A product manager is a professional who is in charge of developing products for an organization, a role which is referred to as the practice of product management.

Most employers prefer people who have prior product management experience, and it is difficult to get that experience without first becoming a product manager. In this article, we discuss six steps on how to become a product manager. 

how to become a product manager - man holding phone working on laptop
What are essential product manager skills?

Skills to Become a Product Manager

Research about the role and work on building the key skills required 

Aspiring professionals looking to become a product manager must first understand the key skills that consistently define success in the role in order to be successful in it. 

Typically, this requires a variety of cross-industry soft skills, such as critical thinking, organization, attention to detail, prioritization, listening skills, and self-motivation. One of our recent posts introduced 6 core skills every product manager should master, such as communication and data analytical skills. New product managers should possess these hard and soft skills as a starting point. 

Obtain relevant education qualifications.

Although product managers come from a wide range of academic backgrounds, they usually hold a bachelor’s degree. An MBA is not a must most of the time, and some companies may seek candidates with a technical background or who have experience selling B2B products.

Apart from formal education, you can invest in product management certification courses. Business model development, market analysis, and product prototyping are among the core elements of product management. In the courses, you usually will learn skills such as roadmap development, writing user stories, sprint planning, and product lifecycle management so that you can be familiar with the product management lifecycle. 

Taking product management courses may also make your resume stand out from the crowd. If you have no experience, your resume might be overlooked by hiring managers, but this may not be the case if you have a certification. You will gain confidence in handling the role, which will come across in your interviews.

Start a side project.

As a product manager, your first 2-5 years are spent shipping products, gaining experience in everything that pertains to this category: stakeholder management, user interviews, developing product sense, prototyping, and many more tasks.

After learning the fundamental knowledge in product management, it is best for you to start a side project and manage it closely from the beginning. By doing so, you can test out the skills you gained from the boot camp and show your leadership and problem-solving skills. 

Starting a side project is also fun because you can do anything you want, as long as you’re interested in it, and it requires steps similar to product management. Being able to manage a product’s life cycle from development to launch shows you have the skills to manage projects from start to finish.

What’s important is that you show how you solved problems throughout the process, which means being honest about your mistakes and failures. You should also document how you collaborated with different stakeholders to complete the project.

Build a portfolio

The best way to showcase your product management skills is by building your own portfolio and link it to your resume. 

Portfolios serve as your primary means of demonstrating your talents to potential employers. Create a portfolio that showcases the projects that you have worked on. You might have completed these projects during an educational experience, as part of your past employment, or on your own. 

You may reference any project that illustrates your ability to handle the common responsibilities of product management, regardless of the context.


Networking is key to being a successful product manager. It is important for aspiring product managers to build connections with current product managers. 

You can check out YouTube videos from product managers on what they do and reach out to current PMs who work at companies you are interested in on LinkedIn. You can get an idea of how these companies hire their product managers and understand what this role entails more fully. 

Establishing a professional network can help you gain information about open positions. Past colleagues may be able to provide insight into job opportunities communicated by their professional connections. LinkedIn can also be helpful to stay up-to-date. 

Look for a relevant job in the market. 

Commonly, product management is not normally considered an entry-level position. Most product managers become product managers by gaining experience in business and technology roles, and becoming knowledgeable about product lines and industries while fine-tuning their leadership and interpersonal skills.

If you can’t get a product management job initially, jobs like business analyst, product owner, project manager, and product marketing manager could ‌help you pivot into product management.  


There are many ways to reach your goal of becoming a product manager, whether you enroll in an online course, study for a computer science degree, or simply try your luck with on-the-job training. Hard work mixed with perseverance can yield outstanding results in this highly sought-after position.

Product manager

Day in the Life of a Product Manager: A Rollercoaster of Priorities

The life of a product manager (PM) is anything but static. Each day brings a dynamic mix of tasks, requiring them to wear multiple hats and navigate shifting priorities with agility. While the specifics vary depending on industry, company size, and product stage, here’s a glimpse into the exciting and challenging world of a product manager’s daily grind:


  • Coffee and Catch-up: Fueling up for the day often involves checking emails, reviewing key metrics, and catching up on industry news and competitor updates.
  • Prioritization Ritual: PMs prioritize urgent tasks, schedule meetings, and define their focus for the day. Collaboration tools and to-do lists become their best friends.
  • Team Huddle: A quick sync with the development, design, and marketing teams ensures everyone’s aligned on goals and potential roadblocks.

Throughout the Day:

  • Feature Refinement: Based on user feedback, data analysis, and competitor insights, PMs refine existing features or brainstorm new ones, ensuring they align with product vision and business objectives.
  • Meetings Galore: From user research debriefs to marketing brainstorming sessions, PMs actively participate in numerous meetings, advocating for the product and gathering valuable input.
  • User Champion: Responding to user feedback, addressing concerns, and advocating for user needs is a crucial responsibility, often involving conducting user interviews or A/B testing new features.
  • Product Documentation: Keeping product requirements, user stories, and roadmaps up-to-date is essential for clear communication and project progress.
  • Competitive Analysis: Staying ahead of the curve involves keeping a close eye on what competitors are doing, identifying potential threats and opportunities.


  • Data Dive: Analyzing user behavior data, engagement metrics, and conversion rates helps PMs measure the success of existing features and identify areas for improvement.
  • Negotiation Ninja: From negotiating deadlines with developers to securing resources for new initiatives, PMs need strong negotiation skills to navigate internal stakeholders and external partners.
  • Communication Hub: Keeping everyone informed about product progress, upcoming releases, and any challenges is vital. This involves crafting clear communication for both technical and non-technical audiences.


  • Future Gazing: PMs spend time researching emerging technologies, industry trends, and potential disruptions to ensure their product roadmap remains relevant and innovative.
  • Networking: Building relationships with industry peers, attending conferences, and participating in online communities help PMs stay connected and learn from others.
  • The Never-Ending Cycle: Reflecting on the day’s accomplishments, learning from mistakes, and planning for tomorrow ensures continuous improvement and growth.

Product Management Specializations: Diving into Diverse Industry Focuses

The world of product management is vast and diverse, offering exciting opportunities across various industries. While the core skills and responsibilities remain similar, understanding industry-specific nuances and challenges is crucial for tailoring your approach and achieving success. Let’s explore some popular specializations:

1. Technology:

  • Focus: From software and hardware to mobile apps and AI-powered solutions, tech PMs navigate the ever-evolving landscape of technology, ensuring products are innovative, user-friendly, and scalable.
  • Key Skills: Deep understanding of technology trends, data analysis, agile methodologies, and strong relationships with engineering teams.
  • Popular Industries: Software development, consumer electronics, fintech, cybersecurity, cloud computing.

2. Consumer Goods:

  • Focus: Bringing tangible products to market, from apparel and accessories to household items and personal care products, consumer goods PMs understand consumer trends, branding, and competitive landscapes.
  • Key Skills: Market research, understanding consumer behavior, supply chain management, and cost optimization.
  • Popular Industries: Fashion, beauty, food and beverage, home goods, toys and games.

3. Healthcare:

  • Focus: Developing medical devices, diagnostic tools, and healthcare IT solutions, healthcare PMs navigate complex regulations, ethical considerations, and the unique needs of patients and healthcare providers.
  • Key Skills: Regulatory compliance, understanding medical terminology and processes, collaboration with healthcare professionals, and strong ethical compass.
  • Popular Industries: Pharmaceuticals, medical devices, healthcare IT, biotechnology, telemedicine.

4. E-commerce & Retail:

  • Focus: Creating seamless online shopping experiences, driving sales, and building customer loyalty, e-commerce PMs understand digital marketing, user experience, and data-driven decision making.
  • Key Skills: SEO and SEM knowledge, A/B testing expertise, personalization strategies, and understanding customer journey optimization.
  • Popular Industries: Online retailers, marketplaces, subscription services, omnichannel brands.

5. Education & EdTech:

  • Focus: Developing educational tools, platforms, and learning experiences, EdTech PMs understand pedagogy, learning theories, and the evolving needs of educators and students.
  • Key Skills: Collaboration with educators, curriculum development knowledge, data analysis to measure learning outcomes, and understanding different learning styles.
  • Popular Industries: Learning management systems, educational apps, online courses, adaptive learning platforms.

Challenges and Rewards of Product Management: A Balanced Look at the Rollercoaster Ride

Product management offers a thrilling career path, brimming with opportunities to innovate, shape the future, and make a real impact. But like any worthwhile endeavor, it also comes with its fair share of challenges. Here’s a balanced perspective on the rollercoaster ride of being a product manager:


  • Wearing Multiple Hats: PMs juggle various responsibilities, from product vision and strategy to user research, data analysis, and stakeholder management. Multitasking and prioritization become second nature, but context switching can be demanding.
  • Navigating Uncertainty: The future is rarely clear, and PMs must make decisions with incomplete information. Adapting to changing market trends, unexpected roadblocks, and evolving user needs requires agility and resilience.
  • Managing Stakeholder Expectations: From executives to engineers and marketing teams, PMs need to balance the needs and expectations of diverse stakeholders, sometimes facing conflicting priorities and navigating challenging conversations.
  • Pressure to Perform: Delivering successful products often carries immense pressure, with tight deadlines, competitive landscapes, and the potential for failure looming large. Managing stress and maintaining motivation are crucial.
  • Long Hours and Work-Life Balance: The demanding nature of the job can lead to long hours and work-life balance challenges. Setting boundaries, prioritizing self-care, and leveraging support systems are essential.


  • Impactful Work: Witnessing the positive impact your product has on users, solving real problems, and contributing to something meaningful is highly rewarding. Seeing your vision come to life and driving product success fuels motivation and satisfaction.
  • Intellectual Stimulation: Constant learning, tackling complex challenges, and staying ahead of industry trends keeps the mind sharp and engaged. Solving puzzles, strategizing, and finding creative solutions provide intellectual stimulation and a sense of accomplishment.
  • Variety and Autonomy: No two days are the same for a PM. The diverse tasks and the ability to shape the product roadmap offer variety and autonomy, preventing boredom and fostering a sense of ownership.
  • Collaboration and Teamwork: Working alongside talented teams from various disciplines, fostering collaboration, and witnessing collective effort translate into product success is fulfilling and builds strong relationships.
  • Career Growth and Development: Product management opens doors to diverse career paths within different industries. The skills honed are valuable across various roles, offering significant growth potential.


  • Everyone experiences challenges and rewards differently. What one person finds daunting, another may find exhilarating.
  • Identifying your strengths and weaknesses can help you navigate challenges and leverage your talents to maximize rewards.
  • Building a strong support network within and outside the workplace can help you navigate both the highs and lows of product management.

Ultimately, whether the challenges outweigh the rewards or vice versa depends on your individual personality, priorities, and the specific context of your role. If you find the prospect of shaping impactful products, tackling complex challenges, and collaborating with diverse teams exciting, then product management might be the perfect rollercoaster ride for you!

Essential Resources for Aspiring Product Managers: Fueling Your Journey to Success

Embarking on the product management path is an exciting endeavor, but navigating the vast landscape of resources can be overwhelming. To equip you with valuable knowledge and insights, here’s a curated list of essential resources across different formats:


  • Inspired: How to Create Tech Products Customers Love by Marty Cagan: A must-read for understanding the core principles of product management, emphasizing user-centricity and agile methodologies.www.amazon.es Book Inspired: How to Create Tech Products Customers Love by Marty Cagan
  • Cracking the PM Interview by Gayle McDowell: Packed with interview questions, frameworks, and strategies to ace your product management job interviews. www.amazon.com Book Cracking the PM Interview by Gayle McDowell
  • Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products by Nir Eyal: Delves into the psychology of user behavior, helping you design products that keep users engaged and coming back for more.www.amazon.com Book Hooked: How to Build HabitForming Products by Nir Eyal
  • Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days by Jake Knapp: Introduces the sprint methodology, a collaborative and rapid prototyping approach to product development.www.amazon.com Book Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days by Jake Knapp
  • Product Leadership: How Today’s Great Product Managers Drive Breakthrough Innovation by Richard Banfield, Martin Eriksson, and Nate Walkingshaw: Explores the leadership qualities and strategic thinking essential for successful product leaders. www.target.com Book Product Leadership: How Today’s Great Product Managers Drive Breakthrough Innovation by Richard Banfield, Martin Eriksson, and Nate Walkingshaw


  • Product Management Foundations by Udemy: A comprehensive course covering the core concepts, frameworks, and best practices of product management. www.udemy.com Course Product Management Foundations by Udemy
  • Google’s Product Management Specialization by Coursera: Offered by Google experts, this specialization delves into user research, data analysis, product strategy, and launching successful products. www.coursera.org Course Google’s Product Management Specialization by Coursera
  • Udacity’s Product Management Nanodegree: A comprehensive program designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge to become a job-ready product manager. medium.com Course Udacity’s Product Management Nanodegree
  • Mind the Product Online Courses: A variety of online courses covering specific product management topics and skills. careerfoundry.com Course Mind the Product Online Courses
  • General Assembly’s Product Management Immersive: An intensive bootcamp providing hands-on learning and career guidance. careerfoundry.com Course General Assembly’s Product Management Immersive


  • Mind the Product: A leading blog featuring insightful articles, interviews, and resources for product managers. www.mindtheproduct.com
  • Product Coalition: A community-driven platform with diverse perspectives and discussions on product management. productcoalition.com
  • Intercom on Product Management: A collection of thought leadership articles and practical advice from Intercom’s product management team. www.intercom.com
  • First Round Review: Insights and advice from experienced entrepreneurs and investors, valuable for understanding the startup landscape. kazanjy.svbtle.com
  • Marty Cagan’s Blog: Insights and thought leadership from a renowned product management thought leader. www.uxdesigninstitute.com

Online Communities:

  • Product Hunt: Discover and discuss new and upcoming products with a passionate community. bettermode.com
  • Reddit’s r/productmanagement: Connect with other aspiring and experienced product managers, ask questions, and share knowledge. www.reddit.comr/productmanagement
  • Slack communities: Several product management Slack communities exist, offering focused discussions and networking opportunities. www.productboard.com
  • Meetup groups: Find local product management meetup groups for in-person networking and learning events. www.virtualvocations.com
  • Twitter: Follow thought leaders, companies, and hashtags related to product management to stay updated on industry trends and discussions. twitter.com

Bonus Tip: Network with product managers at companies you admire. Attend industry events, participate in online discussions, and don’t be afraid to reach out and connect with people in the field. Building relationships within the product management community can be an invaluable resource for your career journey.

Remember, the key to success is being proactive, engaging with diverse resources, and continuously learning and growing. With dedication and the right tools in your arsenal, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a thriving product manager!

Networking Tips for Breaking into Product Management: Building Connections for Success

Landing your dream product management role often hinges on your ability to network effectively. Don’t underestimate the power of building genuine connections within the industry! Here are some actionable tips to get you started:

1. Target the Right People:

  • Identify companies you admire: Look for organizations whose products, values, and culture resonate with you.
  • Research key decision-makers: Target product managers, hiring managers, and other relevant professionals within these companies.
  • Utilize online platforms: Leverage LinkedIn, Twitter, and industry-specific platforms to identify and connect with potential contacts.

2. Start Conversations & Engage Meaningfully:

  • Don’t just ask for a job: Offer genuine value – share insightful comments on their work, ask thoughtful questions, or offer relevant articles or resources.
  • Personalize your outreach: Avoid generic messages. Craft personalized introductions highlighting your shared interests, relevant skills, and genuine curiosity about their work.
  • Join online discussions: Participate in relevant product management forums, groups, and discussions to showcase your knowledge and build your online presence.

3. Attend Industry Events & Conferences:

  • Seek out product management conferences, workshops, and meetups: Network with like-minded individuals, gain valuable insights, and connect with potential mentors.
  • Prepare an elevator pitch: Briefly and confidently introduce yourself, your career aspirations, and why you’d be a valuable asset to their team.
  • Follow up after meeting someone: Send a personalized thank-you message, stay connected, and nurture meaningful relationships.

4. Leverage Your Existing Network:

  • Reach out to former classmates, colleagues, or friends: Inform them about your career goals and ask if they know anyone in product management they could connect you with.
  • Attend alumni events or industry association gatherings: Expand your network and tap into professional resources within your community.
  • Utilize referral programs: Many companies offer referral bonuses for successful hires, so leverage your network and incentivize introductions.

5. Build Your Personal Brand:

  • Create a professional online presence: Update your LinkedIn profile, showcase your skills and projects, and share relevant industry content.
  • Start a blog or website: Share your thoughts, insights, and learnings related to product management, demonstrating your passion and knowledge.
  • Offer to speak at industry events: Share your expertise with a wider audience, build your credibility, and gain valuable exposure.


  • Networking is a marathon, not a sprint: Building meaningful connections takes time and effort. Be patient, persistent, and nurture relationships over time.
  • Focus on offering value: Don’t just ask for help – demonstrate your genuine interest in learning, contributing, and collaborating.
  • Be authentic and professional: Show your personality while maintaining a professional demeanor in all interactions.
  • Follow up and stay connected: Don’t let conversations fade – periodically stay in touch to demonstrate your continued interest and build your network.

Become a Product Manager: FAQs and Conclusion


1. What are the essential skills for a product manager?

Strong communication, analytical thinking, problem-solving, user empathy, prioritization, and collaboration are crucial. Technical knowledge, data analysis, and understanding business models are also valuable assets.

2. What are different paths to becoming a product manager?

Traditional routes include business, marketing, or engineering degrees, followed by relevant work experience. However, diverse backgrounds and non-traditional paths are increasingly welcomed. Self-learning, internships, and portfolio projects can also be valuable.

3. What are the challenges of being a product manager?

Balancing stakeholder needs, navigating uncertainty, managing pressure and tight deadlines, and adapting to constant change are some key challenges.

4. What are the rewards of being a product manager?

Seeing your vision come to life, making a positive impact on users, intellectual stimulation, variety and autonomy, and career growth are some of the rewarding aspects.

5. Where can I find resources to learn more about product management?

Books, online courses, blogs, podcasts, communities, and networking events offer valuable resources. This article provides a starting point, and exploring diverse viewpoints is encouraged.


Product management offers a dynamic and rewarding career path with the potential to shape the future and create meaningful products. If you possess the necessary skills, a passion for problem-solving, and a dedication to user needs, this path could be ideal for you.

Remember, continuous learning, building your network, and staying updated on industry trends are essential for success. So, embark on your journey, explore diverse resources, and embrace the challenges and rewards of becoming a product manager!

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