In today’s strange and challenging times, each and every one of us could benefit from taking more time to prioritise our own mental health and emotional welfare. Few are better placed to understand the importance of mental wellbeing than Deborah King, Owner of Bee Empowered.

In our latest instalment of ProfileTree’s Business Leader Series, we caught up with the wellness expert to discuss personal empowerment through therapy. Watch the full interview in the video below, or read on for the highlights, and remember to subscribe to the series for more industry-leading insights.

Defining Mental Wellbeing:

Mental wellbeing is more than just the absence of mental illness. It’s a dynamic state of emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It encompasses:

  • Feeling good about yourself: Confidence, self-worth, and positive self-esteem.
  • Positive relationships: Strong social connections, healthy communication, and a sense of belonging.
  • Meaning and purpose: Having a sense of direction, purpose, and goals in life.
  • Emotional resilience: Ability to cope with stress, challenges, and setbacks effectively.
  • Positive outlook: Optimism, gratitude, and a sense of control over your life.

Explaining the Power:

Imagine this: When your mental wellbeing is strong, it’s like having a powerful toolkit at your disposal to navigate life’s challenges. This toolkit equips you with:

mental wellbeing personal empowerment deborah king
  • Enhanced focus and productivity: Clear thinking, better decision-making, and increased drive to achieve your goals.
  • Stronger relationships: Improved communication, empathy, and ability to build and maintain healthy connections.
  • Better physical health: Stronger immune system, reduced stress-related ailments, and increased motivation for healthy habits.
  • Greater resilience: Ability to bounce back from setbacks, adapt to change, and overcome adversity.
  • Overall sense of well-being: Increased happiness, life satisfaction, and fulfillment.

By prioritizing your mental wellbeing, you unlock the power to live a more fulfilling, productive, and resilient life.

Mental Wellbeing

The Path to Bee Empowered: Deborah’s Journey

As we open up our discussion, Deborah takes us on a brief walkthrough on her personal and professional journey before going on to specialise in personal empowerment and emotional welfare. 

She highlights that she was a classic case of wasted talent in school, with her high intelligence held back by her disdain for attending class. “I hated the traditional ways of teaching,” she laughs, “and life just happened. I didn’t go to University, and I did move between a lot of low-paid jobs.”

She moved between several roles, ranging from industrial cleaner to prison officer. However, in her heart, she knew something was missing. 

“You spend too much time working to know what you’d actually like to do, and it was when I went to a health fair in Belfast that I learnt more about holistic therapies. I got involved in a session for around an hour, and it was when I spoke to a therapist that it was first suggested that I might be suffering from depression,” she recalls. 

This message hit home with Deborah, and sent her on the path towards learning more about the power of therapy.

But what is BeeEmpowered, and what services does the company offer? Deborah begins by explaining the name behind the business.

“My name means Bee in Hebrew, and I always wanted it to be called Bee Empowered. The bumble bee with its big body and tiny wings shouldn’t be able to fly, but they do fly. It’s that whole idea of setting that criticism aside, being limitless regardless of what other people or your environment dictates to you. The bumble bee does what it does, and Bee Empowered is about being true to your own nature. If we can get rid of limiting beliefs, we can embrace our power.”

Deborah shares her knowledge on empowerment and emotional welfare through the delivery of seminars, lectures, workshops and one-to-one guidance sessions. 

“People feel understood, and they feel listened to when they choose Bee Empowered. They feel empowered to make changes in their own life. Using my own experience with depression and my journey to recovery along with my knowledge in a range of therapies, I help people change their beliefs and improve their lives, inside and outside out work.”

deborah king
Deborah King is a personal development and empowerment coach who practices and teaches holistic therapies for better wellbeing. Image credit: Deborah King

Tackling Taboo in Mental Health

How we feel in our working lives can significantly encroach into our personal lives. It is for this reason that improving awareness of emotional welfare in the workplace has become so important over recent years, according to Deborah. 

“Things like bullying and stress, they are just absolutely rife in the modern workplace. And if those things aren’t dealt with in childhood, then they won’t be healthy in adulthood. You see a lot of issues rearing their heads when people are middle-aged. Over 31% of employee absence from work is mental health related – and the challenge with mental health begins with tackling the ‘taboo’ aspect of the subject.”

But how can we tackle this taboo and learn to look after our mental wellbeing? As Deborah states, speaking to a professional can ease the load and provide essential guidance.

“I believe there is a huge amount of value to be found in holistic, complementary and alternative therapies when it comes to maintaining positive mental health inside and outside of the workplace. 

“There are thousands of options out there – some are actually just really simple techniques, like wording for example. How you speak to yourself is so important, and when you physically say something negative, your body changes. Depression has a physical impact on your body, and there’s so much out there you can benefit from.”

deborah king bee empowered
Bee Empowered offers a range of therapies, workshops and coaching services to boost people’s emotional empowerment and wellbeing. Image credit: BAM Magazine

What’s Next for Bee Empowered?

What lies ahead for Deborah King and Bee Empowered? The mental health advocate shares that she is currently working on law of attraction coaching. 

“It’s just about life and how to create your life. Support is so beneficial, and there’s great power in numbers. I also do women’s groups and women’s workshops. I want to reach more and more people, and that’s what I’m going to be focusing on!”

Those wishing to learn more about the importance of mental welfare and personal empowerment can do so by visiting Deborah King’s official website, which includes some useful resources and a full list of services offered. Interested parties are also invited to reach out to Deborah King directly via LinkedIn.

Ciaran Connolly’s interview with Deborah King joins ProfileTree’s award-winning Business Leader Series, recently recognised with the Best Content Marketing Award for a Video Series at the inaugural Irish Content Marketing Awards. To pitch your brand to take part in the series or to discover how our digital marketing services can transform your online prospects, get in touch with our expert team today. 

Explore the Benefits of Good Mental Wellbeing:

Physical Health:

  • Reduces stress: Chronic stress weakens the immune system, increasing susceptibility to illnesses. Studies show mindfulness practices like meditation can lower stress hormones by up to 23%, leading to a stronger immune response. (Harvard Health Publishing).
  • Improves sleep: Poor mental health often disrupts sleep, while good mental wellbeing promotes better sleep hygiene and quality sleep, which is crucial for physical recovery and overall health. (National Sleep Foundation).
  • Boosts brain health: Positive mental states stimulate neurogenesis, the growth of new brain cells, enhancing memory, learning, and cognitive function. (Nature).
  • Encourages healthy habits: When feeling good mentally, individuals are more likely to engage in healthy behaviors like eating nutritious food, exercising regularly, and avoiding harmful substances. (American Psychological Association).


  • Strengthens communication: Good mental health allows for clearer thinking, better emotional regulation, and more empathetic communication, leading to stronger relationships with loved ones. (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology).
  • Increases compassion: A positive outlook and healthy self-esteem foster empathy and compassion, strengthening bonds with others and building supportive social networks. (Greater Good Science Center).
  • Reduces conflict: With improved emotional regulation and stress management, individuals are better equipped to handle conflict constructively and maintain healthy relationships. (American Psychological Association).
  • Boosts relationship satisfaction: Studies show a strong correlation between mental wellbeing and relationship satisfaction, leading to happier and more fulfilling connections. (Journal of Marriage and Family).


  • Improves focus and concentration: Mental wellbeing reduces distractions and promotes mindfulness, allowing individuals to focus better on tasks and achieve their goals. (Mindfulness Journal).
  • Enhances creativity and problem-solving: When feeling mentally well, individuals are more open to new ideas, think more creatively, and find innovative solutions to challenges. (Harvard Business Review).
  • Increases motivation and drive: Positive mental states boost motivation and perseverance, leading to higher productivity and achievement of personal and professional goals. (Journal of Positive Psychology).
  • Reduces absenteeism: Studies show that employees with good mental health are less likely to miss work due to stress or illness, contributing to greater productivity and organizational success. (World Health Organization).

Success Stories and Transformations:

  • Overcoming Depression: Sarah, a single mother struggling with depression, joined a support group and started practicing mindfulness meditation. Within months, she reported improved mood, increased energy, and a regained sense of purpose, allowing her to better care for herself and her children.
  • Building Confidence: John, a shy introvert, took a public speaking course and learned to manage his anxiety. He developed confidence in his abilities and landed his dream job, demonstrating the power of mental health in career advancement.
  • Turning Stress into Growth: Mary, a busy entrepreneur, learned stress management techniques and incorporated self-care practices into her daily routine. This empowered her to manage stress effectively, improve her work-life balance, and experience greater overall well-being.

Challenges and Obstacles to Good Mental Wellbeing:

While the benefits of good mental health are undeniable, achieving it isn’t always easy. Several challenges and obstacles can stand in our way:

Common Mental Health Issues:

  • Stress: Work deadlines, financial burdens, and personal conflicts can all contribute to chronic stress, affecting mood, sleep, and overall well-being.
  • Anxiety: Excessive worry and fear can be debilitating, impacting daily life and relationships. Generalized anxiety disorder and phobias are common forms.
  • Depression: Persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest are hallmarks of depression, a serious mental health condition requiring professional support.
  • Other conditions: Trauma, ADHD, bipolar disorder, and eating disorders are examples of other mental health challenges that can significantly impact well-being.

Societal Stigmas:

  • Negative stereotypes and misconceptions: Mental illness is often associated with weakness, laziness, or even violence, discouraging individuals from seeking help.
  • Fear of discrimination: Concerns about job loss, social isolation, or judgment can prevent people from disclosing their mental health struggles.
  • Lack of open conversations: The silence surrounding mental health makes it harder to normalize help-seeking behavior and creates a sense of isolation.

Challenges in Accessing Support:

  • Cost and insurance barriers: The financial burden of therapy and medication can be a significant hurdle, especially for individuals with limited resources or inadequate insurance coverage.
  • Shortage of mental health professionals: Long wait times and limited availability of therapists, counselors, and psychiatrists can make timely access to care difficult.
  • Location and transportation limitations: Rural areas and underserved communities may have limited access to mental health services, creating geographic barriers to care.

Overcoming Obstacles and Seeking Help:

  • Educate yourself: Learn about common mental health issues, available resources, and your rights as a patient.
  • Challenge negative thoughts: Recognize and dismantle harmful stereotypes and self-stigma surrounding mental illness.
  • Talk to someone you trust: Confide in a supportive friend, family member, or healthcare professional.
  • Explore online resources: Utilize reputable websites and hotlines for information, support, and self-help tools.
  • Consider alternative options: Group therapy, support groups, and mindfulness practices can be helpful and more affordable options.
  • Advocate for yourself: Don’t hesitate to ask for referrals, challenge insurance denials, and seek the care you deserve.

Strategies for Boosting Your Mental Wellbeing:

Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to mental well-being. Experiment and find what works best for you! Here are some actionable steps and techniques to get you started:

Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques:

  • Mindfulness meditation: Focus on the present moment without judgment, reducing stress and improving self-awareness. Start with 5-minute sessions and gradually increase the duration. Resources: Headspace, Calm, Insight Timer.
  • Deep breathing exercises: Simple yet effective for calming the mind and body. Try alternate nostril breathing or box breathing for a few minutes daily.
  • Progressive muscle relaxation: Tense and release different muscle groups, promoting relaxation and reducing physical tension.

Self-Care Practices:

  • Prioritize sleep: Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night. Establish a regular sleep schedule, create a relaxing bedtime routine, and avoid screens before bed.
  • Nourish your body: Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Limit processed foods and sugary drinks. Stay hydrated!
  • Move your body: Regular physical activity, even moderate exercise like walking or dancing, releases endorphins and improves mood. Find activities you enjoy and integrate them into your routine.
  • Connect with nature: Spend time outdoors in nature, even if it’s just a few minutes in your local park. Immersing yourself in greenery can significantly reduce stress and boost well-being.
  • Engage in hobbies and activities you enjoy: Make time for activities that bring you joy and a sense of fulfilment, whether it’s reading, painting, playing music, or spending time with loved ones.

Building Healthy Habits:

  • Set realistic goals: Break down large goals into smaller, achievable steps to avoid overwhelm and boost motivation. Celebrate your progress and reward yourself for achieving milestones.
  • Practice gratitude: Reflect on things you’re grateful for, even small things. Start a gratitude journal or share your appreciation with others.
  • Practice positive self-talk: Challenge negative thoughts with realistic and encouraging affirmations. Focus on your strengths and accomplishments.
  • Limit screen time: Excessive screen time can contribute to anxiety and sleep problems. Set specific times for checking social media and emails, and create screen-free zones in your home.
  • Seek professional help when needed: Don’t hesitate to seek professional support from a therapist, counselor, or psychiatrist if you’re struggling. Early intervention can make a significant difference.


1. What are some signs that I might need professional help for my mental health?

It’s important to seek professional help if you:

  • Experience persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or anxiety that interfere with your daily life.
  • Have difficulty coping with stress or managing overwhelming emotions.
  • Notice significant changes in your sleep, appetite, or energy levels.
  • Engage in harmful behaviors like self-harm or substance abuse.
  • Feel isolated or withdrawn from social activities you used to enjoy.

Remember, seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

2. I can’t afford therapy. Are there any free or low-cost options available?

Several resources can offer affordable or free mental health support:

  • Community mental health centers: Many areas have subsidized or sliding-scale therapy options.
  • Online therapy platforms: Some platforms offer affordable video chat therapy with licensed professionals.
  • Support groups: Connecting with others who share your experiences can be helpful and free.
  • National hotlines: Resources like the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline offer immediate support and crisis intervention.

3. How can I support a friend or family member struggling with their mental health?

The most important thing is to be understanding, supportive, and non-judgmental. You can:

  • Listen actively and offer emotional support.
  • Encourage them to seek professional help.
  • Help them find resources and information.
  • Offer practical assistance with daily tasks if needed.
  • Respect their boundaries and choices.

4. I’m worried about the stigma surrounding mental health. What can I do?

You can help combat stigma by:

  • Educating yourself and others about mental health.
  • Openly talking about your own experiences or mental health struggles.
  • Challenging negative stereotypes and misinformation.
  • Supporting organizations that promote mental health awareness and advocacy.

Mental Wellbeing Conclusion

Taking charge of your mental wellbeing is one of the most important investments you can make in your life. By adopting the strategies and techniques outlined in this article, you can cultivate a sense of empowerment, resilience, and inner peace. Remember, you are not alone on this journey.

There are numerous resources and support systems available to help you thrive. Embrace self-compassion, celebrate your progress, and never hesitate to reach out for help when needed. You deserve to live a life filled with mental well-being, happiness, and fulfillment.

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