The worlds of 2D and 3D modelling can, at times, appear quite bewildering. Comprehending these two varied yet vital forms of graphical representation is ever so important.

That is why, in this blog post, we are going to dive deep into the intriguing world of 2D and 3D modelling techniques, shedding light on their distinctive characteristics, real-world applications, and notable differences. We will also explore industry-standard software programs employed by professionals.

2D Modelling: Definition and Explanation

2D and 3D

2D modelling refers to the creation of flat, two-dimensional representations of objects or scenes using computer software. It involves working with shapes and drawings in a two-dimensional space, length and width, without depth or perspective.

Characteristics of 2D Graphics

Now, let us talk about the characteristics of 2D graphics.

  • 2D graphics show shapes and surfaces in only two ways: width and height.
  • These 2D shapes seem flat with no depth or volume.
  • 2D graphics are used in graphic design and animation. You can also find them on your phone or computer screen.
  • Making 2D graphics is usually faster and easier than making 3D.
  • Its downside is that they cannot show depth very well, so things might not look as real.

Popular 2D Modelling Software Programs

Let us explore some popular 2D modelling software programs. These programs are used a lot in CAD and drafting work.

2d and 3d
  1. AutoCAD: Standing for Auto Computer-Aided Design, AutoCAD is widely used for drawing, drafting, and modelling in various industries.
  2. DraftSight: DraftSight is a professional-grade CAD software application that helps users create and change geometric shapes, lines, curves, and text.
  3. SolidWorks 2D: Although SolidWorks is a 3D computer-aided design (CAD) software, it has many tools and functions that can make very exact and full 2D models. Its 2D features are often used to create technical drawings, documentation, and schematics to accompany 3D models. Its sketches include lines, arcs, circles, rectangles, and other geometric shapes.
  4. TurboCAD: TurboCAD is another great software for making excellent 2D designs. Offering 2D and 3D modelling capabilities, it is known for its versatility and affordability, making it suitable for many users, from professionals to hobbyists.

3D Modelling: Definition and Explanation

2D and 3D

3D modelling or 3D modeling for our US readers, is the creation of three-dimensional computer-generated graphics that can be manipulated and viewed from various angles. Unlike 2D modelling, it provides a more realistic representation of objects or scenes incorporating length, width, and depth.

Characteristics of 3D Graphics

Here are the characteristics of 3D graphics that are special parts of art or design that stand out because they have exciting traits:

  • 3D graphics look like real shapes and objects; you could almost touch them.
  • 3D graphics create an immersive experience; they give you the feeling that you are right there in the picture. This makes games and movies much more fun.
  • People use special software programs to create these images on a computer.
  • Art and design love 3D graphics. If someone wants their picture to look real or fancy, they will use 3D graphics.
  • Have you seen a movie with pretend things that look real? That is CGI or Computer-Generated Imagery!
  • With this kind of art, shapes can be anything; even complex shapes like cylinders are easy to do.
2D and 3D

Popular 3D Modelling Software Programs

Let’s dive into the world of popular 3D modelling software programs. This is a cool type of computer-based art. These tools let you make designs that look like real things. Here are some top picks:

  1. Inventor: Inventor 3D CAD software is Europe‘s most famous 3D drawing software. Simple and good, it is specifically designed for 3D mechanical design, simulation, visualisation, and documentation.
  2. CATIA: Standing for Computer-Aided Three-Dimensional Interactive Application, CATIA is the best software for complex engineering and design sectors, like aerospace and 3D automotive designs. 
  3. SketchUp: SketchUp is a big hit as it is easy to learn and use in architectural design, interior design, landscape architecture, product design, and more.
  4. Maya: Maya is a powerful 3D computer graphics and animation software used mainly in film, television, video games, visual effects, and architecture.
  5. Blender: Working for both new users and experts, Blender is an open-source 3D graphics software package that gained popularity for being free and accessible. It is used for a wide range of 3D modelling, animation, motion tracking, and video editing.
  6. 3ds Max: 3ds Max is a professional 3D computer graphics software that serves well for architecture, video game development, film and television production, and industrial design.
  7. ZBrush: ZBrush is a unique and innovative digital sculpting and 3D modelling software that gained popularity in digital art, video game development, film and animation, character design, and 3D printing.

Key Differences Between 2D and 3D Modelling Techniques

2D and 3D are two distinct modelling techniques used in computer graphics and designs, each with its own set of characteristics and applications. The key differences between 2D and 3D modelling include dimensionality, creation process, level of detail, and realism/ visualisation. Here are the key differences between 2D and 3D modelling techniques in detail:


One of the major differences between 2D and 3D modelling techniques is the dimensionality of the graphics. While 2D models exist in a two-dimensional space, 3D models provide a three-dimensional representation of objects and environments.

In 2D modelling, you work with things that are flat and have only two aspects: length and width. You cannot show depth in a 2D model. That is why 2D modelling is like drawing on a piece of paper where the picture is flat.

When you step into the world of 3D modelling, there is a major difference. Your models have an extra feature; they gain depth. This adds to their size and feel because now they occupy space just like real-world objects do.

So, if you’re making a cartoon or designing a new phone shape, using 3D lets your models look lifelike.

Creation Process

On top of that, making 2D and 3D models is not the same. 2D modelling is more about lines and shapes on one level. So, you need good drawing skills to create flat pictures like a floor plan or a map of a site.

For 3D modelling, you build a model that can be seen from all sides in space. It takes many steps and different skills to do this well. This process is often used with Autodesk Revit software, which helps you bring your vision to life in full detail.

Both ways take time and creativity but offer unique results in the end.

Level of Detail

In 3D modelling, you can put in more detail than in 2D. While you only see flat pictures in 2D modelling, 3D modelling lets you make things look real as it enables you to see how objects and places look from all sides. With 3D, you add deepness to your models as well, which makes for better sight and study of where objects are in space compared to others around them.

So, if your work needs lots of details or is very complex, then you might want to use 3D instead of 2D—given that you have the tools for it, of course.

Realism and Visualisation


Realism is an important factor that sets 2D and 3D modelling techniques apart. In 2D modelling, the graphics are flat and lack depth. However, 3D modelling allows for a more lifelike representation of objects and scenes because you can render three-dimensional graphics with greater detail, giving them a more realistic appearance.

When it comes to visualisation, 3D models offer enhanced possibilities as they can be textured to mimic real-world materials like wood or metal. Lighting effects can also be applied to create shadows and highlights that add depth to the models. These features make the final renderings look incredibly realistic.

Realism and visualisation are particularly important in architecture, product design, and animation.

Applications and Uses of 2D and 3D Modelling Techniques

2D and 3D modelling techniques can be applied in several industries, such as design, architecture, entertainment, and animation. They are used to create realistic visualisations, accurate plans and elevations, quick changes to designs, and much more. Let us find out how these modelling techniques are applied in different fields and the benefits they offer.


Both 2D and 3D modelling play important roles in architecture as they help in creating accurate representations of buildings, structures, and spaces.

Architects can create detailed plans in 2D and then bring them to life in 3D to allow clients to see how the building will look in the end. First, they use 2D modelling to create engineering drawings that show the basic geometric shapes of a design. Then, with 3D modelling, they create more complex shapes to better understand how the final design will look.

Building Information Modelling (BIM) software is also used in architecture to create detailed 3D models that provide functional data for construction processes. Still, 2D models are widely used because they are easier to create and understand for many architects. However, the advantages of 3D modelling, such as realistic visualisation, are becoming more important in the field.

Industrial Design

2D and 3D modelling techniques are also used in industrial design. Industrial designers use Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software to create precise designs for cars, furniture, and appliances as it helps them visualise how the product will look before it is actually made.


Engineers also use both types of modelling to design machines, structures, and other things. They first use 2D drawings to plan out the parts of the thing they want and then create a 3D model to make sure everything fits together correctly.

Entertainment, Movies, and Animation

Entertainment and animation are so much fun to watch and be a part of. Both modelling techniques are also used to create mind-blowing visual effects in movies, TV shows, and video games. They can make things look realistic or bring fantastical worlds to life.

With 2D and 3D modelling, artists can design unique characters for cartoons, movies, or video games. They can make them look funny, scary, or anything in between.

Motion graphics are also used in movies and video games, and they often use a combination of 2D and 3D elements to create eye-catching visuals. They are moving images or animations that communicate information or tell a story.

Virtual Reality, or VR, is all about immersing yourself in a virtual world. With the help of 3D modelling, designers can create incredibly realistic environments that make you feel like you are actually there.

On the other hand, Augmented reality or AR overlays digital objects onto the real world. You have probably seen Snapchat filters that add cool effects to your face—those are created using AR technology.

Video Games

Game designers also use both 2D and 3D modelling techniques to create realistic environments and characters for video games. They can make detailed 3D models that players can interact with while in the game.

In Conclusion

The key difference between 2D and 3D modelling techniques is the number of dimensions they represent. While 2D modelling focuses on creating flat shapes and designs in two dimensions, 3D modelling allows for the creation of realistic and immersive objects in three dimensions.

Both modelling techniques have their own advantages and applications depending on project requirements. These make them valuable in various industries, such as design, architecture, animation, and virtual reality. However, three-dimensional drawing software is much more popular than two-dimensional software nowadays.


1. What is the difference between 2D and 3D modelling techniques?

2D modelling involves the creation of flat, two-dimensional representations of objects or scenes, while 3D modelling creates three-dimensional objects that you can view from different angles.

2. Can I use 2D models in a virtual reality (VR) environment?

No, 2D models cannot be used in a virtual reality (VR) environment as they lack the depth and perspective needed to create an immersive experience. Only 3D models can be used in VR.

3. Which type of modelling is more realistic: 2D or 3D?

The realism of a model depends on its intended use. However, in general, 3D allows for greater realism as it provides depth and the ability to view an object from different angles.

4. Is one type of modelling better than the other?

There is no definitive answer as to whether one type of modelling is better than the other. The choice between 2D and 3D modelling techniques depends on project requirements, intended use, and personal preference.

5. Can you give examples where either 2D or 3D is more appropriate?

Yes, 3D modelling is more suited for creating realistic video games, animated films, architectural visualisations, product design prototypes, and virtual simulations.

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