential allergens like soy, nuts, and gluten in your vegan products. Clearly label and disclose all allergens to avoid legal troubles and protect your customers.
  • State and Local Regulations: Different states and localities might have additional food safety regulations. Research and comply with specific requirements in your area, like sanitation protocols and inspection schedules.

Labeling Requirements:

  • Truth in Labeling: Accuracy is key! Ensure your product labels are truthful and not misleading. Use clear and specific language, avoiding terms like “healthy” or “natural” without scientific backing.
  • Vegan Claims: Use recognized labeling standards like the “Certified Vegan” logo from the Vegan Awareness Network or the V-Label to verify your products are free of animal ingredients.
  • Ingredient Listing: Clearly list all ingredients, including additives and processing aids, in descending order of prevalence. Transparency builds trust and helps customers make informed choices.

Intellectual Property Protection:

  • Trademarks: Consider protecting your brand name, logo, and unique product names through trademark registration. This prevents competitors from using similar names and protects your unique brand identity.
  • Recipes: While recipes themselves are not copyrightable, you can protect unique processes, product formulations, and specific ingredient combinations through trade secrets, confidentiality agreements, and employee training.
  • Patents: If your business involves innovative food technology or unique ingredient processing methods, consider exploring patent protection to secure exclusive rights to your invention.

Proactive Measures:

  • Consult with Experts: Partnering with a food safety consultant or lawyer specializing in the vegan industry can save you time and money in the long run. They can guide you through regulations, label compliance, and potential legal pitfalls.
  • Maintain Documentation: Keep meticulous records of ingredient sourcing, production processes, and quality control measures. This documentation can be crucial in case of product recalls or legal disputes.
  • Stay Updated: Regulations and labeling requirements evolve. Attend industry conferences, subscribe to relevant publications, and stay informed about changes to ensure your business remains compliant.

By navigating these legal and regulatory considerations with vigilance and proactiveness, you can set the stage for a flourishing vegan business, built on transparency, safety, and intellectual property protection. Remember, knowledge is power, and in the legal jungle, informed entrepreneurs thrive!

Tech-Savvy Vegan: Leveraging Technology for Growth and Impact

In the age of hyper-connectivity, embracing technology isn’t just a convenience for vegan businesses; it’s a growth engine. From streamlining operations to fostering customer connections, smart tech choices can propel your venture to new heights. Let’s delve into three key areas where technology shines for vegan businesses:

Optimizing Operations:

  • E-commerce Powerhouse: Platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce offer streamlined online stores, inventory management tools, and secure payment gateways. Reach a wider audience, fulfill orders efficiently, and track sales data for informed decision-making.
  • Automation FTW: Embrace automation tools for repetitive tasks like scheduling social media posts, managing email campaigns, or sending order confirmations. This frees up valuable time for creativity and strategic endeavors.
  • Sustainable Supply Chain: Utilize cloud-based logistics platforms to optimize sourcing, track deliveries, and minimize transportation emissions. Choose sustainable packaging options like recycled materials or compostable alternatives to further reduce your environmental footprint.

Connecting with Customers:

  • Social Media Magnet: Engage your audience on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. Share mouthwatering visuals, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and inspiring vegan stories. Use targeted ads and relevant hashtags to reach new customers and build a loyal community.
  • Live Streaming Boom: Host live cooking demonstrations, Q&A sessions with founders or nutritionists, and virtual events to connect with your audience in real-time. Live interaction fosters trust and loyalty, driving repeat business and referrals.
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Utilize CRM tools to manage customer interactions, personalize marketing campaigns, and track customer preferences. Provide personalized recommendations, address concerns promptly, and build lasting relationships with your vegan tribe.

Promoting Your Brand:

  • Content Marketing Magic: Create valuable content like blog posts, infographics, or e-books about plant-based recipes, nutritional information, and ethical sourcing practices. Share your knowledge, address customer concerns, and establish yourself as a thought leader in the vegan space.
  • Influencer Outreach: Partner with relevant vegan influencers or bloggers to promote your brand and reach a wider audience. Leverage their reach and credibility to spread your message and attract new customers.
  • Sustainability Storytelling: Showcase your commitment to sustainability through engaging content. Highlight ethical sourcing practices, eco-friendly packaging initiatives, and partnerships with environmental organizations. Consumers are increasingly conscious, and transparency about your values resonates deeply.

Proactive Measures:

  • Stay Updated: Technology evolves rapidly. Follow industry trends, attend tech conferences, and explore new tools and platforms to ensure your business stays ahead of the curve.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Leverage analytics tools to track customer behavior, website traffic, and social media engagement. Use this data to inform your marketing strategies, product development, and overall business decisions.
  • Invest in Cybersecurity: Data breaches are a real threat. Implement robust cybersecurity measures to protect customer information and ensure safe online transactions.

By embracing technology as a key partner, you can streamline operations, foster meaningful connections with your audience, and promote your vegan brand effectively. Remember, a tech-savvy vegan business is a future-proof business, poised to thrive in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Let’s leverage the power of technology to create a more sustainable, delicious, and compassionate world, one plant-based bite at a time!

The Future is Green: Unveiling the Exciting Landscape of Vegan Business

The vegan movement is no longer a fringe phenomenon; it’s a powerful wave reshaping the global food system, consumer preferences, and even travel habits. As an entrepreneur in the vegan space, understanding the future trends and emerging areas is crucial for charting your path to success. So, buckle up, fellow plant-powered pioneers, as we explore the exciting frontiers of vegan business:

Plant-Based Meat Revolution:

  • Beyond Burgers, move over! Lab-grown meat and innovative plant-based alternatives like mycoprotein and jackfruit are poised to dominate the market. Expect hyper-realistic textures, delicious flavors, and even nutritional advancements, blurring the lines between animal and plant-based protein.

Vegan Travel Takes Flight:

  • Vegan globetrotters rejoice! Sustainability-focused travel companies are catering to your needs with plant-based culinary experiences, eco-friendly lodging options, and responsible adventure tours. This is your chance to explore the world while staying true to your values.

Sustainable Agriculture Thrives:

  • Forget industrial farming! Regenerative agriculture practices that nourish the soil, preserve biodiversity, and promote animal welfare are gaining traction. Vegan businesses can partner with these farms to source ethical ingredients and reduce their environmental footprint.

Technology Drives Change:

  • From AI-powered personalized nutrition plans to blockchain-based food traceability, technology is transforming the vegan landscape. Expect advancements in food production, waste reduction, and data-driven decision-making, ensuring transparency and efficiency.

Wellness Redefined:

  • Veganism isn’t just about food; it’s a holistic approach to wellness. Look for a surge in plant-based fitness brands, mindfulness apps, and holistic wellness centers catering to the physical and mental well-being of the vegan community.

Community and Collaboration:

  • The power of collective action! Expect to see even greater collaboration between vegan businesses, environmental organizations, and advocacy groups. This interconnectedness will amplify the impact of the movement and foster collective innovation for a sustainable future.

Predictions for the Future:

  • The global vegan market is expected to reach $31.4 billion by 2025, showing explosive growth.
  • Plant-based meat alternatives will capture a significant share of the traditional meat market, potentially reaching 25% by 2040.
  • Sustainability and ethical sourcing will become key differentiators for vegan businesses, with consumers increasingly seeking transparent and responsible practices.

Embrace the Future:

As a vegan entrepreneur, you have the unique opportunity to be at the forefront of this transformative movement. Stay informed about emerging trends, leverage technology, and partner with like-minded individuals to create innovative products, services, and experiences that cater to the evolving needs of the vegan community.

Remember, the future of vegan business is bright, green, and overflowing with opportunity. So, let’s plant the seeds of change, nurture them with passion, and watch them blossom into a thriving ecosystem of compassion, sustainability, and deliciousness!

FAQ: Your Vegan Business Journey Starts Here!

Q: I’m new to the vegan business world. How do I get started?

A: Start by researching the market, identifying your niche, and building a strong brand identity. Utilize the information in this article and explore resources like vegan business communities and mentorship programs. Don’t be afraid to network, learn from others, and embrace the adventure!

Q: What are the biggest challenges vegan businesses face?

A: Sourcing ethical ingredients, navigating regulations, and overcoming consumer misconceptions can be hurdles. This article delves into these challenges and offers practical solutions and success stories to inspire you. Remember, every obstacle presents an opportunity for growth and innovation.

Q: How can technology help my vegan business succeed?

A: From e-commerce platforms and social media tools to sustainable packaging solutions and data analytics, technology is a powerful ally. This article explores various ways technology can streamline operations, connect with customers, and promote your brand effectively. Embrace the tech wave and stay ahead of the curve!

Q: What are some exciting trends in the future of vegan business?

A: Plant-based meat alternatives, vegan travel, sustainable agriculture, and technology-driven innovation are just a few areas brimming with potential. Stay informed about emerging trends and seize the opportunity to be at the forefront of this transformative movement.

Q: Where can I find more inspiration and support?

A: Connect with vegan business communities, follow social media influencers, and learn from the success stories in this article. Remember, a supportive network and positive mindset are invaluable assets on your vegan business journey.

Conclusion: From Aspiring Seedling to Thriving Vegan Venture

Building a successful vegan business is about more than just delicious food; it’s about passion, purpose, and creating a positive impact on the world. This article has equipped you with valuable insights, actionable strategies, and inspiring examples to guide your journey. Embrace the challenges, learn from the success stories, and leverage the power of technology and community to cultivate a thriving vegan venture.

Remember, the future of vegan business is brimming with opportunity. So, plant the seeds of your vision, nourish them with dedication and innovation, and watch your vegan business blossom into a testament to compassion, sustainability, and deliciousness!

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