As a business manager, your ultimate goal is to stand out and improve your business. The secret to unlocking your company’s potential lies not in fancy equipment or fleeting trends but in the foundation itself: your organisational structure. It’s the blueprint for how your team operates, the invisible map guiding decisions, workflow, and success.

In this article, we’ll cut through the jargon and unveil the key types of organisational structures – from the towering hierarchy to the nimble flatland. We’ll equip you with the tools to assess your current state, diagnose communication breakdowns, and discover the structure that fuels your company’s unique engine.

What is Organisational Structure?

Organisational structure is the framework that defines how an organisation operates. It outlines the relationships between different parts of the organisation, such as departments, teams, and individuals. It also defines how decisions are made, information is shared, and work is carried out.

Organisational structure is the glue that holds an organisation together and helps it achieve its goals.

A Brief History of Organisational Structure

Organisational structure

The study of organisational structure dates back to the early days of management thought. One of the first people to write about it was Frederick Winslow Taylor in the early 1900s when he developed the principles of scientific management. Taylor argued that organisations could improve their efficiency by breaking down tasks into small, repeatable steps and then assigning those tasks to specially trained workers.

Another important figure in the history of organisational structure is Henri Fayol, who developed general management principles in the early 1900s. Fayol argued that there are 14 principles of management that all organisations should follow, such as division of labour, unity of command, and scalar chain.

4 Main Types of Organisational Structures

There are different types of organisational structures, each with advantages and disadvantages. 

1. Hierarchical Organisational Structure

Organisational structure
Hierarchy Organisational Structure

It is the most traditional and widely used organisational structure. It’s often depicted as a pyramid, with a transparent chain of command flowing from top to bottom. Here’s a breakdown of its key features:

Distinct Levels of Authority

  • Employees are grouped into different levels based on their rank and authority.
  • Each level has a supervisor reporting to a higher-level manager, creating a chain of command.
  • The CEO or president sits at the top of the pyramid, followed by first-line and second-line managers, and finally, individual contributors.

Clear Lines of Reporting

  • Each employee has a direct supervisor to whom they report and are accountable.
  • This creates clear lines of communication and responsibility, ensuring that everyone knows their role and expectations.

Defined Job Roles and Responsibilities

  • Each job position has a clear set of duties and responsibilities outlined in job descriptions.
  • This promotes specialisation and efficiency, as employees focus on their specific areas of expertise.

Top-Down Decision-Making

  • Decisions are typically made at the top levels of the hierarchy and then cascaded down through the chain of command.
  • This can ensure consistency and alignment with organisational goals but may limit flexibility and employee autonomy.

Formalised Communication Channels

  • Communication follows formal channels, such as memos, emails, and meetings.
  • This can create a structured and organised flow of information but may also hinder informal collaboration and knowledge sharing.

Advantages of Hierarchical Structure

  1. Clear authority and accountability
  2. Efficient decision-making
  3. Specialisation and Expertise
  4. Clear career paths
  5. Structure and stability

Disadvantages of Hierarchical Structure

  1. Slow decision-making
  2. Limited flexibility and adaptability
  3. Potential for communication silos
  4. Lack of employee empowerment
  5. Risk of bureaucracy

Best Suited For

  • Large, established organisations with stable operations
  • Organisations that value control, order, and efficiency
  • Industries with strict regulations or hierarchical cultures

2. Flat Organisational Structure

Organisational structure
Flat Organisational Structure

In contrast to the pyramid of the hierarchical structure, the flat structure lies closer to a sprawling plain. Imagine everyone standing shoulder-to-shoulder, with minimal levels of management and a strong emphasis on collaboration and empowerment. Here’s what makes this structure tick:

Fewer Levels of Management

  • The number of management layers is significantly reduced, sometimes even eliminated.
  • This creates a more horizontal network of relationships, where employees have direct access to senior leadership and vice versa.

Decentralised Decision-Making

  • Decisions are not solely made at the top but are shared and distributed among team members based on their expertise and involvement.
  • This fosters autonomy, engagement, and a sense of ownership among employees.

Focus on Self-Management and Teamwork

  • Employees must manage their time, work, and projects with minimal supervision.
  • Strong emphasis is placed on teamwork, collaboration, and cross-functional communication to achieve goals.

Flexible and Adaptable

  • The lack of a rigid hierarchy allows for faster adaptation to changing needs and market conditions.
  • Teams can quickly form and disband as projects evolve, promoting agility and innovation.

Advantages of Flat Structure

  1. Increased employee engagement and autonomy
  2. Faster decision-making and responsiveness 
  3. Improved collaboration and communication
  4. Enhanced innovation and creativity
  5. Reduced bureaucracy and overhead costs

Disadvantages of Flat Structure

  1. Lack of clear direction and accountability
  2. Potential for confusion and conflicting priorities
  3. Difficulty scaling to larger organisations
  4. Increased reliance on individual employees’ initiative and skills

Best Suited For

  • Small startups and early-stage companies
  • Organisations with a strong culture of trust and collaboration
  • Creative and knowledge-based industries
  •  Agile and fast-paced environments

3. Matrix Organisational Structure

It is a hybrid model that blends elements of both functional and project-based structures. It’s often depicted as a grid, with employees reporting to a functional manager (responsible for their area of expertise) and a project manager (responsible for a specific project). This creates a dual reporting system that promotes cross-functional collaboration and adaptability.

Key Features of Matrix Structure

  • Dual Reporting Lines: Employees have two bosses, their functional manager and their project manager. 
  • Flexible Resource Allocation: Employees are assigned to projects based on their skills and expertise rather than confined to their functional departments. 
  • Enhanced Collaboration: The matrix structure encourages teamwork and collaboration across different departments, breaking down silos and promoting innovation.
  • Increased Focus on Projects: Project managers have significant authority and control over their projects, ensuring that resources are focused on achieving project goals.

Advantages of Matrix Structure

  1. Increased flexibility and adaptability
  2. Improved cross-functional communication and collaboration
  3. Enhanced focus on projects and outcomes
  4. Better utilisation of resources
  5. Increased employee development opportunities

Disadvantages of Matrix Structure

  1. Potential for conflict and confusion due to dual reporting lines
  2. Increased complexity and bureaucracy
  3. Difficulty in maintaining accountability
  4. Risk of power struggles between functional and project managers

Best Suited For

  • Organisations that operate in dynamic and complex environments
  • Organisations that require frequent cross-functional collaboration
  • Organisations with a strong focus on innovation and project-based work

4. Functional Organisational Structure

Imagine a company organised like a well-oiled machine, with each department playing a specific role to keep things running smoothly. That’s the essence of a functional structure. Here’s what makes it tick:

Key Features

  • Departments based on functions: Employees are grouped into departments based on their expertise and shared tasks, such as marketing, finance, production, human resources, etc.
  • Vertical hierarchy: Each department has a manager who reports to a higher-level manager, creating a transparent chain of command.
  • Specialisation and expertise: Employees within each department develop deep knowledge and skills in their specific area of focus.
  • Standardised processes: Each department defines and follows standard operating procedures for efficiency and consistency.
  • Clear lines of communication: Communication channels are well-defined within and between departments.


  • Efficiency and expertise: Specialisation leads to high performance within each department.
  • Clear accountability: Roles and responsibilities are well-defined, making it easy to pinpoint accountability.
  • Vertical career paths: Defined ladders of promotion exist within each department.
  • Standardised practices: Consistency and quality are ensured through established procedures.


  • Lack of flexibility: Adapting to change can be slow due to rigid departmental structures.
  • Communication silos: Information sharing between departments can be limited.
  • Limited cross-functional collaboration: Focus on departmental goals can hinder collaboration across functions.
  • Potential bureaucracy: Layers of management can lead to faster decision-making.

Best Suited For

  • Large, established organisations: With well-defined processes and stable operations.
  • Organisations that value efficiency and standardisation, Like manufacturing or financial institutions.
  • Organisations with clear hierarchies and career paths: Offering employees predictable advancement opportunities.

While the functional structure has limitations, it remains a strong foundation for many organisations. It can be adapted and blended with elements of newer trends like matrix structures or agile teams to create a hybrid model that optimises efficiency and adaptability.

Other Structure Classifications

Organisation management has evolved over the years due to the continuous evolution of business needs. The organisational structure was redesigned as a result. Below, we will provide several new trends to help you compile the best structure that suits your business.

The Agile Organisational Structure

Imagine replacing the traditional hierarchy with a dynamic swarm of self-organising teams. Agile structures embrace flexibility, empowering cross-functional teams to experiment, fail fast, and iterate rapidly. 


  • Rapid adaptation and innovation: Cross-functional teams can quickly respond to changing market conditions and experiment with new ideas.
  • Increased ownership and engagement: Employees feel empowered to make decisions and take initiative, leading to higher motivation and productivity.
  • Improved communication and collaboration: Frequent interaction between diverse teams breaks down silos and fosters knowledge sharing.


  • Lack of clear direction and accountability: Rapid changes and decentralised decision-making can lead to confusion and ambiguity.
  • Potential for conflict: Overlapping responsibilities and competing priorities can create team friction.
  • Demanding on employees: Requires adaptable, self-motivated individuals who thrive in ambiguity.

Business Example

Spotify employs an agile structure with autonomous squads for specific features like recommendations or playlists. This allows them to react quickly to user feedback and experiment with new functionalities.

Holacracy Organisational Structure

Forget rigid hierarchies and fixed job titles. Holacracy and similar models distribute authority and accountability throughout the organisation. Employees take ownership of their roles, make decisions on the fly, and constantly refine the structure. It’s like a living organism continuously evolving and adapting to the environment.


  • Enhanced creativity and innovation: Flat hierarchies and self-governance empower employees to take risks and pursue bold ideas.
  • Increased agility and responsiveness: Organisations can quickly adapt to changes without waiting for higher-level approvals.
  • Improved employee engagement and ownership: Feeling accountable for the organisation’s success fosters a strong sense of ownership and responsibility.


  • Potential for chaos and instability: Lack of authority and structure can lead to confusion and decision paralysis.
  • Risk of power struggles: Ambitious individuals may vie for influence, creating internal political battles.
  • Requires a mature and engaged workforce: This structure works best with highly motivated and self-organising individuals.

Business Example

Valve, the game developer behind Steam, operates using a flat, self-governing structure where employees propose and vote on company decisions, fostering a decentralised and innovative environment.

Hybrid and Virtual Organisational Structures

Remote work is no longer a fringe novelty. With advancements in technology, hybrid and virtual structures are becoming increasingly common. This opens doors to a global talent pool, fosters work-life balance, and requires innovative approaches to communication and collaboration.


  • Access to a global talent pool: Organisations can hire the best talent regardless of location, leveraging diverse perspectives and skills.
  • Improved work-life balance: Remote work offers flexibility and autonomy, increasing employee satisfaction and retention.
  • Reduced overhead costs: Companies can save on office space and physical infrastructure by having a remote workforce.


  • Challenges with communication and collaboration: Building solid relationships and maintaining team cohesiveness can be difficult in a virtual environment.
  • Potential for decreased productivity: Some employees may need physical interaction and direct oversight to work on focusing and motivation.
  • Cybersecurity concerns: Remote work requires robust data security measures to protect sensitive information.

Business Example

Gitlab, a software development platform, operates with a fully remote workforce, demonstrating the successful implementation of a virtual structure and its potential to attract and retain top talent globally.

Human-Centered Focus Organisational Structure

The pendulum is swinging back from pure efficiency towards a focus on people. Purpose-driven and human-centric structures emphasise employee well-being, satisfaction, and engagement. The organisation becomes a space for personal growth and meaning, not just a profit-generating machine.


  • Improved employee well-being and engagement: Focusing on employee needs and creating a positive work environment leads to higher morale, productivity, and retention.
  • Attraction and retention of top talent: Organisations with a vital purpose and commitment to employee well-being are likelier to hire and retain talented individuals.
  • Enhanced creativity and innovation: A supportive and empowering environment fosters employee engagement and can spark new ideas and innovative solutions.

Business Example

Patagonia, the outdoor apparel company, is known for its commitment to environmental and social responsibility, offering generous employee benefits and supporting employee activism, attracting a motivated workforce and building a solid brand identity.

Choosing the Best Organisational Structure

Choosing the best organisational structure isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. It’s a delicate combination between maximising efficiency, fostering collaboration, and aligning with your organisation’s unique needs and goals. Here are some key factors to consider when making this crucial decision:

Analyse Your Organisation

  • Size and age: Smaller startups might thrive with flat structures, while larger established companies may benefit from a more hierarchical approach.
  • Industry and market: Consider the dynamics of your industry. A fast-paced tech company might need an agile structure, while a stable financial institution might do well with a functional one.
  • Culture and values: Does your organisation prioritise collaboration, flexibility, order, and stability? Choose a structure that complements your existing culture.
  • Goals and objectives: What are you trying to achieve? Focusing on innovation might call for a matrix structure, while cost efficiency might favour a functional one.

Explore Different Structural Options

  • Functional structure: Ideal for efficiency and expertise but can lack flexibility.
  • Divisional structure: Provides autonomy and focus on specific product lines or markets but can create silos.
  • Matrix structure: Blends flexibility and collaboration but can be complex and lead to conflict.
  • Flat structure: Encourages autonomy and decision-making but may need more direction and accountability.
  • Hybrid models: Combine elements of different structures for a custom fit.

Weigh the Feasibility of Each Option

  • Efficiency and effectiveness: Will the structure optimise your core processes and workflows?
  • Communication and collaboration: Does it facilitate seamless information flow and teamwork across departments?
  • Decision-making agility: Can the structure adapt quickly to changing market conditions and opportunities?
  • Employee engagement and satisfaction: Does it empower and motivate your team members?
  • Resource allocation and cost-effectiveness: Will the structure make optimal use of your resources and keep costs under control?

Get Feedback and Involve Key Stakeholders

  • Consult with employees from different levels and departments to gather their needs and concerns.
  •  Seek input from board members, advisors, and external experts for diverse perspectives.
  •  Ensure buy-in and commitment from key stakeholders for a smooth transition and successful implementation.

Be Flexible and Adaptable

Remember, your organisational structure is not a static blueprint. It needs to evolve alongside your company’s growth and changing circumstances. Be prepared to adjust and refine your structure to optimise your performance and stay ahead of the curve continuously.


Don’t be afraid to experiment! Test different models on a smaller scale before implementing them across the organisation. By carefully assessing your needs, exploring options, and involving stakeholders, you can choose the best organisational structure that sets your company on the path to success. Remember, the ideal structure is the one that empowers your team, fosters collaboration and drives you towards achieving your organisational goals.


What is a divisional organisational structure?

A divisional organisational structure organises employees based on products, services, or geographic locations. It allows each division to operate as a separate entity with its resources and functions.

How does a process-based structure differ from other organisational structures?

A process-based structure organises employees around the key processes or tasks that drive the business. It focuses on improving efficiency and streamlining operations by aligning employees with specific processes.

What are some examples of alternative organisational structures?

Examples of alternative organisational structures include circular, network, and flat structures. These structures deviate from traditional hierarchies and offer unique approaches to organising teams and functions.

How does organisational structure impact the company’s operations?

Organisational structure impacts communication, decision-making, resource allocation, and overall efficiency within the company. The proper structure can enhance collaboration and agility, while the wrong structure can lead to inefficiencies and silos.

What are the factors to consider when creating an organisational chart?

When creating an organizational chart, factors such as hierarchy, reporting relationships, departmental divisions, team dynamics, and the use of an organizational chart template should be considered. The chart should accurately represent the organisation’s structure and roles.

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