How to block a website on Chrome

Blocking a website is useful for many reasons, it might be to protect children from harmful content, or within the workplace to avoid time wasting or access to unsuitable websites. Whatever the reason may be, there is a number of tools at your disposal for ensuring safe and secure browsing online.

In this article, we’ve outlined a number of ways that you can block a website on Chrome. Some of these methods will only work on one device and some block websites across a whole network. Depending on your requirements and level of digital knowledge, you can choose the most suitable method for blocking a website on Chrome. 

How to block a website on Chrome? 

Google Chrome is without a doubt the most popular search engine in the world. The search engine giant will often block a website from search engine results if the content is deemed unsafe or harmful, however, this isn’t simply enough when you need to block certain websites as a school, parent or employer.

Check out these methods on how to block a website on Chrome below: 

Block a website on Chrome manually 

You can block a website on Chrome manually by changing your settings on the search engine platform, follow these simple and easy steps:

  1. Open Google Chrome on your computer.
  2. Click on the three vertical dots in the top-right corner of the Chrome window to open the Chrome menu.
  3. From the menu, select “Settings.”
  4. In the Settings tab, scroll down and click on “Advanced” to expand the advanced settings.
  5. Under the “Privacy and Security” section, click on “Site settings.”
  6. In the Site settings, click on “Block” under the “Permissions” section.
  7. Scroll down and click on “Add” next to the “Block” section.
  8. Enter the website URL that you want to block in the “Site” field (e.g.,
  9. Click on the “Add” button to add the website to the block list.
  10. Close the settings tab.

Once you have blocked a website, whenever you or anyone using your computer tries to access that website using Google Chrome, they will see a message indicating that the website is blocked.

How to block a website on chrome
How to block a website on Chrome

Please note that when you block a website on Chrome with this method, it will only affect that specific device. It won’t block the website on other browsers or devices connected to the same network. 

If you want to block a website across multiple devices or on your network, you may need to explore other methods like configuring your router settings or using parental control software.

Add a blocking extension

You can also add a blocking extension to your Google Chrome browser. This will do all the hard work for you, so you don’t have to go into the browser settings every time you want to block a certain website. 

Simply add the extension from the Playstore and paste the URL of the websites that you don’t want your Chrome browser to load. You can find both paid and free extensions, the one that we recommend is BlockSite, which is also a free version.

Do be wary of some blocking extensions though as some versions may retrieve your data to sell to third parties. 

Block a website through the Wi-Fi network 

You can also block a website by configuring the Wi-Fi network that your device is connected to. This a good option if you need to block a website on a number of devices, i.e.) in a school, university or workplace. 

The steps may vary depending on the make and model of your router, but here is a general outline of the process:

Access your router’s settings

Connect your computer to the Wi-Fi network provided by your router. Open a web browser and enter the default IP address of your router in the address bar. The default IP address is often printed on the router itself or can be found in the router’s documentation.

Login to the router’s admin panel

Enter the username and password to access the router’s administration panel. The default login credentials are usually mentioned on the router or in the documentation. If you have changed them before, use the updated credentials.

Locate the website blocking settings

The exact location of the website blocking settings may vary depending on your router’s interface. Look for options like “Parental Controls,” “Access Control,” or “Firewall” in the router’s settings menu.

Add the website to the block list

In the appropriate section, you should find an option to add websites to block. Enter the URL of the website you want to block (e.g., and save the settings. Some routers may also allow you to set specific time restrictions or block websites based on keywords or categories.

Apply the settings and restart the router

Once you have added the website to the blocked list, apply the settings and, if required, restart the router for the changes to take effect. It can sometimes take a few hours for the changes to take full effect. 

Please note that the process may vary depending on your router’s brand and model. If you are unsure about the specific steps or need more guidance, it’s recommended to refer to the documentation provided with your router or visit the manufacturer’s support website for detailed instructions. 

If you are blocking a website in order to safeguard children, it is recommended that you get an I.T. professional to conduct this process as it may leave you open to legal repercussions if it is done incorrectly. 

Now that you know how to block a website on Chrome, you might also find this article on How to Unblock a Website useful.

ProfileTree: Website Design and Development Agency 

ProfileTree is an award-winning website design and development agency. We specialise in a range of digital marketing tactics including SEO and Content Marketing. If you would like to learn more about managing your website or online presence, you can give us a call to discuss digital training sessions. 

Want to know more tips and tricks you can use? Check out these articles: How to find the publisher of a website | How to clear cookies from a website | What is a static website?.

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