In this day and age, GIFs have taken the world by storm. What started out as a humble technology that improved compression for photographs, GIFs are now invariably used as a form of expression.

In recent times, these alluring animated pictures have come to play a crucial role in online marketing via blog entries, emails, websites, forums, and more. Nowadays, it would not be an over-exaggeration to say that online marketing is significantly shaped by graphic design in the form of GIFs.

However, despite the significance of GIFs, they tend to be neglected in most marketing plans and directives. We’ll teach you how to completely utilize GIF templates, giving your business’s marketing strategy the necessary windfall to propel it over competitors.

What are GIFs, and How Do They Attract Customers?

Though they may seem to be relatively new, GIFs can be traced all the way back to 1987! As mentioned earlier, GIFs came about because of the need for image compression. To cater to this need, Steve Wilhite devised the ingenious compression technology known as the Graphics Interchange Format which also facilitated the transmission of animated pictures.

GIFs have seen their fair share of turmoil throughout their lifetime. Beginning out as a form of picture compression, they’re now ubiquitously used to express feelings and emotions.

Increase Clicks By Using GIFs

They are dynamic and visually appealing, allowing you to share your message in a manner that captivates your audience.

Using GIFs can provide your marketing strategy with that much-needed engaging element- which is more often than not lacking in even the best marketing plans.

Whether you want to add flair, relay an anecdote or simply enhance your marketing, dynamic content is the way to go. Naturally, it goes without saying that strategic placement of GIFs is crucial when it comes to online marketing- no one appreciates an unrelated, crass GIF!

Understanding the Psychology of GIFs: Why They Click

GIFs aren’t just fun and flashy; they tap into powerful cognitive processes that make them incredibly effective at capturing attention and driving clicks. Here’s a deep dive into the psychology behind their success:

1. Visual Processing Power:

  • Our brains are wired for visuals: Humans process visual information 60,000 times faster than text, making GIFs instantly impactful. This speed of comprehension allows viewers to grasp the message quickly and efficiently, increasing the likelihood of engagement.
  • Motion grabs attention: Movement attracts our gaze instinctively, similar to how we react to sudden changes in our environment. This inherent bias towards motion makes GIFs naturally more eye-catching than static images.
  • Fast-paced information delivery: GIFs present information in a series of frames, creating a dynamic experience that keeps viewers engaged and prevents them from scrolling past.

2. Emotional Impact and Connection:

  • Evoking emotions: GIFs can trigger a range of emotions, from laughter and surprise to curiosity and even empathy. These emotional responses create a deeper connection with the viewer, making them more likely to remember the message and click through.
  • Humor is disarming: A funny GIF can break the ice, creating a positive association with your brand and making viewers more receptive to your message.
  • Surprise and curiosity pique interest: An unexpected or intriguing GIF can leave viewers wanting more, encouraging them to click to discover the full story behind the animation.

3. Storytelling in Bite-Sized Chunks:

  • Micro-narratives engage: GIFs can tell mini-stories, demonstrating product features, benefits, or processes in a short, easily digestible format. This condensed storytelling approach resonates with our busy attention spans and allows viewers to grasp complex concepts quickly.
  • Show, don’t tell: Visuals are more effective than text at conveying information and emotions. GIFs showcase the real-world application of your product or service, making it more tangible and relatable for viewers.
  • Memorable snippets: The combination of movement, visuals, and micro-narratives creates strong memory associations, making GIFs more likely to be remembered than static images.


Understanding the psychology behind GIFs is crucial for creating impactful content. Leverage the power of visual processing, emotional engagement, and micro-narratives to capture attention, evoke positive feelings, and ultimately drive clicks and conversions.

Creative Ways to Incorporate GIF Templates

The applications of GIFs are nearly endless! Below, we’ll be going over some of the best ways Desygner can benefit your business and its online marketing goals by allowing you to easily create effective GIFs: 

Increase Customer Engagement.

Engaging customers can be a daunting task. On the contrary, using GIFs can transform this tough row to hoe into a piece of cake. 

Moving images naturally draw attention and encourage the viewer to actively connect with the content. The dynamic adds a “curiosity factor” to an online marketing campaign, encouraging viewers to click on the advert or email and see what is within it for themselves. 

Improved Memory Retention. 

According to estimates, when simply reading text, people tend to remember roughly 20% of the text. However, simply incorporating an image or two can boost those numbers tremendously.

As a result, GIFs are an excellent tool for boosting memory retention amongst your prospective customers. After all, a picture truly does convey a thousand words!

Convert Viewers to Customers

GIFs are an excellent alternative to your conventional countdown timers. Keeping this in mind, you can use GIFs to highlight the urgency of your content. 

Using this urgency, you can push your viewers to action; thus effectively converting more viewers into customers!

Small Footprint

One of the greatest advantages of GIFs is their space footprint. When compared to other file formats, GIFs are exponentially smaller. The smaller file size is directly proportional to faster loading times so you can bid slow, clunky online marketing adverts adieu!

The list of benefits doesn’t end here. With GIFs, you can use transparent backgrounds which can integrate well with your brand’s website, giving it a professional and minimalistic aesthetic.

Using GIFs in Online Marketing: Best Practices

As with any asset, misuse or overuse of GIFs can lead to disastrous and unwanted effects. Therefore, we’ve compiled a list of best practices for you to observe when using GIFs in online marketing:

  • A few GIFs here and there engage customers and never negatively impact your message. On the other hand, going overboard with GIFs is a surefire way to distract your prospective customers from the actual content and purpose of your marketing plan. 
  • Always remember: The GIF used should be related to the content or activity being conveyed. Misusing GIFs runs the risk of offending customers, and that is a big red flag on its own!
  • Always aim to create a GIF with a file size of 40KB, or less. Larger file sizes lead to slower loading times, and your prospective customers won’t sit around waiting for a single GIF to load! 
  • At times, a GIF may fail to load or display properly. No matter the reason, it is essential that an alternate image text is present, so that viewers may comprehend what the GIF was for. Try to make your description as detailed as possible, thus aiding understandability.

Types of GIFs for Different Marketing Goals:

1. Product Demos and Explainer GIFs:

  • Showcase features: Animate product features and functionalities in an engaging way, highlighting their benefits and use cases.
  • Explain complex processes: Break down complex workflows or systems into easily digestible, step-by-step GIF animations.
  • Highlight hidden features: Use GIFs to demonstrate lesser-known features that users might not discover otherwise.
  • Examples: Showcase how to assemble a product, navigate an app interface, or use a particular tool or feature.

2. Testimonials and User-Generated Content (UGC) GIFs:

  • Build trust and social proof: Feature real users enjoying your product or service in action, adding authenticity and relatability.
  • Showcase diverse customers and use cases: Highlight real-world applications for different demographics and situations.
  • Increase engagement and virality: User-generated GIFs often resonate more with viewers than professionally created ones.
  • Examples: Feature UGC GIFs in social media ads, email marketing campaigns, or on your website to show happy customers using your product.

3. Humorous and Attention-Grabbing GIFs:

  • Grab immediate attention: Stand out in busy content feeds with a funny or unexpected GIF that makes viewers stop and pay attention.
  • Lighten the mood and create positive associations: Humor can make your brand seem more approachable and relatable.
  • Use humor relevant to your audience and brand identity: Avoid forced humor that doesn’t align with your overall message.
  • Examples: Use funny GIFs in social media posts, email subject lines, or website banners to attract viewers.

4. Interactive and Clickable GIFs:

  • Drive specific actions: Integrate CTAs directly within the GIF, like “Shop Now” or “Learn More.”
  • Highlight clickable elements: Clearly indicate which parts of the GIF are clickable to avoid user confusion.
  • Track clicks and engagement: Monitor how users interact with clickable elements to measure effectiveness.
  • Examples: Create interactive GIFs for product pages, email newsletters, or landing pages to drive specific actions.

Best Practices for Creating High-Quality GIFs:

Crafting impactful GIFs that captivate your audience and deliver your message effectively requires more than just throwing together some moving images. Here are key best practices to ensure your GIFs are clear, engaging, and achieve their desired outcome:

1. Focus on Clarity and Conciseness:

  • Short and sweet is key: Keep your GIFs under 5 seconds long to avoid overwhelming viewers and ensure they load quickly.
  • Prioritize one message: Focus on a single, clear message or action you want viewers to take away.
  • Minimize clutter: Eliminate unnecessary elements that distract from the central message.
  • Clear visuals and transitions: Use high-quality visuals and smooth transitions for a professional look.

2. Maintain Brand Consistency:

  • Colors and fonts: Use colors and fonts that align with your brand identity for instant recognition.
  • Brand voice and tone: Infuse your GIF with your brand’s personality and messaging style.
  • Logo presence: Consider subtly incorporating your logo within the GIF, but prioritize clarity over forced branding.

3. Prioritize Accessibility:

  • Text overlays: Add text overlays to narrate the action, especially for complex GIFs or those lacking context.
  • Alt text: Write descriptive alt text for screen readers to convey the GIF’s message to visually impaired users.
  • Use clear color contrasts: Ensure good contrast between text and backgrounds for better readability.

4. Optimize File Size:

  • GIF optimization tools: Utilize tools like Ezgif or TinyPNG to shrink file size without compromising quality.
  • Reduce frame rate: Lowering the frame rate can significantly reduce file size without sacrificing smoothness.
  • Limit color palette: Sticking to a limited color palette helps minimize file size.
  • Prioritize quality over excessive details: Focus on the essential elements, avoiding unnecessary detail that adds weight.

Unleashing the Power of GIFs: Where to Use Them for Maximum Impact

GIFs are no longer just playful internet fodder; they’re a potent marketing tool capable of boosting engagement, clicks, and conversions. But where exactly do you unleash their power for maximum impact? Let’s explore strategic placement options:

1. Email Marketing:

  • Subject lines: A well-crafted GIF in your subject line can cut through the noise and entice users to open. Showcase product features, tease offers, or evoke curiosity with a relevant animation.
  • Headers and banners: Grab attention immediately with a visually engaging GIF showcasing your brand, latest campaign, or a user enjoying your product.
  • Product showcases: Instead of static images, use GIFs to demonstrate product features in action, zoom in on key details, or even show before-and-after transformations.
  • Testimonials and user-generated content (UGC): Bring testimonials to life with short GIFs of happy customers using your product. User-generated GIFs add authenticity and social proof.

2. Social Media Posts:

  • Organic content: Stand out in busy feeds with eye-catching GIFs that relate to current trends, holidays, or relevant events. Use humor, relatable scenarios, or product demos to pique interest.
  • Paid advertising: Incorporate GIFs in your social media ads to grab attention, showcase product benefits, and drive clicks to your landing page.
  • Stories and Live streams: Leverage the ephemeral nature of stories and live streams to create engaging content with GIFs, polls, and interactive elements.

3. Blog Posts and Landing Pages:

  • Breaking up text: GIFs can visually break up long stretches of text, improving readability and making your content more scannable.
  • Highlighting key points: Use GIFs to emphasize important information, statistics, or product features in a memorable way.
  • Adding personality: Humor, relatable emotions, or visually engaging storytelling can add personality to your content and connect with your audience on a deeper level.
  • Interactive elements: Explore integrating clickable elements within GIFs on landing pages to drive specific actions like “Learn More” or “Shop Now.”

4. Website Hero Sections and Banners:

  • First impressions matter: Capture attention at the very beginning with a captivating GIF that showcases your brand identity, value proposition, or a popular product.
  • Explain complex concepts: Utilize animated GIFs to explain complex processes, services, or features in a digestible and visually engaging way.
  • Showcase user testimonials: Feature short GIFs of happy customers using your product to build trust and social proof.
  • Highlight seasonal promotions or new offerings: Utilize eye-catching GIFs to draw attention to limited-time offers, new product launches, or special events.

Measuring the Impact of Your GIFs: Tracking and Analyzing Performance

GIFs can be powerful tools for grabbing attention and driving engagement, but without measuring their effectiveness, you’re flying blind. Here are key metrics to track and analyze the performance of your GIFs, ensuring they deliver the desired results:

1. Click-Through Rate (CTR):

  • This metric measures the percentage of people who click on a Call to Action (CTA) within the GIF or after viewing it.
  • Trackable elements: CTAs can be embedded within the GIF itself (clickable areas) or placed alongside it (e.g., “Learn More” buttons).
  • Analysis: High CTRs indicate effectiveness in driving desired actions. Analyze variations in CTR across different platforms, campaigns, and GIF types to identify what resonates best with your audience.

2. Engagement Metrics:

  • Go beyond clicks and delve into broader engagement indicators like likes, shares, comments, and time spent viewing the GIF.
  • Platforms: Utilize native analytics from social media platforms, email marketing tools, or website analytics like Google Analytics.
  • Analysis: Higher engagement signifies viewers find the GIF interesting, shareable, or memorable. Track engagement across different audience segments to better understand their preferences.

3. Heatmaps and Scroll Depth:

  • These visualize where users click and how far they scroll on a webpage, offering insights into how GIFs impact user behavior.
  • Tools: Utilize heatmap and scroll depth tracking tools like Hotjar or Crazy Egg.
  • Analysis: See if users click on the GIF itself, if they scroll further after encountering it, and if they click on surrounding elements (e.g., product pages). This data helps refine placement and optimize surrounding content for better user experience and conversions.

4. A/B Testing:

  • Don’t settle for assumptions; test different GIF variations to see which ones perform better in terms of CTR, engagement, or other relevant metrics.
  • Test elements: Vary GIF length, animation style, content, CTAs, and placement to identify the most effective combination.
  • Tools: Utilize A/B testing features offered by marketing platforms or dedicated A/B testing tools.
  • Analysis: Identify statistically significant differences between variations to continuously improve your GIF strategy and maximize impact.


Q: What are some common mistakes to avoid when using GIFs in marketing?

A: Overusing them, neglecting accessibility, using low-quality GIFs, and ignoring brand consistency are common pitfalls. Ensure your GIFs are relevant, optimized for file size, and accessible to all users.

Q: Can I use copyrighted GIFs in my marketing materials?

A: No, using copyrighted GIFs without permission can lead to legal trouble. Use royalty-free GIFs or create your own.

Q: What tools can I use to create GIFs for marketing?

A: Many online tools like Giphy, Kapwing, and Adobe Spark offer free or paid plans for creating and editing GIFs.

Q: How often should I refresh my GIFs?

A: Refreshing your GIFs periodically with new trends or seasonal themes can keep them engaging and relevant for your audience.

Q: Can I track the performance of GIFs within social media posts?

A: Yes! Most social media platforms offer built-in analytics that track impressions, engagement, and reach for your GIFs.

Final Thoughts

The applications of GIFs are nearly limitless! Whether you want a quick fix to increase customer engagement, improve your brand’s memorability, or simply improve your brand website’s performance, GIFs are the way to go. 

With GIFs, your business will gain a much-needed edge, propelling it over its competitors. Moreover, with greater customer engagement, your customer’s interest in your brand will increase, leading to an improvement in customer loyalty.

To remain updated with the latest trends in graphic designs, follow Desygner on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Youtube today!

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