Over recent months, we’ve been proud to release a series of knowledge resources on digital transformation, its real meaning and how it can offer tangible benefits to businesses of all sizes. Continuing with our transformation series,

Ciaran Connolly catches up with freelance consultant Natalie Haccius to talk about her time in the industry, the importance of digital strategy and her own experiences of digital transformation. Check out the full interview in the video above, and don’t forget to subscribe to ProfileTree’s Business Leader series for more industry-leading insights.

Before we delve into the details of digital transformation, Natalie tells us about her own background and how she eventually went on to enter the industry. Like many professionals within the digital sphere, Natalie fell into it by accident, coming from a film-production background as a Production Coordinator on box-office hits such as Braveheart and In the Name of Love. “I loved it, and it was very high pressure working in a multidisciplinary team. I say this because the experience allowed me to become more disciplined, managing any crises quickly and effectively.”

Hooked on the World of Digital

In between film productions, Natalie was consistently faced with three and four-month periods without work. Ultimately, this forced the then-production coordinator to look towards developing a second source of income – a decision that coincided with the rise of the internet and the dot-com boom. “When I saw the autonomy people could have – being able to self-publish, being able to tell their own story – I got hooked.

This was opposed to offline media, where you were essentially handing over yourself or your product to me managed by an agent,” she explains. 

Digital Transformation Natalie Haccius

Natalie’s obsession led to a profession when she was taken on as a Project Manager in a multimedia agency – a position which allowed her to bring in all of her previously-honed skills in the film industry. “It was multi-varied and multi-disciplined. There was text, video and interaction.

It was really good fun and I learnt a lot,” she remembers. “I then used my entrepreneurial skills to bring a digital dvd postcard to the Irish market, even getting into Dollywood in America. We sold postcards with DVDs inside it, which went really well at the time.”

Her development of her own product prompted her to learn more about digital marketing – a topic she realised she knew little about at first glance. “I learnt more about the subject and joined digital agencies, to the position I’m at now where I’m a contractor for multinationals looking to transform their products,” she shares. Indeed, Natalie’s role primarily focuses on helping businesses operating across a range of industries to enter and adapt to what she refers to as “the digital economy”.

Natalie highlights contracting as something that she chooses to do. But why? “Because it keeps me on my toes,” she says. This approach has led to a truly dynamic career, moving from location to location as they come, with Switzerland one of the most recent destinations. This dynamic nature of her career is enhanced with constant developments in technology and digital offerings.

“Think about the rise of online banking and how that evolved into mobile banking. This has only been a recent development over the past seven years, and the development of new platforms allows for huge transformation within a business,” she adds.

Forgetting Old-Fashioned Tactics

The expert criticises elements of the digital industry for what she perceives as a disingenuous approach whereby agencies attempt to dupe their less tech-savvy customers. “Years ago, lots of digital marketing centred around having your post appear first on social media timelines. It was about making various tweaks in the hope that your page might come up a little higher in search engine result pages.

It was about measurements like keywords to a page. The fact is, these tactics are actually very old fashioned and no longer work,” she shares. “What does work is simply giving your customers what they want, at the right time, on the right channel with the results that they wanted.”

Indeed, Natalie highlights that too often she encounters businesses that are totally wrapped up in competing with digital giants such as Amazon. “There’s just no point in taking this approach – you’ll never compete with these giants. However, what you can do is look at their processes and take some nuggets of inspiration from it.

Also, you can’t be all things to all men, and I think it’s really important to be highly critical of what you’re offering as a business. You need to look at what you can improve, and this is something that you should be driving rather than the customer. If you can explain to me why I should buy from you, you’re already on the right path,” she argues.

The digital transformation expert’s most valuable piece of advice is not to run to what is shiny and new, but to focus on the core of your business. “Keep focussed on what you’re trying to achieve. Keep focussed on the customer you are trying to attain and retainIf your customer is at a certain place, you must be with them in the same place. 

“There’s a philosophy I like to believe called ‘digital Darwinism’, and that means that businesses or organisations who don’t change or adapt won’t be able to survive. It’s survival of the fittest, and you cannot control your customer. The agencies who survive are the ones who understand that customer is king.”

*Those wishing to avail of Natalie Haccius’ consultancy services can reach out to her directly on LinkedIn.*

Natalie Haccius’ industry-leading insights join ProfileTree’s award-winning Business Leader series, joining a library of interviews, discussions and online guidance from entrepreneurs across Ireland, the UK and Europe. To pitch your business to the series or to discover how content marketing can unlock the potential of your brand, get in touch with our expert team today. 

digital transformation for business growth and strategy

Drivers and Benefits of Digital Transformation

Digital transformation isn’t just a buzzword anymore. It’s a necessary evolution for businesses in today’s rapidly changing landscape. But what are the underlying forces driving this shift, and what are the tangible benefits businesses can reap by embracing it? Let’s delve deeper into the key drivers and benefits of digital transformation:

Drivers of Digital Transformation:

  • Evolving Customer Expectations: Today’s customers are digitally savvy and demand seamless, personalized experiences across all touchpoints. Businesses need to adapt to meet these expectations and stay competitive.
  • Technological Advancements: The constant emergence of new technologies like artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and big data analytics creates incredible opportunities to improve efficiency, unlock insights, and automate tasks.
  • Economic Pressures: Rising costs and competitive pressures necessitate finding ways to operate more efficiently and reduce overhead. Digital transformation can streamline operations, cut costs, and improve margins.
  • Regulatory Landscape: Changing regulations and compliance requirements demand a more agile and data-driven approach to business, which digital transformation facilitates.
  • Emerging Competition: Innovative startups and tech-savvy competitors threaten traditional businesses that fail to adapt and embrace digital opportunities.

Benefits of Digital Transformation:

  • Improved Customer Experience: Personalized interactions, real-time support, and omnichannel engagement are just some ways digital transformation empowers businesses to delight customers and foster loyalty.
  • Increased Efficiency and Cost Savings: Automation, streamlined processes, and data-driven decision making can lead to significant cost reductions and improved resource utilization.
  • Faster Innovation and Product Development: Agile methodologies, data-driven insights, and collaboration tools accelerate innovation, allowing businesses to bring new products and services to market faster.
  • Better Data Insights and Decision Making: Data analytics unlock valuable insights into customer behavior, market trends, and operational performance, enabling data-driven decision making for improved outcomes.
  • Enhanced Collaboration and Communication: Collaboration tools and platforms connect employees across departments and locations, fostering better communication and teamwork.
  • Improved Employee Engagement: Empowering employees with digital tools and resources can boost satisfaction, productivity, and overall engagement.
  • Increased Brand Reputation and Agility: Embracing digital transformation demonstrates a forward-thinking approach and adaptability, enhancing brand image and attracting top talent.
  • Sustainable Growth and Future-Proofing: Continuous digital evolution ensures businesses stay relevant, adaptable, and prepared for the ever-changing technological landscape.
Involvement in digital transformation: 6 ways on how you can get people involved

Key Technologies Enabling Digital Transformation

Digital transformation isn’t a magic trick; it’s a strategic journey fueled by powerful technologies. Let’s explore how these key players are transforming businesses across industries:

1. Cloud Computing:

  • On-Demand Scalability: Businesses can access computing resources (storage, servers, databases) instantly and pay only for what they use, enabling rapid growth and flexibility.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Teams can access and share data seamlessly across locations, fostering collaboration and streamlining workflows.
  • Cost Optimization: Eliminating upfront hardware investments and reducing IT maintenance costs leads to significant financial benefits.
  • Improved Security: Cloud providers offer robust security measures, protecting data from cyber threats and ensuring business continuity.

2. Data Analytics and AI:

  • Data-Driven Insights: Analyze vast amounts of data to uncover hidden patterns, predict customer behavior, and make informed decisions.
  • Personalized Experiences: AI-powered recommendations, targeted marketing campaigns, and chatbot interactions create personalized customer journeys.
  • Automated Processes: AI automates repetitive tasks, freeing up human resources for more strategic work and boosting efficiency.
  • Predictive Maintenance: Analyze sensor data from connected devices to predict equipment failures and prevent downtime, optimizing operations.

3. Internet of Things (IoT):

  • Connected Devices: Physical objects embedded with sensors collect and transmit data, creating a network of intelligent devices.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: Track assets, monitor environments, and gather real-time insights to improve operational efficiency and decision-making.
  • Remote Control and Automation: Control devices remotely, automate tasks, and optimize resource utilization for increased productivity.
  • Enhanced Customer Service: Provide personalized support and proactive maintenance based on real-time data from connected devices.

4. Mobile and Social Media:

  • Constant Connectivity: Reach customers anytime, anywhere, through mobile apps and social media platforms.
  • Personalized Marketing: Engage customers with targeted content and offers based on their mobile behavior and social media interactions.
  • Omnichannel Experience: Create a seamless experience across all touchpoints, from mobile apps to physical stores, fostering brand loyalty.
  • Building Communities: Leverage social media to build communities, gather feedback, and connect with customers on a deeper level.

5. Blockchain:

  • Enhanced Security and Transparency: Blockchain technology creates a secure and tamper-proof record of transactions, building trust and transparency.
  • Streamlined Processes: Automate workflows and eliminate intermediaries, reducing costs and improving efficiency in areas like supply chain management.
  • New Business Models: Explore innovative business models based on secure data sharing and digital assets, unlocking new revenue streams.

Stages of the Digital Transformation Process

Embarking on digital transformation isn’t a one-time event; it’s a continuous journey requiring careful planning, execution, and adaptation. Let’s delve into the key stages that guide businesses towards a successful digital future:

Stage 1: Developing a Strategy and Roadmap

  • Vision and Goals: Clearly define your desired future state and the specific goals you want to achieve through digital transformation.
  • Assessment: Analyze your current state, including strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis).
  • Target Areas: Identify key areas for transformation, such as customer experience, operational efficiency, or product innovation.
  • Technology Roadmap: Define the technologies you’ll need to implement and prioritize them based on your goals and resources.
  • Change Management Plan: Develop a plan to address potential resistance, manage cultural change, and foster employee engagement.

Stage 2: Changing Organizational Structures and Culture

  • Leadership Commitment: Secure buy-in and active participation from senior leadership to drive change from top down.
  • Cross-functional Teams: Create teams with diverse skillsets to encourage collaboration and break down silos between departments.
  • Agile Mindset: Foster a culture of experimentation, learning, and adaptation to navigate the uncertainties inherent in transformation.
  • Communication and Transparency: Keep employees informed throughout the process, address concerns openly, and encourage feedback.
  • Training and Development: Equip employees with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in the new digital environment.

Stage 3: Implementing New Technologies and Platforms

  • Technology Selection: Choose technologies that align with your strategic goals, budget, and existing infrastructure.
  • Integration and Deployment: Ensure seamless integration of new technologies with existing systems and processes.
  • Data Migration and Security: Develop robust data migration strategies and implement robust security measures.
  • Pilot Projects: Start small with pilot projects to test, learn, and refine your approach before full-scale implementation.
  • Change Management: Provide ongoing support and training to employees as they adapt to new technologies and workflows.

Stage 4: Measuring Outcomes and Iterating

  • Define Metrics: Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to track progress and measure the impact of your transformation efforts.
  • Data Collection and Analysis: Regularly gather data on key metrics and analyze the results to identify areas for improvement.
  • Feedback Mechanisms: Encourage feedback from employees, customers, and stakeholders to identify areas for improvement.
  • Continuous Improvement: Be prepared to adapt your strategy, roadmap, and technologies based on data insights and feedback.
  • Celebrate Successes: Recognize and celebrate milestones and achievements to maintain employee motivation and engagement.

Challenges and Obstacles to Overcome in Digital Transformation

Digital transformation offers a promising path to success, but the journey isn’t without its hurdles. Let’s explore some of the key challenges you might encounter and strategies to overcome them:

1. Resistance to Change from Employees:

  • Fear of the unknown: Understand and address employees’ concerns about job security, skill redundancy, and workload changes.
  • Lack of communication: Create a transparent communication plan, share the vision, and involve employees in the decision-making process.
  • Change fatigue: Manage the pace of change, provide training and support, and celebrate successes to maintain morale.

2. Integration with Legacy Systems and Data Silos:

  • Outdated infrastructure: Assess the feasibility of upgrades, consider cloud migration, or implement middleware solutions for legacy systems.
  • Data silos and inconsistencies: Develop a data governance strategy, invest in data cleansing and standardization, and create unified access points.
  • Integration complexities: Choose compatible technologies, involve skilled IT professionals, and conduct thorough testing before deployment.

3. Cybersecurity Threats and Risks:

  • Data breaches and security vulnerabilities: Implement robust cybersecurity measures, invest in employee training, and conduct regular security audits.
  • Data privacy compliance: Stay updated on privacy regulations, implement data governance policies, and obtain necessary consent from users.
  • Managing third-party risk: Evaluate cybersecurity practices of vendors and partners, include security clauses in contracts, and conduct due diligence.

4. Lack of Digital Skills and Expertise:

  • Skills gap analysis: Identify existing skills and assess gaps based on your chosen technologies and transformation goals.
  • Upskilling and reskilling programs: Design training programs to equip employees with necessary skills, offer certifications, and encourage continuous learning.
  • Attracting and retaining digital talent: Offer competitive compensation, create a culture of innovation, and highlight career growth opportunities.

The Role of Leaders in Digital Transformation

Digital transformation isn’t just a technological overhaul; it’s a cultural shift requiring strong leadership to guide the way. Here’s how leaders can play a crucial role in steering their organization towards a successful digital future:

1. Communicating Vision and Urgency:

  • Articulate a clear and compelling vision: Paint a picture of the desired future state and explain how digital transformation will help achieve it.
  • Highlight the urgency for change: Explain the external pressures, competitive threats, or market opportunities that necessitate transformation.
  • Tailor communication to each audience: Speak to employees, stakeholders, and customers in a way that resonates with their concerns and interests.
  • Use consistent messaging: Reinforce the vision and key messages through multiple channels and communication efforts.

2. Allocating Resources and Budget:

  • Prioritize digital transformation initiatives: Allocate sufficient budget and resources to support the chosen technologies, tools, and training.
  • Balance short-term needs with long-term goals: Invest in both immediate wins and long-term infrastructure to ensure sustainable progress.
  • Empower teams with the tools and resources they need: Provide access to necessary technologies, platforms, and data to support their work.
  • Hold teams accountable for delivering results: Track progress against agreed-upon metrics and adjust resource allocation as needed.

3. Providing Training and Support:

  • Identify skill gaps and training needs: Assess the current skills of your workforce and identify areas where training is necessary.
  • Develop comprehensive training programs: Offer training on new technologies, processes, and change management skills.
  • Provide ongoing support and coaching: Offer mentorship, coaching, and resources to help employees adapt to new ways of working.
  • Promote a culture of learning and experimentation: Encourage employees to experiment, ask questions, and share their learnings with others.

4. Leading by Example in Adopting New Practices:

  • Be an early adopter of new technologies: Personally use and champion the new tools and processes you are introducing.
  • Be open to feedback and embrace change: Show your willingness to learn and adapt to new ways of working.
  • Communicate your own challenges and learnings: Share your experiences with adapting to new technologies and processes to encourage others.
  • Reward and recognize early adopters and change champions: Celebrate those who are leading the way in embracing digital transformation.

Digital Transformation Success Stories: Learning from Netflix, Nike, and Starbucks

Digital transformation isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a proven path to success for companies who embrace it strategically. Let’s delve into the inspiring stories of Netflix, Nike, and Starbucks, exploring how they leveraged digital transformation to become industry leaders:

1. Netflix: Streaming the Way to Global Domination:

  • Challenge: Transitioning from a DVD rental service to a subscription-based streaming platform in a competitive market.
  • Solution: Embracing cloud computing for scalability, investing in data analytics to personalize recommendations, and creating high-quality original content to differentiate themselves.
  • Result: Netflix became the world’s leading streaming service with over 220 million subscribers, revolutionizing the way people consume entertainment.

Key Learnings:

  • Invest in data and analytics to personalize user experiences.
  • Content is king: focus on creating unique and engaging content.
  • Embrace agility and adapt to changing market demands.

2. Nike: From Swoosh to Seamless Shopping:

  • Challenge: Enhancing the customer experience across physical and digital touchpoints.
  • Solution: Developing a unified commerce platform, integrating mobile apps with physical stores, and utilizing data to personalize product recommendations and offers.
  • Result: Nike saw a 30% increase in digital sales and improved customer satisfaction through personalized experiences.

Key Learnings:

  • Omnichannel strategy is crucial for seamless customer journeys.
  • Leverage data to personalize product offerings and marketing.
  • Invest in mobile technology to cater to on-the-go consumers.

3. Starbucks: Brewing Up Digital Delight:

  • Challenge: Enhancing customer loyalty and convenience in a competitive coffee market.
  • Solution: Developing a mobile app for ordering, payment, and rewards, gamifying the experience with loyalty programs, and creating a personalized customer experience through data insights.
  • Result: Starbucks saw a 30% increase in mobile orders and a significant boost in customer loyalty and engagement.

Key Learnings:

  • Mobile ordering and payment convenience are key differentiators.
  • Gamification and loyalty programs foster customer engagement.
  • Personalization based on data creates a unique customer experience.


Q: What are the biggest benefits of digital transformation?

A: Digital transformation can lead to increased efficiency, improved customer experience, faster innovation, better data-driven decision making, and enhanced employee engagement, ultimately leading to sustainable growth and competitive advantage.

Q: Why are some companies hesitant to embrace digital transformation?

A: Concerns about cost, lack of resources, resistance to change, and fear of the unknown can be significant hurdles. However, a well-planned and strategic approach can mitigate these risks and unlock the immense potential of digital transformation.

Q: Is digital transformation necessary for every business?

A: While the specific needs and pace of transformation will differ, in today’s rapidly evolving landscape, staying stagnant can leave businesses vulnerable. Adapting to changing customer expectations, leveraging new technologies, and embracing continuous improvement are key to long-term success for most businesses.

Q: How can I get started with digital transformation in my company?

A: Begin by assessing your current state, defining your goals, and developing a clear roadmap. Prioritize key areas for improvement, choose the right technologies, and invest in building your people’s skills and capacity for change. Seek guidance from industry experts and learn from successful case studies to navigate your journey effectively.


The stories of Netflix, Nike, and Starbucks are powerful testaments to the transformative power of embracing digital opportunities. By understanding the challenges they faced, the solutions they implemented, and the key learnings they offer, you can gain valuable insights for your own digital transformation journey. Remember, transformation isn’t a one-time event; it’s a continuous process of adaptation, innovation, and growth.

By prioritizing people, technology, and a culture of learning, you can unlock the potential of digital transformation to propel your business towards a thriving future. Start your journey today, and pave the way for success in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

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