Pay per click – otherwise known as PPC – is a popular and powerful online advertising method used to drive traffic to websites. We find that Pay Per Click Training is becoming one of our most sought after agency services for internal teams and entrepreneurs.

To many, it seems like a fairly recent advertising phenomenon. However, the first recorded mention of pay per click was actually in 1996! Since then, it has become a key component in successful digital marketing, changing the game in budget spending, data analysing and achieving results.

Nowadays, pay per click digital training is a staple for many businesses. It not only helps with boosting online presence, but also increasing website traffic and converting real leads. Statistics show that 50% of people arriving at a business’s site from a paid ad are more likely to purchase than those coming from an organic link.

This proves the importance of investing in pay per click training for you and your staff. 

Throughout this blog, we will explain how pay per click works, the benefits and what you need to know before you give it a go.

Pay Per Click / PPC

How does pay per click work?

Pay per click does exactly what it says on the tin: it involves a cost each time your ad is clicked on. Typically you (the advertiser) will pay a publisher (like Google) every time a prospect clicks on your link.

These ads are strategically placed across Google and are designed to effectively attract and engage new visitors. In a nutshell: it is a clever way to buy website visits, instead of fighting with competition to gain these organically. 

When a pay per click ad is set up, it will have its own competitive placing in a list of sponsored search links. When a prospective visitor searches for something on Google using an associated keyword, this triggers the related pay per click ad to show higher up in the rankings.

This means that the chances of brand visibility and website traffic are significantly higher – therefore reinstating the need for pay per click advertising and therefore, training to make sure you succeed.

Pay Per Click Training

What are the benefits of pay per click training?

By undergoing training in pay per click – this can result in an array of benefits.

It helps your strategy

Not only will you understand how to set up pay per click campaigns, but you will also be able to determine who exactly to target, decide what you want your message to be and identify keywords. Pay per click training will help you think logically and strategically about the purpose of your ad, which in turn will benefit your overall digital marketing strategy.

It increases profitability

You can secure substantial profits based on ads – especially if they perform well. Many people have reservations when they think about having to pay each time a person clicks through. However, if implemented correctly, the fee is small compared to the visitors that are visiting and purchasing from your site. For example: you may have to pay £3 for a click, but that click could lead to a £300 sale, meaning your ad has successfully generated revenue.

It boosts visibility

Connecting businesses with audiences is at the core of PPC. With pay per click training, you will be taught how to design an ad that catches the eye and – most importantly – answers a possible visitor’s query. The more you make life easy for your intended audience by concisely summarising your product/service and conveniently connecting prospects straight to your website, then you should see positive results. 

Pay Per Click Training

What do I need to know?

Before setting up your own pay per click ad, you must ask yourself a number of important questions. In pay per click training, you will be advised not to dive in head first. In order for your ad to be successful, you need to know exactly what it is you’re selling, who you’re selling it to, how much you’re prepared to spend and what you want to say. 

Decide on a goal

Google will ask what your intentions are with your pay per click ad. This may seem like a big, daunting question – as many digital marketing strategies often take time to determine their end goal. Try to think simple: what result do you want to get out of your ad? You either want more calls, store visits or website visits.

These are the traffic areas that Google specialise in. Once you’ve decided which goal is preferred for you, then you can move on to the next important question.

Where will you target?

Geographically, where do you want to be seen? Google will ask you to specify your preferences, but the good thing is that you can choose to go global or stay local. 

What’s important is that you think logically about this decision – if you are a small town shop, you are probably best sticking to a closer vicinity, such as your base and the outskirts. If you’re a big corporation based in a city centre – you could select to be seen regionally.

Choose a message

What exactly do you want people to know about? Or, more importantly, think of what your customer would typically search for in Google. The aim is to get your name to pop up in front of them, so try to imagine it from your customer’s point of view.

Google’s advice is to highlight what is best about your business in three short sentences. You can also intrigue prospects more by choosing a banner ad where you can add images. The most important aspect is that you keep your message succinct and use strong keywords. The snappier, the better!

What’s your budget?

This is where you get to determine how much budget you wish to allocate to your ad. This is handy as it means you will never pay more than the monthly cap you set, plus you can adjust and pause whenever you like.

With Google, it can tell you estimated outcomes from your chosen budget, such as how many clicks and calls to expect before you have even finalised your decision. The general rule of thumb here is that the higher, the budget, the higher the clicks. 

Pay Per Click Training

With all this in mind, investing in pay per click training can really help your business flourish online. We hope this blog has provided you with useful insights. However, to make your investment stretch and succeed – you need to be fully aware of the intricate details that are involved in pay per click.

Crafting Compelling Ad Copy & Landing Page Optimization: Turning Clicks into Customers

1. Compelling Ad Copy: The Hook that Reels Clicks:

Your ad copy acts as the first impression in the digital marketplace. It needs to grab attention, resonate with your target audience, and entice them to click. Here’s how:

  • Know Your Audience: Who are you trying to reach? Understand their pain points, desires, and language. Craft messaging that speaks directly to their needs.
  • Benefit-Driven Headlines: Highlight the primary benefit your product or service offers. Use strong verbs, numbers, and urgency to pique interest. (e.g., “Double your leads in 30 days! Start your free trial now.”)
  • Clarity & Value Proposition: State your unique selling proposition (USP) clearly and concisely within the character limit. What makes you different and better than competitors?
  • Targeted Keywords: Integrate relevant keywords strategically throughout your ad. This helps users find your ad and ensures it aligns with their search intent.
  • Calls to Action (CTAs): Tell users what you want them to do next. Use strong verbs like “Get started,” “Learn more,” or “Buy now.” Make the CTA clear, concise, and relevant to the offer.

2. Landing Page Optimization: Converting Clicks into Customers:

Your ad has brought them to your door; now, convert them into customers with a well-optimized landing page:

  • First Impressions Matter: Ensure a visually appealing and mobile-friendly design that aligns with your brand identity.
  • Value Proposition Prominence: Reiterate your USP prominently. Explain how your product or service solves their problem or fulfills their need.
  • Targeted and Relevant Content: Ensure all content aligns with the ad and audience. Avoid generic information; tailor it to their specific interests and search intent.
  • Benefits & Social Proof: Highlight product benefits with clear, concise bullet points and persuasive text. Use testimonials, case studies, or trust signals to build credibility.
  • Frictionless Forms: Keep forms short and only ask for essential information. Ensure a smooth, user-friendly submission process.
  • Compelling CTA Repetition: Repeat the CTA throughout the landing page, strategically placed above the fold and within the content. Make it impossible to miss.
  • Optimize for Conversions: Test different headlines, CTAs, and visuals to see what resonates best with your audience. Use A/B testing tools to continuously improve conversion rates.

Remember: Your ad copy and landing page work together seamlessly. Ensure consistency in messaging and user experience to create a clear pathway for conversion. By investing in compelling ad copy and optimizing your landing page, you’ll turn those valuable clicks into paying customers and fuel your business growth.

Conversion Tracking & Analytics: Measuring Success and Optimizing Your PPC Journey

In the world of PPC advertising, knowing what works and what doesn’t is crucial for maximizing your return on investment. That’s where conversion tracking and analytics come in. They shine a light on your campaign’s effectiveness, allowing you to refine your strategies and convert clicks into valuable customers.

1. The Power of Conversion Tracking:

Imagine pouring money into advertising without knowing who actually clicked, visited your website, or ultimately became a customer. That’s the risk without conversion tracking. By setting it up, you gain invaluable insights into:

  • Campaign Performance: Understand which campaigns, ad groups, and keywords drive the most valuable actions.
  • ROI Calculation: Measure the true return on your ad spend by analyzing conversions generated versus campaign costs.
  • Audience Behavior: See how users interact with your ads and landing pages, identifying areas for improvement.
  • Optimization Opportunities: Leverage data to refine your targeting, bidding strategies, and ad copy for better results.

2. Conversion Types: Beyond Just Clicks:

Not all clicks are created equal. Define what “conversion” means for your campaigns:

  • Website Visits: Track visits to specific landing pages related to your campaign goals.
  • Leads Generated: Monitor contact form submissions, newsletter signups, or downloads of valuable content.
  • Purchases: Measure completed transactions directly tied to your PPC campaigns.
  • Phone Calls: Track calls generated from click-to-call ads or website buttons.
  • App Installs & Engagements: For app-based businesses, track app downloads and key user actions within the app.

Setting Up Conversion Tracking:

Each PPC platform (Google Ads, Bing Ads, etc.) offers specific tools and instructions for setting up conversion tracking. It typically involves adding code snippets to your website or utilizing platform-specific features. Consult your platform’s support documentation for detailed guidance.

3. Data Analysis: The Key to Optimization:

Conversion tracking provides data, but unlocking its true potential lies in analysis. Dive deeper with these steps:

  • Identify Top Performers: See which ads, keywords, and campaigns drive the most conversions. Invest more in what works.
  • Analyze Underperformers: Find areas where conversions are lagging and diagnose the cause. Is it ad copy, targeting, or landing page issues?
  • Test & Improve: A/B test different ad variations, landing page elements, and targeting options to see what resonates best with your audience.
  • Stay Informed: Utilize data to stay ahead of industry trends and identify new opportunities for optimization.

4. Popular PPC Analytics Tools:

While platform-specific dashboards offer valuable insights, consider additional tools for deeper analysis:

  • Google Analytics: Provides detailed audience demographics, user behavior, and conversion journey insights.
  • Heatmaps & Session Recordings: Visualize user behavior on your landing pages, identifying areas of friction or confusion.
  • Conversion Optimization Tools: Tools like Optimizely or Crazy Egg help test and optimize landing page elements for improved conversion rates.

Remember: Conversion tracking and analytics are an ongoing process. Regularly analyze your data, adapt your strategies, and use insights to fuel continuous improvement. By harnessing the power of data, you can transform your PPC campaigns into conversion machines, driving valuable results and achieving your business goals.

PPC Budget Management & Bidding Strategies: Optimizing Your Spend for Maximum Impact

In the realm of PPC advertising, managing your budget effectively is crucial for success. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, understanding various budgeting and bidding strategies empowers you to allocate resources wisely, maximize ROI, and achieve your desired advertising goals.

1. Setting Realistic Budgets:

Before diving into the world of bids, define clear campaign goals and assess your available resources. Consider factors like:

  • Business Objectives: Are you aiming for brand awareness, lead generation, or direct sales? Each goal requires different budget allocations.
  • Target Audience: Understanding your audience size and demographics helps estimate potential reach and click costs.
  • Competition: Research competitor activities and estimated average costs per click (CPC) in your industry.
  • Past Performance: Leverage historical data from existing campaigns to gauge realistic expectations.

Remember, start small and scale gradually. Begin with a comfortable budget, monitor performance, and adjust based on results.

2. Exploring Bidding Strategies:

Once you have a budget in mind, choose the bidding strategy that aligns best with your goals and comfort level:

  • Manual Bidding: You set the maximum amount you’re willing to pay per click for each keyword. Offers precise control but requires constant monitoring and adjustments.
  • Automated Bidding: Algorithms manage your bids based on your goals and budget. Options like Target CPA (cost per acquisition) aim for specific conversion costs, while Maximize Conversions prioritizes generating the most conversions possible.

Here’s a quick breakdown of popular bidding strategies:

Manual BiddingGranular controlTime-consuming, requires expertise
Target CPAPredictable costs, optimizes for conversionsRequires setting realistic conversion values
Maximize ConversionsPrioritizes conversions, good for lead generationLess control over budget, potential for high costs
Maximize ClicksDrives website trafficDoesn’t guarantee conversions, high costs if not optimized

3. Campaign Optimization Techniques:

Beyond your initial bidding strategy, several techniques help control your budget and maximize its impact:

  • Ad Scheduling: Set specific times and days for your ads to display, targeting peak engagement periods while minimizing wasted impressions.
  • Location Targeting: Focus your ads on specific geographic areas relevant to your audience, avoiding unnecessary spending in irrelevant locations.
  • Negative Keywords: Exclude irrelevant search terms from triggering your ads, preventing wasted clicks and costs.
  • Device Targeting: Optimize bids for specific devices (desktop, mobile, tablet) based on their conversion performance.
  • Remarketing: Target users who have already interacted with your brand, potentially increasing conversion rates and lowering overall costs.

Remember: Bidding and budget management are dynamic processes. Experiment, track your results closely, and adapt your strategies based on data and performance metrics. Utilize A/B testing to compare different bidding strategies and identify the most effective approach for your campaigns.

Advanced PPC Techniques: Diving Deeper into the Data-Driven World

While the foundation of successful PPC campaigns lies in the basics, advanced techniques can unlock further potential and propel your advertising efforts to new heights. Let’s explore some powerful strategies for experienced users:

1. Advanced Ad Formats:

  • Google Shopping Ads: Showcase product images, prices, and merchant information for targeted product searches, driving qualified traffic to your online store.
  • Search Partner Network: Expand your reach beyond Google’s search engine to partner websites, potentially accessing new audiences at lower costs.
  • Dynamic Search Ads: Leverage your website content to automatically generate ads based on relevant user searches, simplifying campaign creation and management.

2. Cross-Channel Advertising:

  • Integrate PPC with other marketing channels like social media, email marketing, and content marketing for a cohesive brand experience.
  • Utilize retargeting across channels to remind users who interacted with your brand on one platform about your offerings on another.
  • Track cross-channel attribution to understand how different channels contribute to conversions and optimize your overall marketing budget.

3. Staying Ahead of the Curve:

  • Regularly research and test emerging PPC trends: Explore features like responsive search ads, smart bidding strategies, and audience segmentation advancements.
  • Stay updated with platform updates and algorithm changes: Adapt your campaigns to stay competitive and maximize their effectiveness.
  • Seek out industry resources and communities: Connect with other PPC professionals, learn from their experiences, and share best practices.

Remember: PPC is a dynamic field, and what works today might not work tomorrow. By embracing advanced techniques, integrating your campaigns with other marketing efforts, and continuously learning, you can ensure your PPC strategies stay ahead of the curve and fuel long-term business success.


1. What are the essential skills needed for successful PPC advertising?

Understanding of target audience, keyword research, crafting compelling ad copy, landing page optimization, data analysis, and familiarity with bidding strategies are key.

2. How much time should I dedicate to managing my PPC campaigns?

The time commitment depends on campaign complexity and budget. Start with 15-30 minutes daily and adjust based on results. Consider outsourcing if needed.

3. Can I achieve good results with a small PPC budget?

Yes! Start small, focus on targeted campaigns, and optimize for conversions. Utilize free tools and resources effectively.

4. What are some common PPC mistakes to avoid?

Ignoring negative feedback, neglecting landing page optimization, using irrelevant keywords, and not tracking conversions are common pitfalls.

5. Where can I find more resources on PPC advertising?

Platform-specific resources, industry blogs, online courses, and communities of PPC professionals offer valuable insights and best practices.


Mastering PPC advertising empowers you to reach your target audience, generate leads, and drive sales effectively. By implementing the strategies outlined in this article, combined with continued learning and a data-driven approach, you can transform clicks into valuable customers and fuel your business growth.

Remember, PPC is a journey, not a destination. Adapt your strategies, embrace new technologies, and stay updated with industry trends to ensure your campaigns remain competitive and deliver maximum ROI.

At ProfileTree, we offer extensive digital training, covering social media, content creation, web design, digital sales and more. We can provide you with a professional approach, so that you can use your pay per click training to create a winning campaign. If you would like more than a helping hand, we can also create PPC ad packages that are guaranteed to achieve your desired results.
Contact us here or use any of the links below. We can’t wait to work with you!

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